Caccess | |
Carma_ascend_sort_helper< eT > | |
Carma_ascend_sort_helper< std::complex< T > > | |
Carma_blas_type_only< T > | |
Carma_blas_type_only< double > | |
Carma_blas_type_only< float > | |
Carma_blas_type_only< std::complex< double > > | |
Carma_blas_type_only< std::complex< float > > | |
Carma_config | |
Carma_counter< eT > | |
Carma_counter< T > | |
Carma_Cube_only< T > | |
Carma_Cube_only< Cube< eT > > | |
Carma_cx_median_packet< T > | |
Carma_cx_only< T > | |
Carma_cx_only< std::complex< double > > | |
Carma_cx_only< std::complex< float > > | |
Carma_descend_sort_helper< eT > | |
Carma_descend_sort_helper< std::complex< T > > | |
Cjunk::arma_elem_size_test | |
Carma_empty_class | |
Carma_float_only< T > | |
Carma_float_only< double > | |
Carma_float_only< float > | |
Carma_float_or_cx_only< T > | |
Carma_float_or_cx_only< double > | |
Carma_float_or_cx_only< float > | |
Carma_float_or_cx_only< std::complex< double > > | |
Carma_float_or_cx_only< std::complex< float > > | |
Carma_glue_rel_only< T > | |
Carma_glue_rel_only< glue_rel_eq > | |
Carma_glue_rel_only< glue_rel_gt > | |
Carma_glue_rel_only< glue_rel_gteq > | |
Carma_glue_rel_only< glue_rel_lt > | |
Carma_glue_rel_only< glue_rel_lteq > | |
Carma_glue_rel_only< glue_rel_noteq > | |
Carma_integral_only< T > | |
Carma_integral_only< s16 > | |
Carma_integral_only< s32 > | |
Carma_integral_only< s8 > | |
Carma_integral_only< u16 > | |
Carma_integral_only< u32 > | |
Carma_integral_only< u8 > | |
Carma_Mat_Col_Row_only< T > | |
Carma_Mat_Col_Row_only< Col< eT > > | |
Carma_Mat_Col_Row_only< Mat< eT > > | |
Carma_Mat_Col_Row_only< Row< eT > > | |
Carma_not_cx< T > | |
Carma_not_cx< std::complex< T > > | |
Carma_not_op_rel< T > | |
Carma_not_op_rel< op_rel_eq > | |
Carma_not_op_rel< op_rel_gt_post > | |
Carma_not_op_rel< op_rel_gt_pre > | |
Carma_not_op_rel< op_rel_gteq_post > | |
Carma_not_op_rel< op_rel_gteq_pre > | |
Carma_not_op_rel< op_rel_lt_post > | |
Carma_not_op_rel< op_rel_lt_pre > | |
Carma_not_op_rel< op_rel_lteq_post > | |
Carma_not_op_rel< op_rel_lteq_pre > | |
Carma_not_op_rel< op_rel_noteq > | |
Carma_op_rel_only< T > | |
Carma_op_rel_only< op_rel_eq > | |
Carma_op_rel_only< op_rel_gt_post > | |
Carma_op_rel_only< op_rel_gt_pre > | |
Carma_op_rel_only< op_rel_gteq_post > | |
Carma_op_rel_only< op_rel_gteq_pre > | |
Carma_op_rel_only< op_rel_lt_post > | |
Carma_op_rel_only< op_rel_lt_pre > | |
Carma_op_rel_only< op_rel_lteq_post > | |
Carma_op_rel_only< op_rel_lteq_pre > | |
Carma_op_rel_only< op_rel_noteq > | |
Carma_ostream | |
Carma_ostream_state | |
Carma_scalar_only< T > | |
Carma_scalar_only< double > | |
Carma_scalar_only< float > | |
Carma_scalar_only< s16 > | |
Carma_scalar_only< s32 > | |
Carma_scalar_only< s8 > | |
Carma_scalar_only< std::complex< T > > | |
Carma_scalar_only< u16 > | |
Carma_scalar_only< u32 > | |
Carma_scalar_only< u8 > | |
Carma_signed_integral_only< T > | |
Carma_signed_integral_only< s16 > | |
Carma_signed_integral_only< s32 > | |
Carma_signed_integral_only< s8 > | |
Carma_signed_only< T > | |
Carma_signed_only< double > | |
Carma_signed_only< float > | |
Carma_signed_only< s16 > | |
Carma_signed_only< s32 > | |
Carma_signed_only< s8 > | |
