Todo List
Class kvh::Driver

Add functions for changing output packets and packet rate

Make packet output rate variable

Member kvh::Driver::DecodePacket (an_packet_t *)

replace if(debug) statements with logging

Should decode packets be moved out of driver?

Member kvh::KvhDeviceConfig::SetBaudRate (std::string _port, int _curBaudRate, int _primaryBaudRate, int _gpioBaudRate=115200, int _auxBaudRate=115200)

Add way to set gpio and auxiliary baud rates to their current values

Figure out how this function may be tested better

Member kvh::KvhPacketStorage::PrintPacketSizes ()
This maybe should be moved to global scope
Member kvh::KvhPacketStorage::PrintPacketTypes ()
This maybe should be moved to global scope
File kvh_geo_fog_3d_node.cpp
Switch publishers to DiagnosticPublisher, which will let us track frequencies (see
page Main Page
What are the defaults?
Member SetupUpdater (diagnostic_updater::Updater *_diagnostics, mitre::KVH::DiagnosticsContainer *_diagContainer)

This should probably contain the serial number of the unit, but we only get that after a message read

Add a diagnostics expected packet frequency for important packets and verify

Author(s): Trevor Bostic , Zach LaCelle
autogenerated on Fri Jan 24 2020 03:18:17