File: mbf_msgs/ExePath.action
Action Definition
# Follow the given path until completion or failure
nav_msgs/Path path
# Controller to use; defaults to the first one specified on "controllers" parameter
string controller
# use different slots for concurrency
uint8 concurrency_slot
# define goal tolerance for the action
bool tolerance_from_action
float32 dist_tolerance
float32 angle_tolerance
# Predefined success codes:
uint8 SUCCESS = 0
# 1..9 are reserved as plugin specific non-error results
# Predefined error codes:
uint8 FAILURE = 100 # Unspecified failure, only used for old, non-mfb_core based plugins
uint8 CANCELED = 101
uint8 NO_VALID_CMD = 102
uint8 PAT_EXCEEDED = 103
uint8 COLLISION = 104
uint8 OSCILLATION = 105
uint8 ROBOT_STUCK = 106
uint8 MISSED_GOAL = 107
uint8 MISSED_PATH = 108
uint8 BLOCKED_PATH = 109
uint8 INVALID_PATH = 110
uint8 TF_ERROR = 111
uint8 INVALID_PLUGIN = 113
uint8 INTERNAL_ERROR = 114
uint8 OUT_OF_MAP = 115 # The start and / or the goal are outside the map
uint8 MAP_ERROR = 116 # The map is not running properly
uint8 STOPPED = 117 # The controller execution has been stopped rigorously.
# 121..149 are reserved as plugin specific errors
uint32 outcome
string message
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped final_pose
float32 dist_to_goal
float32 angle_to_goal
# Outcome of most recent controller cycle. Same values as in result
uint32 outcome
string message
float32 dist_to_goal
float32 angle_to_goal
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped current_pose
geometry_msgs/TwistStamped last_cmd_vel # last command calculated by the controller