Carma_signed_only< std::complex< T > > | |
Carma_sort_index_packet_ascend< T1, T2 > | |
Carma_sort_index_packet_descend< T1, T2 > | |
Carma_type_check_cxx1998< ERROR___INCORRECT_OR_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE > | |
Carma_type_check_cxx1998< false > | |
Carma_unsigned_integral_only< T > | |
Carma_unsigned_integral_only< u16 > | |
Carma_unsigned_integral_only< u32 > | |
Carma_unsigned_integral_only< u8 > | |
Carma_version | |
Carrayops | |
Cas_scalar_redirect< N > | |
Cas_scalar_redirect< 2 > | |
Cas_scalar_redirect< 3 > | |
Cauxlib | Wrapper for accessing external functions defined in ATLAS, LAPACK or BLAS libraries |
CBase< elem_type, derived > | |
►CBase< elem_type, Mat< elem_type > > | |
CMat< elem_type > | |
►CBase< eT, diagview< eT > > | |
Cdiagview< eT > | Class for storing data required to extract and set the diagonals of a matrix |
►CBase< eT, Gen< eT, gen_type > > | |
CGen< eT, gen_type > | Support class for generator functions (eg. zeros, randu, randn, ...) |
►CBase< eT, Mat< eT > > | |
►CMat< eT > | Dense matrix class |
►CCol< eT > | Class for column vectors (matrices with only one column) |
CCol< eT >::fixed< fixed_n_elem > | |
CMat< eT >::fixed< fixed_n_rows, fixed_n_cols > | |
►CRow< eT > | Class for row vectors (matrices with only one row) |
CRow< eT >::fixed< fixed_n_elem > | |
►CBase< eT, subview< eT > > | |
►Csubview< eT > | |
Csubview_col< eT > | |
Csubview_row< eT > | |
►CBase< eT, subview_elem1< eT, T1 > > | |
Csubview_elem1< eT, T1 > | |
►CBase< eT1, Mat< eT1 > > | |
►CMat< eT1 > | |
CCol< eT1 > | |
CRow< eT1 > | |
►CBase< out_eT, Mat< out_eT > > | |
CMat< out_eT > | |
►CBase< out_eT, mtGlue< out_eT, T1, T2, glue_type > > | |
CmtGlue< out_eT, T1, T2, glue_type > | |
►CBase< out_eT, mtOp< out_eT, T1, op_type > > | |
CmtOp< out_eT, T1, op_type > | |
►CBase< T, Mat< T > > | |
CMat< T > | |
►CBase< T1::elem_type, eGlue< T1, T2, eglue_type > > | |
CeGlue< T1, T2, eglue_type > | |
►CBase< T1::elem_type, eOp< T1, eop_type > > | |
CeOp< T1, eop_type > | |
►CBase< T1::elem_type, Glue< T1, T2, glue_type > > | |
CGlue< T1, T2, glue_type > | |
►CBase< T1::elem_type, Op< T1, op_type > > | |
COp< T1, op_type > | |
CBase< uword, T1 > | |
►CBaseCube< elem_type, derived > | Analog of the Base class, intended for cubes |
CCube< elem_type > | |
CCube< out_eT > | |
►CBaseCube< eT, Cube< eT > > | |
►CCube< eT > | Dense cube class |
CCube< eT >::fixed< fixed_n_rows, fixed_n_cols, fixed_n_slices > | |
►CBaseCube< eT, GenCube< eT, gen_type > > | |
CGenCube< eT, gen_type > | Support class for generator functions (eg. zeros, randu, randn, ...) |
►CBaseCube< eT, subview_cube< eT > > | |
Csubview_cube< eT > | |
►CBaseCube< out_eT, mtGlueCube< out_eT, T1, T2, glue_type > > | |
CmtGlueCube< out_eT, T1, T2, glue_type > | |
►CBaseCube< out_eT, mtOpCube< out_eT, T1, op_type > > | |
CmtOpCube< out_eT, T1, op_type > | |
►CBaseCube< T1::elem_type, eGlueCube< T1, T2, eglue_type > > | |
CeGlueCube< T1, T2, eglue_type > | |
►CBaseCube< T1::elem_type, eOpCube< T1, eop_type > > | |
CeOpCube< T1, eop_type > | |
►CBaseCube< T1::elem_type, GlueCube< T1, T2, glue_type > > | |
CGlueCube< T1, T2, glue_type > | Analog of the Glue class, intended for Cube objects |
