tracetools_analysis.processor package


Module contents

Base processor module.

class tracetools_analysis.processor.AutoProcessor(events: List[tracetools_read.DictEvent], **kwargs)

Bases: object

Automatic processor, which takes a list of events and enables all relevant handlers.

It checks each existing EventHandler, and, if its required events are in the events list, it uses that handler.

static get_applicable_event_handlers(events: List[tracetools_read.DictEvent]) List[EventHandler]

Get applicable EventHandler instances for a list of events.


events – the list of events


the concrete EventHandler instances which are applicable

print_data() None

Print data models of all handlers.

class tracetools_analysis.processor.Dependant(**kwargs)

Bases: object

Object which depends on other types.

A dependant depends on other types which might have dependencies themselves. Dependencies are type-related only.

static dependencies() List[Type[Dependant]]

Get the dependencies that should also exist along with this current one.

Subclasses should override this method if they want to declare dependencies. Default: no dependencies.

class tracetools_analysis.processor.DependencySolver(*initial_dependants: Dependant, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Solve Dependant dependencies.

Post-order depth-first search (ish). Does not check for circular dependencies or other errors.

solve() List[Dependant]



the solved list, including at least the initial dependants, in order

class tracetools_analysis.processor.EventHandler(*, handler_map: Dict[str, Callable[[tracetools_read.DictEvent, EventMetadata], None]], data_model: DataModel | None = None, **kwargs)

Bases: Dependant

Base event handling class.

Provides handling functions for some events, depending on the name. Passes that on to a data model. Should be subclassed, but it is not necessary since the handling functions can be anything; therefore it does not raise any error if it is directly instantiated.

property data: DataModel

Get the data model.

finalize() None

Finalize the event handler.

This should be called at the end, once all events have been processed.

property handler_map: Dict[str, Callable[[tracetools_read.DictEvent, EventMetadata], None]]

Get the handler functions map.

static int_to_hex_str(addr: int) str

Format an int into an hex str.

classmethod process(events: List[tracetools_read.DictEvent], **kwargs) EventHandler

Create a Processor and process an instance of the class.


events – the list of events


the processor object after processing

property processor: Processor | None
register_processor(processor: Processor) None

Register processor with this EventHandler so that it can query other handlers.

static required_events() Set[str]

Get the set of events required by this EventHandler.

Without these events, the EventHandler would be invalid/useless. Inheriting classes can decide not to declare that they require specific events.

class tracetools_analysis.processor.EventMetadata(event_name: str, timestamp: int, cpu_id: int, procname: str | None = None, pid: int | None = None, tid: int | None = None)

Bases: object

Container for event metadata.

property cpu_id
property event_name
property pid
property procname
property tid
property timestamp
class tracetools_analysis.processor.ProcessingProgressDisplay(processing_elements: List[str])

Bases: object

Display processing progress periodically on stdout.

did_work(increment: int = 1) None

Increment the amount of work done.


increment – the number of units of work to add to the total

done(erase: bool = False) None

Set progress to done.


erase – whether to erase the progress message

set_work_total(total: int) None

Set the total units of work.


total – the total number of units of work to do

class tracetools_analysis.processor.Processor(*handlers: EventHandler, quiet: bool = False, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Processor class, which dispatches events to event handlers.

exception RequiredEventNotFoundError

Bases: RuntimeError

When a trace does not contain at least one event required by an EventHandler.

static get_event_names(events: List[tracetools_read.DictEvent]) Set[str]

Get set of names from a list of events.

get_handler_by_type(handler_type: Type) EventHandler | None

Get an existing EventHandler instance from its type.


handler_type – the type of EventHandler subclass to find


the EventHandler instance if found, otherwise None

print_data() None

Print processed data.

process(events: List[tracetools_read.DictEvent], erase_progress: bool = False, no_required_events_check: bool = False) None

Process all events.

  • events – the events to process

  • erase_progress – whether to erase the progress message

  • no_required_events_check – whether to skip the check for required events