Template Struct FrameTpl

Struct Documentation

template<typename _Scalar, int _Options>
struct FrameTpl

A Plucker coordinate frame attached to a parent joint inside a kinematic tree.

Public Types


enumerator Options
typedef _Scalar Scalar
typedef SE3Tpl<Scalar, Options> SE3
typedef InertiaTpl<Scalar, Options> Inertia

Public Functions

inline FrameTpl()

Default constructor of a frame.

inline FrameTpl(const std::string &name, const JointIndex parent, const FrameIndex previousFrame, const SE3 &frame_placement, const FrameType type, const Inertia &inertia = Inertia::Zero())

Builds a frame defined by its name, its joint parent id, its placement and its type.

  • name[in] Name of the frame.

  • parent[in] Index of the parent joint in the kinematic tree.

  • previousFrame[in] Index of the parent frame in the kinematic tree.

  • frame_placement[in] Placement of the frame wrt the parent joint frame.

  • type[in] The type of the frame, see the enum FrameType.

  • inertia[in] Inertia info attached to the frame.

template<typename S2, int O2>
inline bool operator==(const FrameTpl<S2, O2> &other) const

Equality comparison operator.


other[in] The frame to which the current frame is compared.


true if *this is equal to other.

template<typename S2, int O2>
inline bool operator!=(const FrameTpl<S2, O2> &other) const

true if *this is NOT equal to other.

template<typename NewScalar>
inline FrameTpl<NewScalar, Options> cast() const

An expression of *this with the Scalar type casted to NewScalar.

Public Members

EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW typedef pinocchio::JointIndex JointIndex
std::string name

Name of the frame.

JointIndex parent

Index of the parent joint.

FrameIndex previousFrame

Index of the previous frame.

SE3 placement

Placement of the frame wrt the parent joint.

FrameType type

Type of the frame.

Inertia inertia

Inertia information attached to the frame. This inertia will be appended to the inertia supported by the parent joint when calling ModelTpl::addFrame. It won’t be processed otherwise by the algorithms.