►CBaseCube< T1::elem_type, OpCube< T1, op_type > > | |
COpCube< T1, op_type > | Analog of the Op class, intended for cubes |
Carma_boost::basic_format< T1, T2 > | |
Carma_boost::basic_format_only< T > | |
Carma_boost::basic_format_only< basic_format< T1, T2 > > | |
Carma_boost::char_only< T > | |
Carma_boost::char_only< char > | |
Cfield< oT >::const_iterator | |
CMat< eT >::const_row_iterator | |
Cconv_to< out_eT > | |
Cconv_to< Col< out_eT > > | |
Cconv_to< Cube< out_eT > > | Conversion to Armadillo cubes from Armadillo BaseCube objects |
Cconv_to< itpp::Mat< out_eT > > | Conversion to itpp::Mat from Armadillo Base objects |
Cconv_to< itpp::Vec< out_eT > > | Conversion to itpp::Vec from Armadillo Base objects |
Cconv_to< Mat< out_eT > > | |
Cconv_to< Row< out_eT > > | |
Cconv_to< std::vector< out_eT > > | Conversion to std::vector from Armadillo Base objects |
CCube_aux | |
CCube_prealloc | |
Cdepth_lhs< glue_type, T1 > | Template metaprogram depth_lhs calculates the number of Glue<Tx,Ty, glue_type> instances on the left hand side argument of Glue<Tx,Ty, glue_type> i.e. it recursively expands each Tx, until the type of Tx is not "Glue<..,.., glue_type>" (i.e the "glue_type" changes) |
Cdepth_lhs< glue_type, Glue< T1, T2, glue_type > > | |
Cdiagmat_proxy< T1 > | |
Cdiagmat_proxy< Col< eT > > | |
Cdiagmat_proxy< Mat< eT > > | |
Cdiagmat_proxy< Row< eT > > | |
Cdiagmat_proxy_check< T1 > | |
Cdiagmat_proxy_check< Col< eT > > | |
Cdiagmat_proxy_check< Mat< eT > > | |
Cdiagmat_proxy_check< Row< eT > > | |
Cdiskio | Class for saving and loading matrices and fields |
Ceglue_core< eglue_type > | |
►Ceglue_core< eglue_div > | |
Ceglue_div | |
►Ceglue_core< eglue_minus > | |
Ceglue_minus | |
►Ceglue_core< eglue_plus > | |
Ceglue_plus | |
►Ceglue_core< eglue_schur > | |
Ceglue_schur | |
Ceop_aux | |
Ceop_aux_randn< eT > | |
Ceop_aux_randn< std::complex< T > > | |
Ceop_aux_randu< eT > | |
Ceop_aux_randu< std::complex< T > > | |
Ceop_core< eop_type > | |
►Ceop_core< eop_abs > | |
Ceop_abs | |
►Ceop_core< eop_acos > | |
Ceop_acos | |
►Ceop_core< eop_acosh > | |
Ceop_acosh | |
►Ceop_core< eop_asin > | |
Ceop_asin | |
►Ceop_core< eop_asinh > | |
Ceop_asinh | |
►Ceop_core< eop_atan > | |
Ceop_atan | |
►Ceop_core< eop_atanh > | |
Ceop_atanh | |
►Ceop_core< eop_ceil > | |
Ceop_ceil | |
►Ceop_core< eop_conj > | |
Ceop_conj | |
►Ceop_core< eop_cos > | |
Ceop_cos | |
►Ceop_core< eop_cosh > | |
Ceop_cosh | |
►Ceop_core< eop_eps > | |
Ceop_eps | |
►Ceop_core< eop_exp > | |
Ceop_exp | |
►Ceop_core< eop_exp10 > | |
Ceop_exp10 | |
►Ceop_core< eop_exp2 > | |
Ceop_exp2 | |
►Ceop_core< eop_floor > | |
Ceop_floor | |
►Ceop_core< eop_log > | |
Ceop_log | |
►Ceop_core< eop_log10 > | |
Ceop_log10 | |
►Ceop_core< eop_log2 > | |
Ceop_log2 | |
►Ceop_core< eop_neg > | |
Ceop_neg | |
►Ceop_core< eop_pow > | |
Ceop_pow | |
►Ceop_core< eop_scalar_div_post > | |
Ceop_scalar_div_post | |
►Ceop_core< eop_scalar_div_pre > | |
Ceop_scalar_div_pre | |
►Ceop_core< eop_scalar_minus_post > | |
Ceop_scalar_minus_post | |
►Ceop_core< eop_scalar_minus_pre > | |
Ceop_scalar_minus_pre | |
►Ceop_core< eop_scalar_plus > | |
Ceop_scalar_plus | |
►Ceop_core< eop_scalar_times > | |
