Namespaces | Functions
blend.h File Reference
#include <color_util/types.h>
#include <algorithm>
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template<typename hsva >
hsva color_util::hueBlend (const hsva &color_a, const hsva &color_b, double ratio)
 Return a color that is a linear blending of color_a and color_b in hsv space. More...
color_util::ColorHSVA color_util::hueBlendPlus (const color_util::ColorHSVA &color_a, const color_util::ColorHSVA &color_b, double ratio)
 Return a color that blends color_a and color_b in hsv space, using the shortest distance between the hues. More...
template<typename rgba >
rgba color_util::rgbaBlend (const rgba &color_a, const rgba &color_b, double ratio)
 Return a color that is a linear blending of color_a and color_b in rgba space. More...

autogenerated on Sun Jan 10 2021 04:08:24