File: kvh_geo_fog_3d_msgs/KvhGeoFog3DSystemState.msg
Raw Message Definition
# System Status message for the KVH GEO FOG 3D
# All fields with units of measure are accompanied by suffixes listed here.
# These fields mirror exactly what comes out of the KVH INS, and thus
# may or may not conform to ROS REP 103.
# Suffixes used in this file:
# s - seconds
# us - microseconds
# rad - radians
# m - meters
# mps - meters per second
# g - g-force
# rad_per_s - radians per second
# The coordinate frame in header.frame_id is centered at the center base of
# the sensor, with X pointing forward, Y pointing right, and Z pointing
# downward. All values are with respect to this coordinate frame.
# Notably, this does not comply with ROS REP 105, but is standard practice
# amongs localization system providers.
# ROS message header.
# header.stamp specifies the ROS time for this measurement. Satellite
# time is reported as unix_time_s and unix_time_us.
Header header
# System status bitmask, as reported by the KVH GEO FOG 3D.
# Each bit is a boolean representing a specific subsystem.
# Bits:
# 0 - System Failure
# 1 - Accelerometer sensor failure
# 2 - Gyroscope sensor failure
# 3 - Magnetometer sensor failure
# 4 - Pressure sensor failure
# 5 - GNSS failure
# 6 - Accelerometer over range
# 7 - Gyroscope over range
# 8 - Magnetometer over range
# 9 - Pressure over range
# 10 - Minimum temperature alarm
# 11 - Maximum temperature alarm
# 12 - Low voltage alarm
# 13 - High voltage alarm
# 14 - GNSS antenna disconnected
# 15 - Data output overflow alarm
uint16 system_status
# Filter status bitmask, as reported by the KVH GEO FOG 3D.
# Each bit is a boolean representing a specific subsystem.
# Bits:
# 0 - Orientation filter initialized
# 1 - Navigation filter initialized
# 2 - Heading initialized
# 3 - UTC Time initialized
# 4-6 - GNSS fix status (see below)
# 7 - Event 1 occurred
# 8 - Event 2 occurred
# 9 - Internal GNSS enabled
# 10 - Dual antenna heading active
# 11 - Velocity heading enabled
# 12 - Atmospheric altitude enabled
# 13 - External position active
# 14 - External velocity active
# 15 - External heading active
# GNSS fix status values (3 bits represented as unsigned integer):
# 0 - No GNSS fix
# 1 - 2D GNSS fix
# 2 - 3D NGSS fix
# 3 - SBAS GNSS fix
# 4 - Differential GNSS fix
# 5 - Omnistar/Starfire GNSS fix
# 6 - RTK Float GNSS fix
# 7 - RTK Fixed GNSS fix
uint16 filter_status
# UTC time in seconds since January 1st, 1970, including leap seconds
uint32 unix_time_s
# Sub-second component of time, represented as microseconds since the last
# second. [0,999999]
uint32 unix_time_us
# Latitude, in radians
float64 latitude_rad
# Longitude, in radians
float64 longitude_rad
# Height above WGS84 ellipsoid, in meters.
float64 height_m
# Velocity with respect to true north, in meters per second
float32 absolute_velocity_north_mps
# Eastward velocity in the right-handed coordinate frame northward pointing towards
# true north, in meters per second
float32 absolute_velocity_east_mps
# Downward velocity in the right-handed coordinate frame northward pointing towards
# true north, in meters per second
float32 absolute_velocity_down_mps
# If mounted to the vehicle rigidly with the suggested orientation from KVH
# (X points forward, Y points right, Z points down), then body_acceleration_x
# is the acceleration front to back, with positive (+) values meaning vehicle
# acceleration forward.
float32 body_acceleration_x_mps
# If mounted to the vehicle rigidly with the suggested orientation from KVH
# (X points forward, Y points right, Z points down), then body_acceleration_y
# is the acceleration sideways, with positive (+) values meaning vehicle
# accelerating to the right.
float32 body_acceleration_y_mps
# If mounted to the vehicle rigidly with the suggested orientation from KVH
# (X points forward, Y points right, Z points down), then body_acceleration_z
# is the acceleration up and down, with positive (+) values meaning vehicle
# acceleration downward.
float32 body_acceleration_z_mps
# Acceleration on the system, represented as g-force.
float32 g_force_g
# Roll of the system off of gravitational level, in radians
# [-pi,pi)
float32 roll_rad
# Pitch of the system off of gravitational level, in radians
# [-pi,pi)
float32 pitch_rad
# Heading angle of the system with respect to true north, in radians
# [0,2*pi)
float32 heading_rad
# Angular velocity of the system about the X axis, in radians per second.
float32 angular_velocity_x_rad_per_s
# Angular velocity of the system about the Y axis, in radians per second.
float32 angular_velocity_y_rad_per_s
# Angular velocity of the system about the Z axis, in radians per second.
float32 angular_velocity_z_rad_per_s
# Standard deviation of latitude, in meters
float32 latitude_stddev_m
# Standard deviation of longitude, in meters
float32 longitude_stddev_m
# Standard deviation of height, in meters
float32 height_stddev_m
Compact Message Definition
std_msgs/Header header
uint16 system_status
uint16 filter_status
uint32 unix_time_s
uint32 unix_time_us
float64 latitude_rad
float64 longitude_rad
float64 height_m
float32 absolute_velocity_north_mps
float32 absolute_velocity_east_mps
float32 absolute_velocity_down_mps
float32 body_acceleration_x_mps
float32 body_acceleration_y_mps
float32 body_acceleration_z_mps
float32 g_force_g
float32 roll_rad
float32 pitch_rad
float32 heading_rad
float32 angular_velocity_x_rad_per_s
float32 angular_velocity_y_rad_per_s
float32 angular_velocity_z_rad_per_s
float32 latitude_stddev_m
float32 longitude_stddev_m
float32 height_stddev_m