Class PublicationManager
Defined in File publication_manager.hpp
Class Documentation
class PublicationManager
Public Functions
inline PublicationManager()
template<class MsgT>
inline void setup_publisher(const std::string &topic_name, const MsgT &message, const size_t repetition, const rclcpp::QoS &qos = rclcpp::QoS{rclcpp::KeepAll()}, const std::chrono::milliseconds interval = 50ms)
inline void run_publishers(bool verbose = false) const
inline void run_publishers_async(bool verbose = false) const
template<typename DurationRepT = int64_t, typename DurationT = std::milli>
inline bool wait_for_matched(const char *topic_name, std::chrono::duration<DurationRepT, DurationT> timeout = std::chrono::seconds(10), size_t n_subscribers_to_match = 1) Wait until publisher with specified topic will be connected to the subscribers or timeout occur.
- Template Parameters:
Timeout – Data type for timeout duration from std::chrono:: namespace
- Parameters:
topic_name – topic name to find corresponding publisher
timeout – Maximum time duration during which discovery should happen.
n_subscribers_to_match – Number of subscribers publisher should have for match.
- Returns:
true if find publisher by specified topic_name and publisher has specified number of subscribers, otherwise false.
void setup_publisher(const std::string &topic_name, const test_msgs::msg::BasicTypes &message, const size_t repetition, const rclcpp::QoS &qos, const std::chrono::milliseconds interval) Template specialization with test_msgs::msg::BasicTypes.
Will assign current repetition number to the message->uint64_value and timestamp from steady clock to the message->int64_value for each publishing message.
inline PublicationManager()