Program Listing for File cppadcg.hpp
↰ Return to documentation for file (include/pinocchio/codegen/cppadcg.hpp
// Copyright (c) 2018-2023 CNRS INRIA
#ifndef __pinocchio_codegen_ccpadcg_hpp__
#define __pinocchio_codegen_ccpadcg_hpp__
#include "pinocchio/math/fwd.hpp"
#include <cmath>
#include <cppad/cg/support/cppadcg_eigen.hpp>
#include "pinocchio/autodiff/cppad.hpp"
#error CppADCodeGen requires C++11 or more
namespace boost
namespace math
namespace constants
namespace detail
template<typename Scalar>
struct constant_pi< CppAD::cg::CG<Scalar> > : constant_pi<Scalar>
typedef CppAD::cg::CG<Scalar> CGScalar;
template <int N>
static inline CGScalar get(const mpl::int_<N>& n)
return CGScalar(constant_pi<Scalar>::get(n));
#if BOOST_VERSION >= 107700
template <class T, T value>
static inline CGScalar get(const std::integral_constant<T, value> &n)
return CGScalar(constant_pi<Scalar>::get(n));
template <class T, T value>
static inline CGScalar get(const boost::integral_constant<T, value> &n)
return CGScalar(constant_pi<Scalar>::get(n));
namespace Eigen
namespace internal
// Specialization of Eigen::internal::cast_impl for CppAD input types
template<typename Scalar>
struct cast_impl<CppAD::cg::CG<Scalar>,Scalar>
static inline Scalar run(const CppAD::cg::CG<Scalar> & x)
return x.getValue();
} // namespace Eigen
namespace CppAD
template <class Scalar>
bool isfinite(const AD<Scalar> & x) { return isfinite(Value(x)); }
namespace cg
template <class Scalar>
bool isfinite(const CG<Scalar> &x) { return std::isfinite(x.getValue()); }
namespace pinocchio
template<typename Scalar>
struct TaylorSeriesExpansion< CppAD::cg::CG<Scalar> >
typedef TaylorSeriesExpansion<Scalar> Base;
typedef CppAD::cg::CG<Scalar> CGScalar;
template<int degree>
static CGScalar precision()
return CGScalar(Base::template precision<degree>());
} // namespace pinocchio
#endif // #ifndef __pinocchio_codegen_ccpadcg_hpp__