Build Instructions

First, source your chosen ros2 distro.

source /opt/ros/rolling/setup.bash
source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash

Before you build, make sure you’ve installed all the dependencies…

rosdep install --ignore-src --from-paths src -y -r

Then build with colcon build…

colcon build

Operating Instructions

After you built the project don’t forget to setup your environment: First source the gazebo setup via

source /opt/ros/galactic/share/gazebo_ros/local_setup.bash

Then source the proper install folder…

source ~/<ros2_ws>/install/setup.bash

And then run the launch file…

ros2 launch sm_test_moveit_ur5_sim sm_test_moveit_ur5_sim.launch

If the simulation is not starting up properly check if your GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH is set correctly (echo $GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH). Otherwise simply set it with:

export GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH=/usr/share/gazebo-<your_gazebo_version>/

Note: Sometimes the Gazebo server is not shutdown correctly. If you cannot restart the simulation you might have to look if there is still a instance of the server (gzserver) running. You then have to end it manually. Or just run:

killall -9 gzserver

Viewer Instructions

If you have the SMACC2 Runtime Analyzer installed then type...
ros2 run smacc2_rta smacc2_rta

If you don’t have the SMACC2 Runtime Analyzer click here