Ceop_scalar_times | |
►Ceop_core< eop_sin > | |
Ceop_sin | |
►Ceop_core< eop_sinh > | |
Ceop_sinh | |
►Ceop_core< eop_sqrt > | |
Ceop_sqrt | |
►Ceop_core< eop_square > | |
Ceop_square | |
►Ceop_core< eop_tan > | |
Ceop_tan | |
►Ceop_core< eop_tanh > | |
Ceop_tanh | |
►Ceop_core< eop_trunc_exp > | |
Ceop_trunc_exp | |
►Ceop_core< eop_trunc_log > | |
Ceop_trunc_log | |
CeT_promoter< T1, T2 > | |
Cfield< oT > | |
Cfield< object_type > | |
Cfield_aux | |
Cfield_injector< T1 > | |
Cfield_injector_row< oT > | |
Cfield_injector_row< object_type > | |
Cfield_prealloc_n_elem | |
Cforce_different_type< T1, T2 > | |
Cforce_different_type< T1, T1 > | |
Carma_boost::format | |
Carma_boost::format_metaprog< T1 > | |
Carma_boost::format_metaprog< basic_format< T1, T2 > > | |
Cgemm< do_trans_A, do_trans_B, use_alpha, use_beta > | Wrapper for ATLAS/BLAS dgemm function, using template arguments to control the arguments passed to dgemm. Matrix 'C' is assumed to have been set to the correct size (i.e. taking into account transposes) |
Cgemm_emul< do_trans_A, do_trans_B, use_alpha, use_beta > | |
Cgemm_emul_large< do_trans_A, do_trans_B, use_alpha, use_beta > | |
Cgemm_emul_tinysq< do_trans_A, use_alpha, use_beta > | For tiny square matrices, size <= 4x4 |
Cgemm_mixed< do_trans_A, do_trans_B, use_alpha, use_beta > | Matrix multplication where the matrices have differing element types |
Cgemm_mixed_large< do_trans_A, do_trans_B, use_alpha, use_beta > | Matrix multplication where the matrices have differing element types. Uses caching for speedup. Matrix 'C' is assumed to have been set to the correct size (i.e. taking into account transposes) |
Cgemm_mixed_small< do_trans_A, do_trans_B, use_alpha, use_beta > | |
Cgemv< do_trans_A, use_alpha, use_beta > | Wrapper for ATLAS/BLAS gemv function, using template arguments to control the arguments passed to gemv. 'y' is assumed to have been set to the correct size (i.e. taking into account the transpose) |
Cgemv_emul< do_trans_A, use_alpha, use_beta > | |
Cgemv_emul_large< do_trans_A, use_alpha, use_beta > | Partial emulation of ATLAS/BLAS gemv(). 'y' is assumed to have been set to the correct size (i.e. taking into account the transpose) |
Cgemv_emul_tinysq< do_trans_A, use_alpha, use_beta > | For tiny square matrices, size <= 4x4 |
Cget_pod_type< T1 > | |
Cget_pod_type< std::complex< T2 > > | |
Cglue_conv | |
Cglue_cor | |
Cglue_cov | |
Cglue_cross | |
Cglue_join | |
Cglue_kron | |
Cglue_mixed_div | |
Cglue_mixed_minus | |
Cglue_mixed_plus | |
Cglue_mixed_schur | |
Cglue_mixed_times | |
Cglue_rel_eq | |
Cglue_rel_gt | |
Cglue_rel_gteq | |
Cglue_rel_lt | |
Cglue_rel_lteq | |
Cglue_rel_noteq | |
Cglue_solve | |
Cglue_solve_tr | |
Cglue_times | Class which implements the immediate multiplication of two or more matrices |
Cglue_times_diag | |
Cglue_times_redirect< N > | |
Cglue_times_redirect< 3 > | |
Cglue_times_redirect< 4 > | |
Cglue_toeplitz | |
Cglue_toeplitz_circ | |
Cinjector_end_of_row | |
Cis_arma_cube_type< T1 > | |
Cis_arma_type< T1 > | |
Cis_Col< T > | |
Cis_Col< Col< eT > > | |
Cis_complex< T1 > | |
Cis_complex< std::complex< eT > > | |
Cis_complex_double< T1 > | |
Cis_complex_double< std::complex< double > > | |
