Program Listing for File fwd.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/pinocchio/multibody/fwd.hpp)

// Copyright (c) 2017-2020 CNRS INRIA

#ifndef __pinocchio_multibody_fwd_hpp__
#define __pinocchio_multibody_fwd_hpp__

#include "pinocchio/fwd.hpp"

#include "pinocchio/multibody/joint/fwd.hpp"

namespace pinocchio

  template<typename Scalar, int Options=0> struct FrameTpl;

  template<typename Scalar, int Options = 0, template<typename S, int O> class JointCollectionTpl = JointCollectionDefaultTpl>
  struct ModelTpl;
  template<typename Scalar, int Options = 0, template<typename S, int O> class JointCollectionTpl = JointCollectionDefaultTpl>
  struct DataTpl;

  typedef std::size_t Index;
  typedef Index JointIndex;
  typedef Index GeomIndex;
  typedef Index FrameIndex;
  typedef Index PairIndex;

  typedef FrameTpl<double> Frame;

  typedef ModelTpl<double> Model;
  typedef DataTpl<double> Data;

  struct GeometryModel;
  struct GeometryData;

  enum ReferenceFrame
    WORLD = 0,
    LOCAL = 1,

  enum KinematicLevel
    POSITION = 0,
    VELOCITY = 1,

  // end of group multibody

  // Forward declaration needed for Model::check
  template<class D> struct AlgorithmCheckerBase;

} // namespace pinocchio

#endif // #ifndef __pinocchio_multibody_fwd_hpp__