126 #endif // HARDWARE_INTERFACE_IMU_SENSOR_INTERFACE_H double * angular_velocity_covariance
A pointer to the storage of the angular velocity covariance value: a row major 3x3 matrix about (x...
const double * getOrientation() const
double * orientation
A pointer to the storage of the orientation value: a quaternion (x,y,z,w)
ImuSensorHandle(const Data &data=Data())
std::string getFrameId() const
const double * getAngularVelocityCovariance() const
Hardware interface to support reading the state of an IMU sensor.
const double * getAngularVelocity() const
const double * getLinearAcceleration() const
const double * getLinearAccelerationCovariance() const
const double * linear_acceleration_covariance_
const double * angular_velocity_covariance_
double * linear_acceleration
A pointer to the storage of the linear acceleration value: a triplet (x,y,z)
std::string frame_id
The reference frame to which this sensor is associated.
const double * linear_acceleration_
const double * orientation_covariance_
A handle used to read the state of a IMU sensor.
double * angular_velocity
A pointer to the storage of the angular velocity value: a triplet (x,y,z)
double * linear_acceleration_covariance
A pointer to the storage of the linear acceleration covariance value: a row major 3x3 matrix about (x...
Base class for handling hardware resources.
const double * angular_velocity_
std::string name
The name of the sensor.
const double * orientation_
const double * getOrientationCovariance() const
ImuSensorHandle(const std::string &name, const std::string &frame_id, const double *orientation, const double *orientation_covariance, const double *angular_velocity, const double *angular_velocity_covariance, const double *linear_acceleration, const double *linear_acceleration_covariance)
std::string getName() const
double * orientation_covariance
A pointer to the storage of the orientation covariance value: a row major 3x3 matrix about (x...