Source code for lkh_solver.solver

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import math
import time
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
# Own modules
from . import parser

[docs]class SolverParameters(object): _isfrozen = False ascent_candidates = 50 """The number of candidate edges to be associated with each node during the ascent. The candidate set is complemented such that every candidate edge is associated with both its two end nodes.""" backbone_trials = 0 """The number of backbone trials in each run.""" backtracking = False """Specifies whether a backtracking `K`-opt move is to be used as the first move in a sequence of moves (where `K = move_type`)""" extra_candidates = 0 """Number of extra candidate edges to be added to the candidate set of each node.""" kicks = 1 """Specifies the number of times to "kick" a tour found by Lin-Kernighan. Each kick is a random K-swap kick. However, if KICKS is zero, then LKH's special kicking strategy, `WALK`, is used in stead""" kick_type = 0 """Specifies the value of K for a random K-swap kick (an extension of the double-bridge move). If `KICK_TYPE` is zero, then the LKH's special kicking strategy, `WALK`, is used.""" max_candidates = 30 """The maximum number of candidate edges to be associated with each node. Default: 30""" max_trials = 1000 """The maximum number of trials in each run.""" move_type = 5 """Specifies the sequential move type to be used in local search. A value `K >= 2` signifies that a sequential `K`-opt move is to be used.""" population_size = 1 """Specifies the maximum size of the population in LKH's genetic algorithm. Tours found by the first `POPULATION_SIZE` runs constitute an initial population of tours. In each of the remaining runs two tours (parents) from the current population is recombined into a new tour (child) using a variant of the Edge Recombination Crossover (ERX). The parents are chosen with random linear bias towards the best members of the population. The child is used as initial tour for the next run. If this run produces a tour better than the worst tour of the population, then the resulting tour replaces the worst tour. Premature convergence is avoided by requiring that all tours in the population have different costs.""" precision = 10 """The internal precision in the representation of transformed distances (10 corresponds to 2 decimal places)""" runs = 1 """The total number of runs.""" seed = 1 """Specifies the initial seed for random number generation.""" trace_level = 1 """Specifies the level of detail of the output given during the solution process. The value 0 signifies a minimum amount of output. The higher the value is the more information is given""" def __init__(self): self._freeze() def __repr__(self): output = '' for name in dir(self): attr = getattr(self, name) if not name.startswith('_') and not callable(attr): output += '{0}: {1}\n'.format(name.upper(), attr) output = output[:-1] # Remove last new line return output def __setattr__(self, key, value): if self._isfrozen and not hasattr(self, key): raise TypeError( '{} is a frozen class'.format(type(self)) ) object.__setattr__(self, key, value) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def _freeze(self): self._isfrozen = True
[docs] def initialized(self): """ Return `True` if the parameters have been initialized. `False` otherwise. """ initialized = True for name in dir(self): attr = getattr(self, name) if name.startswith('_') or callable(attr): continue if attr is None: initialized = False break return initialized
[docs]def lkh_solver(problem_file, params, pkg='lkh_solver', rosnode='lkh_solver', working_path='/tmp/lkh'): """ Run the `lkh_solver` on the given `problem_file`. The `lkh_solver` node will generate several files (`.par`, `.pi`, `.tour`, etc) that can be used for debugging. Parameters ---------- problem_file: str The problem file using the TSPLIB format. The expected extension of the file is `.tsp`. params: SolverParameters Parameters to be pased to the LKH solver. See :class:`SolverParameters` for details. pkg: str ROS package where the solver is available rosnode: str ROS node of the solver working_path: str Path to be used by the LKH solver to store the required intermediate files Returns ------- tour: list The near-optimal tour found using the LKH heuristics. info: dict Extra information about the solver call. It includes the CPU time, `stdout` and `stderr` """ starttime = time.time() # Check parameters have been initialized if not params.initialized(): raise ValueError('SolverParameters have not been initialized') # Create a TMP folder required for the GTSP solver def create_dir(dpath): if not os.path.isdir(dpath): try: os.makedirs(dpath) except OSError: raise OSError('Failed to create: {}'.format(dpath)) tmp_path = os.path.join(working_path, 'TMP') create_dir(working_path) create_dir(tmp_path) # Generate the parameters file basename = parser.write_parameters_file(problem_file, params, working_path) # Call the LKH solver if params.trace_level > 0: outpipe = None else: outpipe = PIPE process = Popen(['rosrun', pkg, rosnode, basename+'.par'], cwd=working_path, stdout=outpipe, stderr=outpipe) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() # Read the tour tour_filename = basename+'.tour' tour = None if os.path.isfile(tour_filename): tour = parser.read_tsplib_tour(tour_filename) cpu_time = time.time() - starttime # Extra info info = dict() info['cpu_time'] = cpu_time info['stdout'] = stdout info['stderr'] = stderr # Clean up os.remove(basename+'.pi') os.rmdir(tmp_path) return tour, info