Cis_complex_float< T1 > | |
Cis_complex_float< std::complex< float > > | |
Cis_Cube< T > | |
Cis_Cube< Cube< eT > > | |
Cis_diagview< T > | |
Cis_diagview< diagview< eT > > | |
Cis_double< T1 > | |
Cis_double< double > | |
Cis_eGlue< T > | |
Cis_eGlue< eGlue< T1, T2, eglue_type > > | |
Cis_eGlueCube< T > | |
Cis_eGlueCube< eGlueCube< T1, T2, eglue_type > > | |
Cis_eOp< T > | |
Cis_eOp< eOp< T1, eop_type > > | |
Cis_eOpCube< T > | |
Cis_eOpCube< eOpCube< T1, eop_type > > | |
Cis_float< T1 > | |
Cis_float< float > | |
Cis_Gen< T > | |
Cis_Gen< Gen< eT, gen_type > > | |
Cis_GenCube< T > | |
Cis_GenCube< GenCube< eT, gen_type > > | |
Cis_Glue< T > | |
Cis_Glue< Glue< T1, T2, glue_type > > | |
Cis_glue_times< T > | |
Cis_glue_times< Glue< T1, T2, glue_times > > | |
Cis_glue_times_diag< T > | |
Cis_glue_times_diag< Glue< T1, T2, glue_times_diag > > | |
Cis_GlueCube< T > | |
Cis_GlueCube< GlueCube< T1, T2, glue_type > > | |
Cis_Mat< T > | |
Cis_Mat< Col< eT > > | |
Cis_Mat< Mat< eT > > | |
Cis_Mat< Row< eT > > | |
Cis_Mat_only< T > | |
Cis_Mat_only< Mat< eT > > | |
Cis_mtGlue< T > | |
Cis_mtGlue< mtGlue< eT, T1, T2, glue_type > > | |
Cis_mtGlueCube< T > | |
Cis_mtGlueCube< mtGlueCube< eT, T1, T2, glue_type > > | |
Cis_mtOp< T > | |
Cis_mtOp< mtOp< eT, T1, op_type > > | |
Cis_mtOpCube< T > | |
Cis_mtOpCube< mtOpCube< eT, T1, op_type > > | |
Cis_non_integral< T > | |
Cis_non_integral< double > | |
Cis_non_integral< float > | |
Cis_non_integral< std::complex< double > > | |
Cis_non_integral< std::complex< float > > | |
Cis_Op< T > | |
Cis_Op< Op< T1, op_type > > | |
Cis_op_diagmat< T > | |
Cis_op_diagmat< Op< T1, op_diagmat > > | |
Cis_op_rel< T > | |
Cis_op_rel< mtOp< out_eT, T1, op_rel_eq > > | |
Cis_op_rel< mtOp< out_eT, T1, op_rel_gt_post > > | |
Cis_op_rel< mtOp< out_eT, T1, op_rel_gt_pre > > | |
Cis_op_rel< mtOp< out_eT, T1, op_rel_gteq_post > > | |
Cis_op_rel< mtOp< out_eT, T1, op_rel_gteq_pre > > | |
Cis_op_rel< mtOp< out_eT, T1, op_rel_lt_post > > | |
Cis_op_rel< mtOp< out_eT, T1, op_rel_lt_pre > > | |
Cis_op_rel< mtOp< out_eT, T1, op_rel_lteq_post > > | |
Cis_op_rel< mtOp< out_eT, T1, op_rel_lteq_pre > > | |
Cis_op_rel< mtOp< out_eT, T1, op_rel_noteq > > | |
Cis_OpCube< T > | |
Cis_OpCube< OpCube< T1, op_type > > | |
Cis_promotable< T1, T2 > | |
►Cis_promotable_ok | |
Cis_promotable< double, float > | |
Cis_promotable< double, s16 > | |
Cis_promotable< double, s32 > | |
Cis_promotable< double, s8 > | |
Cis_promotable< double, std::complex< float > > | |
Cis_promotable< double, u16 > | |
Cis_promotable< double, u32 > | |
Cis_promotable< double, u8 > | |
Cis_promotable< float, double > | |
Cis_promotable< float, s16 > | |
Cis_promotable< float, s32 > | |
Cis_promotable< float, s8 > | |
Cis_promotable< float, std::complex< double > > | |
Cis_promotable< float, u16 > | |
Cis_promotable< float, u32 > | |
Cis_promotable< float, u8 > | |
Cis_promotable< s16, double > | |
Cis_promotable< s16, float > | |
Cis_promotable< s16, s32 > | |
Cis_promotable< s16, s8 > | |
Cis_promotable< s16, std::complex< T > > | |
Cis_promotable< s16, u16 > | |
Cis_promotable< s16, u32 > | |
Cis_promotable< s16, u8 > | |
Cis_promotable< s32, double > | |
Cis_promotable< s32, float > | |
