Program Listing for File fwd.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/pinocchio/spatial/fwd.hpp)

// Copyright (c) 2015-2020 CNRS INRIA
// Copyright (c) 2016 Wandercraft, 86 rue de Paris 91400 Orsay, France.

#ifndef __pinocchio_spatial_fwd_hpp__
#define __pinocchio_spatial_fwd_hpp__

#include "pinocchio/fwd.hpp"
#include "pinocchio/macros.hpp"

namespace pinocchio
  namespace internal
    template<typename Type, typename Scalar>
    struct RHSScalarMultiplication
      typedef Type ReturnType;

    template<typename Type, typename Scalar>
    struct LHSScalarMultiplication
      typedef Type ReturnType;

  template<typename Scalar, int Options=0> struct SE3Tpl;

  template<typename Derived> class MotionBase;
  template<typename Derived> class MotionDense;
  template<typename Vector6ArgType> class MotionRef;
  template<typename Scalar, int Options=0> class MotionTpl;
  template<typename Scalar, int Options=0> struct MotionZeroTpl;
  template<typename Scalar, int Options=0> struct PINOCCHIO_DEPRECATED BiasZeroTpl;

  template<typename Derived> class ForceBase;
  template<typename Derived> class ForceDense;
  template<typename Vector6ArgType> class ForceRef;
  template<typename Scalar, int Options=0> class ForceTpl;

  template<typename Scalar, int Options=0> class InertiaTpl;
  template<typename Scalar, int Options=0> class Symmetric3Tpl;

  typedef SE3Tpl        <double,0> SE3;
  typedef MotionTpl     <double,0> Motion;
  typedef ForceTpl      <double,0> Force;
  typedef InertiaTpl    <double,0> Inertia;
  typedef Symmetric3Tpl <double,0> Symmetric3;
  typedef MotionZeroTpl <double,0> MotionZero;

  typedef BiasZeroTpl   <double,0> BiasZero;

  // end of group spatial

  #define SPATIAL_TYPEDEF_TEMPLATE_GENERIC(derived,TYPENAME)              \
    typedef TYPENAME traits<derived>::Scalar Scalar; \
    typedef TYPENAME traits<derived>::Vector3 Vector3; \
    typedef TYPENAME traits<derived>::Vector4 Vector4; \
    typedef TYPENAME traits<derived>::Vector6 Vector6; \
    typedef TYPENAME traits<derived>::Matrix3 Matrix3; \
    typedef TYPENAME traits<derived>::Matrix4 Matrix4; \
    typedef TYPENAME traits<derived>::Matrix6 Matrix6; \
    typedef TYPENAME traits<derived>::Angular_t Angular_t; \
    typedef TYPENAME traits<derived>::Linear_t Linear_t; \
    typedef TYPENAME traits<derived>::ConstAngular_t ConstAngular_t; \
    typedef TYPENAME traits<derived>::ConstLinear_t ConstLinear_t; \
    typedef TYPENAME traits<derived>::ActionMatrix_t ActionMatrix_t; \
    typedef TYPENAME traits<derived>::Quaternion_t Quaternion_t; \
    typedef TYPENAME traits<derived>::SE3 SE3; \
    typedef TYPENAME traits<derived>::Force Force; \
    typedef TYPENAME traits<derived>::Motion Motion; \
    typedef TYPENAME traits<derived>::Symmetric3 Symmetric3; \
    enum {  \
      LINEAR = traits<derived>::LINEAR,  \
      ANGULAR = traits<derived>::ANGULAR   \

  #define SPATIAL_TYPEDEF_TEMPLATE(derived)                 \

  #define SPATIAL_TYPEDEF_NO_TEMPLATE(derived)              \

  namespace internal
    // for certain Scalar type, it might be needed to proceed to call some normalization procedure
    // in when performing a cast. This struct is an helper to support such modality.
    template<typename Class, typename NewScalar, typename Scalar>
    struct cast_call_normalize_method;

} // namespace pinocchio

#endif // ifndef __pinocchio_spatial_fwd_hpp__