ASCII< CharType > Member List

This is the complete list of members for ASCII< CharType >, including all inherited members.

Ch typedefASCII< CharType >
Decode(InputStream &is, unsigned *codepoint)ASCII< CharType >inlinestatic
Encode(OutputStream &os, unsigned codepoint)ASCII< CharType >inlinestatic
EncodeUnsafe(OutputStream &os, unsigned codepoint)ASCII< CharType >inlinestatic
Put(OutputByteStream &os, Ch c)ASCII< CharType >inlinestatic
PutBOM(OutputByteStream &os)ASCII< CharType >inlinestatic
supportUnicode enum valueASCII< CharType >
Take(InputByteStream &is)ASCII< CharType >inlinestatic
TakeBOM(InputByteStream &is)ASCII< CharType >inlinestatic
Validate(InputStream &is, OutputStream &os)ASCII< CharType >inlinestatic

Author(s): Livox Dev Team
autogenerated on Mon Mar 15 2021 02:40:46