Cis_promotable< s32, s16 > | |
Cis_promotable< s32, s8 > | |
Cis_promotable< s32, std::complex< T > > | |
Cis_promotable< s32, u16 > | |
Cis_promotable< s32, u32 > | |
Cis_promotable< s32, u8 > | |
Cis_promotable< s8, double > | |
Cis_promotable< s8, float > | |
Cis_promotable< s8, s16 > | |
Cis_promotable< s8, s32 > | |
Cis_promotable< s8, std::complex< T > > | |
Cis_promotable< s8, u16 > | |
Cis_promotable< s8, u32 > | |
Cis_promotable< s8, u8 > | |
Cis_promotable< std::complex< double >, float > | |
Cis_promotable< std::complex< double >, std::complex< float > > | |
Cis_promotable< std::complex< float >, double > | |
Cis_promotable< std::complex< float >, std::complex< double > > | |
Cis_promotable< std::complex< T >, s16 > | |
Cis_promotable< std::complex< T >, s32 > | |
Cis_promotable< std::complex< T >, s8 > | |
Cis_promotable< std::complex< T >, T > | |
Cis_promotable< std::complex< T >, u16 > | |
Cis_promotable< std::complex< T >, u32 > | |
Cis_promotable< std::complex< T >, u8 > | |
Cis_promotable< T, std::complex< T > > | |
Cis_promotable< T, T > | |
Cis_promotable< u16, double > | |
Cis_promotable< u16, float > | |
Cis_promotable< u16, s16 > | |
Cis_promotable< u16, s32 > | |
Cis_promotable< u16, s8 > | |
Cis_promotable< u16, std::complex< T > > | |
Cis_promotable< u16, u32 > | |
Cis_promotable< u16, u8 > | |
Cis_promotable< u32, double > | |
Cis_promotable< u32, float > | |
Cis_promotable< u32, s16 > | |
Cis_promotable< u32, s32 > | |
Cis_promotable< u32, s8 > | |
Cis_promotable< u32, std::complex< T > > | |
Cis_promotable< u32, u16 > | |
Cis_promotable< u32, u8 > | |
Cis_promotable< u8, double > | |
Cis_promotable< u8, float > | |
Cis_promotable< u8, s16 > | |
Cis_promotable< u8, s32 > | |
Cis_promotable< u8, s8 > | |
Cis_promotable< u8, std::complex< T > > | |
Cis_promotable< u8, u16 > | |
Cis_promotable< u8, u32 > | |
Cis_Row< T > | |
Cis_Row< Row< eT > > | |
Cis_s16< T1 > | |
Cis_s16< s16 > | |
Cis_s32< T1 > | |
Cis_s32< s32 > | |
Cis_s8< T1 > | |
Cis_s8< s8 > | |
Cis_same_type< T1, T2 > | |
Cis_same_type< T1, T1 > | |
Cis_signed< T > | |
Cis_signed< u16 > | |
Cis_signed< u32 > | |
Cis_signed< u8 > | |
Cis_subview< T > | |
Cis_subview< subview< eT > > | |
Cis_subview_cube< T > | |
Cis_subview_cube< subview_cube< eT > > | |
Cis_supported_blas_type< T1 > | |
Cis_supported_complex< T1 > | Check for a weird implementation of the std::complex class |
Cis_supported_complex< std::complex< eT > > | |
Cis_supported_complex_double< T1 > | |
Cis_supported_complex_double< std::complex< double > > | |
Cis_supported_complex_float< T1 > | |
Cis_supported_complex_float< std::complex< float > > | |
Cis_supported_elem_type< T1 > | |
Cis_sword< T1 > | |
Cis_sword< sword > | |
Cis_u16< T1 > | |
Cis_u16< u16 > | |
Cis_u32< T1 > | |
Cis_u32< u32 > | |
Cis_u8< T1 > | |
Cis_u8< u8 > | |
Cis_uword< T1 > | |
Cis_uword< uword > | |
Cfield< oT >::iterator | |
Citpp::Mat< eT > | Dummy itpp::Mat class, to prevent compilation errors |
CMat_aux | |
Cmat_injector< T1 > | |
Cmat_injector_row< eT > | |
Cmat_injector_row< elem_type > | |
CMath< eT > | |
Cpriv::Math_helper | |
Cop_abs | |
Cop_cdot | |
Cop_chol | |
Cop_cor | |
Cop_cov | |
Cop_cumsum_mat | |
