Class TimersManager::WeakTimersHeap

Nested Relationships

This class is a nested type of Class TimersManager.

Class Documentation

class WeakTimersHeap

This class allows to store weak pointers to timers in a heap-like data structure. The root of the heap is the timer that triggers first. Since this class uses weak ownership, it is not guaranteed that it represents a valid heap at any point in time as timers could go out of scope, thus invalidating it. The “validate_and_lock” API allows to restore the heap property and also returns a locked version of the timers heap. This class is not thread safe and requires external mutexes to protect its usage.

Public Functions

inline bool add_timer(TimerPtr timer)

Add a new timer to the heap. After the addition, the heap property is enforced.


timer – new timer to add.


true if timer has been added, false if it was already there.

inline bool remove_timer(TimerPtr timer)

Remove a timer from the heap. After the removal, the heap property is enforced.


timer – timer to remove.


true if timer has been removed, false if it was not there.

inline TimerPtr get_timer(const rclcpp::TimerBase *timer_id)

Retrieve the timer identified by the key.


timer_id – The ID of the timer to retrieve.


TimerPtr if there’s a timer associated with the ID, nullptr otherwise

inline const WeakTimerPtr &front() const

Returns a const reference to the front element.

inline bool empty() const

Returns whether the heap is empty or not.

inline TimersHeap validate_and_lock()

This function restores the current object as a valid heap and it returns a locked version of it. Timers that went out of scope are removed from the container. It is the only public API to access and manipulate the stored timers.


TimersHeap owned timers corresponding to the current object

inline void store(const TimersHeap &heap)

This function allows to recreate the heap of weak pointers from an heap of owned pointers. It is required to be called after a locked TimersHeap generated from this object has been modified in any way (e.g. timers triggered, added, removed).


heap – timers heap to store as weak pointers

inline void clear()

Remove all timers from the heap.