File: omronsentech_camera/GetGenICamNodeInfo.srv
Raw Message Definition
string module_name # Name of the module
string node_name # Name of the GenICam node. Use "Root" to
# get the top level of the node.
string name # Name of the genicam node (same as node_name)
string description # Description
string name_space # GenICam namespace of the node
string interface_type # data type of the node value
string access_mode # access mode of the node
string is_cachable # cachable setting for the node value
string visibility # visibility of the node
string caching_mode # caching mode of the mode
bool is_streamable # is node streamable
string[] enum_value_str_list # list of the enumeration symbolic name if the
# node is an enumeration node. Empty otherwise
int64[] enum_value_int_list # list of the integer value corresponds to the
# symbolic name if the node is an enumeration
# node. Empty otherwise
string current_value # Current value of the node in string
string min_value # minimum value (if node value interface is
# integer or float). 0 otherwise
string max_value # maximum value (if node value interface is
# integer or float). 0 otherwise
string increment # increment (step)
string unit # unit of the node value if applicable. Empty
# otherwise
string[] child_node_list # List of the child node if the node is a
# categorical node. Empty otherwise
Compact Message Definition
string module_name
string node_name
string name
string description
string name_space
string interface_type
string access_mode
string is_cachable
string visibility
string caching_mode
bool is_streamable
string[] enum_value_str_list
int64[] enum_value_int_list
string current_value
string min_value
string max_value
string increment
string unit
string[] child_node_list