Cop_cumsum_vec | |
Cop_cx_scalar_div_post | |
Cop_cx_scalar_div_pre | |
Cop_cx_scalar_minus_post | |
Cop_cx_scalar_minus_pre | |
Cop_cx_scalar_plus | |
Cop_cx_scalar_times | |
Cop_diagmat | |
Cop_diagvec | |
Cop_dot | Dot product operation |
Cop_dotext | |
Cop_find | |
Cop_fliplr | |
Cop_flipud | |
Cop_htrans | 'hermitian transpose' operation |
Cop_htrans2 | |
Cop_imag | |
Cop_inv | 'invert matrix' operation (general matrices) |
Cop_inv_sympd | 'invert matrix' operation (symmetric positive definite matrices) |
Cop_inv_tr | 'invert matrix' operation (triangular matrices) |
Cop_max | Class for finding maximum values in a matrix |
Cop_mean | Class for finding mean values of a matrix |
Cop_median | Class for finding median values of a matrix |
Cop_min | Class for finding minimum values in a matrix |
Cop_norm_dot | Normalised dot product operation |
Cop_pinv | |
Cop_princomp | |
Cop_prod | Class for finding products of values in a matrix (e.g. along rows or columns) |
Cop_real | |
Cop_rel_eq | |
Cop_rel_gt_post | |
Cop_rel_gt_pre | |
Cop_rel_gteq_post | |
Cop_rel_gteq_pre | |
Cop_rel_lt_post | |
Cop_rel_lt_pre | |
Cop_rel_lteq_post | |
Cop_rel_lteq_pre | |
Cop_rel_noteq | |
Cop_repmat | |
Cop_reshape | |
Cop_resize | |
Cop_shuffle | |
Cop_sort | |
Cop_stddev | Class for finding the standard deviation |
Cop_strans | 'matrix transpose' operation |
Cop_sum | Class for finding sums of values in a matrix (e.g. along rows or columns) |
Cop_symmat | |
Cop_sympd | |
Cop_trimat | |
Cop_var | Class for finding variance values of a matrix |
Cpartial_unwrap< T1 > | |
Cpartial_unwrap< Col< eT > > | |
Cpartial_unwrap< eOp< Col< eT >, eop_scalar_times > > | |
Cpartial_unwrap< eOp< Mat< eT >, eop_scalar_times > > | |
Cpartial_unwrap< eOp< Row< eT >, eop_scalar_times > > | |
Cpartial_unwrap< eOp< T1, eop_scalar_times > > | |
Cpartial_unwrap< Mat< eT > > | |
Cpartial_unwrap< Op< Col< eT >, op_htrans > > | |
Cpartial_unwrap< Op< Col< eT >, op_htrans2 > > | |
Cpartial_unwrap< Op< Mat< eT >, op_htrans > > | |
Cpartial_unwrap< Op< Mat< eT >, op_htrans2 > > | |
Cpartial_unwrap< Op< Row< eT >, op_htrans > > | |
Cpartial_unwrap< Op< Row< eT >, op_htrans2 > > | |
Cpartial_unwrap< Op< T1, op_htrans > > | |
Cpartial_unwrap< Op< T1, op_htrans2 > > | |
Cpartial_unwrap< Row< eT > > | |
Cpartial_unwrap_check< T1 > | |
Cpartial_unwrap_check< Col< eT > > | |
Cpartial_unwrap_check< eOp< Col< eT >, eop_scalar_times > > | |
Cpartial_unwrap_check< eOp< Mat< eT >, eop_scalar_times > > | |
Cpartial_unwrap_check< eOp< Row< eT >, eop_scalar_times > > | |
Cpartial_unwrap_check< eOp< T1, eop_scalar_times > > | |
Cpartial_unwrap_check< Mat< eT > > | |
Cpartial_unwrap_check< Op< Col< eT >, op_htrans > > | |
Cpartial_unwrap_check< Op< Col< eT >, op_htrans2 > > | |
Cpartial_unwrap_check< Op< Mat< eT >, op_htrans > > | |
Cpartial_unwrap_check< Op< Mat< eT >, op_htrans2 > > | |
Cpartial_unwrap_check< Op< Row< eT >, op_htrans > > | |
Cpartial_unwrap_check< Op< Row< eT >, op_htrans2 > > | |
Cpartial_unwrap_check< Op< T1, op_htrans > > | |
Cpartial_unwrap_check< Op< T1, op_htrans2 > > | |
Cpartial_unwrap_check< Row< eT > > | |
CPhy< eT > | |
