
The sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test package


State Machine Diagram

! New Image required


! New Description required.

Doxygen Namespace & Class Reference

Build Instructions

First, source your chosen ros2 distro.

source /opt/ros/rolling/setup.bash
source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash

Before you build, make sure you’ve installed all the dependencies…

rosdep install --ignore-src --from-paths src -y -r

Then build with colcon build…

colcon build

Operating Instructions

After you build, remember to source the proper install folder...
source ~/colcon_ws/install/setup.bash

And then run the launch file…

ros2 launch sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test.launch

! [ERROR] [sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test_node-1]: process has died [pid 19996, exit code -11, cmd ‘/home/dec/workspace/rolling_ws/install/sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test/lib/sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test/sm_atomic_subscribers_performance_test_node –ros-args -r __node:=sm_atomic_performance_test –params-file /home/dec/workspace/rolling_ws/install/sm_atomic_performance_test/share/sm_atomic_performance_test/config/sm_atomic_config.yaml’].

! Are there more steps to running this sm?

Viewer Instructions

If you have the SMACC2 Runtime Analyzer installed then type...
ros2 run smacc2_rta smacc2_rta

If you don’t have the SMACC2 Runtime Analyzer click here.