Cpodarray< eT > | A lightweight array for POD types. If the amount of memory requested is small, the stack is used |
Cpodarray< elem_type > | |
Cpodarray< field_injector_row< object_type > * > | |
Cpodarray< mat_injector_row< elem_type > * > | |
Cpodarray_prealloc_n_elem | |
Cauxlib::pos< row, col > | |
Cgemv_emul_tinysq< do_trans_A, use_alpha, use_beta >::pos< row, col > | |
Cop_strans::pos< do_flip, row, col > | |
Cpromote_type< T1, T2 > | |
CProxy< T1 > | |
CProxy< Col< eT > > | |
CProxy< diagview< eT > > | |
CProxy< eGlue< T1, T2, eglue_type > > | |
CProxy< eOp< T1, eop_type > > | |
CProxy< Gen< eT, gen_type > > | |
CProxy< Glue< T1, T2, glue_type > > | |
CProxy< Mat< eT > > | |
CProxy< mtGlue< out_eT, T1, T2, glue_type > > | |
CProxy< mtOp< out_eT, T1, op_type > > | |
CProxy< Op< T1, op_type > > | |
CProxy< Row< eT > > | |
CProxy< subview< eT > > | |
CProxy< subview_elem1< eT, T1 > > | |
CProxy< T2 > | |
CProxyCube< T1 > | |
CProxyCube< Cube< eT > > | |
CProxyCube< eGlueCube< T1, T2, eglue_type > > | |
CProxyCube< eOpCube< T1, eop_type > > | |
CProxyCube< GenCube< eT, gen_type > > | |
CProxyCube< GlueCube< T1, T2, glue_type > > | |
CProxyCube< mtGlueCube< out_eT, T1, T2, glue_type > > | |
CProxyCube< mtOpCube< out_eT, T1, op_type > > | |
CProxyCube< OpCube< T1, op_type > > | |
CProxyCube< subview_cube< eT > > | |
CProxyCube< T2 > | |
CMat< eT >::row_iterator | |
Crunning_stat< eT > | |
Crunning_stat_aux | |
Crunning_stat_vec< eT > | |
Crunning_stat_vec_aux | |
Cspan_alt | |
Cspan_base< Dummy > | |
►Cspan_base<> | |
Cspan | |
Carma_boost::string_only< T > | |
Carma_boost::string_only< std::string > | |
Cstrip_diagmat< T1 > | |
Cstrip_diagmat< Op< T1, op_diagmat > > | |
Cstrip_inv< T1 > | |
Cstrip_inv< Op< T1, op_inv > > | |
Csubview_elem2< eT, T1, T2 > | |
Csubview_field< oT > | |
Cunwrap< T1 > | |
Cunwrap< Col< eT > > | |
Cunwrap< Mat< eT > > | |
Cunwrap< mtGlue< out_eT, T1, T2, glue_type > > | |
Cunwrap< mtOp< out_eT, T1, op_type > > | |
Cunwrap< Row< eT > > | |
Cunwrap_check< T1 > | |
Cunwrap_check< Col< eT > > | |
Cunwrap_check< Mat< eT > > | |
Cunwrap_check< Row< eT > > | |
Cunwrap_check_mixed< T1 > | |
Cunwrap_check_mixed< Col< eT1 > > | |
Cunwrap_check_mixed< Mat< eT1 > > | |
Cunwrap_check_mixed< Row< eT1 > > | |
Cunwrap_cube< T1 > | |
Cunwrap_cube< Cube< eT > > | |
Cunwrap_cube_check< T1 > | |
Cunwrap_cube_check< Cube< eT > > | |
Cupgrade_val< T1, T2 > | |
Cupgrade_val< double, std::complex< float > > | |
Cupgrade_val< float, std::complex< double > > | |
Cupgrade_val< std::complex< double >, float > | Work around limitations in the complex class (at least as present in gcc 4.1 & 4.3) |
Cupgrade_val< std::complex< double >, std::complex< float > > | |
Cupgrade_val< std::complex< float >, double > | Ensure we don't lose precision when multiplying a complex number with a higher precision real number |
Cupgrade_val< std::complex< float >, std::complex< double > > | Ensure we don't lose precision when multiplying complex numbers with different underlying types |
Cupgrade_val< std::complex< T >, T2 > | |
Cupgrade_val< T, T > | |
Cupgrade_val< T1, std::complex< T > > | |
Citpp::Vec< eT > | Dummy itpp::Vec class, to prevent compilation errors |
Cwall_clock | Class for measuring time intervals |