Program Listing for File data.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/pinocchio/bindings/python/multibody/data.hpp)

// Copyright (c) 2015-2022 CNRS INRIA

#ifndef __pinocchio_python_multibody_data_hpp__
#define __pinocchio_python_multibody_data_hpp__

#include <boost/python.hpp>

#include "pinocchio/multibody/data.hpp"
#include "pinocchio/serialization/data.hpp"

#include <eigenpy/memory.hpp>
#include <eigenpy/eigen-to-python.hpp>
#include <eigenpy/exception.hpp>

#include "pinocchio/bindings/python/serialization/serializable.hpp"
#include "pinocchio/bindings/python/utils/std-vector.hpp"
#include "pinocchio/bindings/python/utils/std-aligned-vector.hpp"

#include "pinocchio/bindings/python/utils/copyable.hpp"


namespace pinocchio
  namespace python
    namespace bp = boost::python;

    template<typename Data>
    struct PickleData : bp::pickle_suite
      static bp::tuple getinitargs(const Data &)
        return bp::make_tuple();

      static bp::tuple getstate(const Data & data)
        const std::string str(data.saveToString());
        return bp::make_tuple(bp::str(str));

      static void setstate(Data & data, bp::tuple tup)
        if(bp::len(tup) == 0 || bp::len(tup) > 1)
          throw eigenpy::Exception("Pickle was not able to reconstruct the model from the loaded data.\n"
                                   "The pickle data structure contains too many elements.");

        bp::object py_obj = tup[0];
        boost::python::extract<std::string> obj_as_string(py_obj.ptr());
          const std::string str = obj_as_string;
          throw eigenpy::Exception("Pickle was not able to reconstruct the model from the loaded data.\n"
                                   "The entry is not a string.");


      static bool getstate_manages_dict() { return true; }

    struct DataPythonVisitor
      : public boost::python::def_visitor< DataPythonVisitor >
      typedef Data::Matrix6x Matrix6x;
      typedef Data::Matrix3x Matrix3x;
      typedef Data::Vector3 Vector3;


#define ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(NAME,DOC)         \
      def_readwrite(#NAME,                  \
      &Data::NAME,                          \

      def_readonly(#NAME,                         \
      &Data::NAME,                                \

#define ADD_DATA_PROPERTY_READONLY_BYVALUE(NAME,DOC)                            \
      add_property(#NAME,                                                       \
      make_getter(&Data::NAME,bp::return_value_policy<bp::return_by_value>()),  \

      /* --- Exposing C++ API to python through the handler ----------------- */
      template<class PyClass>
      void visit(PyClass& cl) const
        .def(bp::init<>(bp::arg("self"),"Default constructor."))
        .def(bp::init<Model>(bp::arg("model"),"Constructs a data structure from a given model."))

        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(a,"Joint spatial acceleration")
                           "Joint spatial acceleration expressed at the origin of the world frame.")
                           "Joint spatial acceleration containing also the contribution of the gravity acceleration")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(oa_gf,"Joint spatial acceleration containing also the contribution of the gravity acceleration, but expressed at the origin of the world frame.")

        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(v,"Joint spatial velocity expressed in the joint frame.")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(ov,"Joint spatial velocity expressed at the origin of the world frame.")

        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(f,"Joint spatial force expresssed in the joint frame.")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(of,"Joint spatial force expresssed at the origin of the world frame.")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(h,"Vector of spatial momenta expressed in the local frame of the joint.")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(oMi,"Body absolute placement (wrt world)")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(oMf,"frames absolute placement (wrt world)")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(liMi,"Body relative placement (wrt parent)")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(tau,"Joint torques (output of RNEA)")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(nle,"Non Linear Effects (output of nle algorithm)")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(ddq,"Joint accelerations (output of ABA)")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(Ycrb,"Inertia of the sub-tree composit rigid body")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(M,"The joint space inertia matrix")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(Minv,"The inverse of the joint space inertia matrix")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(C,"The Coriolis C(q,v) matrix such that the Coriolis effects are given by c(q,v) = C(q,v)v")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(g,"Vector of generalized gravity (dim model.nv).")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(Fcrb,"Spatial forces set, used in CRBA")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(lastChild,"Index of the last child (for CRBA)")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(nvSubtree,"Dimension of the subtree motion space (for CRBA)")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(U,"Joint Inertia square root (upper triangle)")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(D,"Diagonal of UDUT inertia decomposition")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(parents_fromRow,"First previous non-zero row in M (used in Cholesky)")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(nvSubtree_fromRow,"Subtree of the current row index (used in Cholesky)")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(J,"Jacobian of joint placement")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(dJ,"Time variation of the Jacobian of joint placement (data.J).")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(iMf,"Body placement wrt to algorithm end effector.")

        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(Ivx,"Right variation of the inertia matrix.")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(vxI,"Left variation of the inertia matrix.")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(B,"Combined variations of the inertia matrix consistent with Christoffel symbols.")

                           "Centroidal matrix which maps from joint velocity to the centroidal momentum.")
                           "Time derivative of the centroidal momentum matrix Ag.")
                           "Centroidal momentum (expressed in the frame centered at the CoM and aligned with the world frame).")
                           "Centroidal momentum time derivative (expressed in the frame centered at the CoM and aligned with the world frame).")
                           "Centroidal Composite Rigid Body Inertia.")

        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(com,"CoM position of the subtree starting at joint index i.")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(vcom,"CoM velocity of the subtree starting at joint index i.")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(acom,"CoM acceleration of the subtree starting at joint index i.")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(mass,"Mass of the subtree starting at joint index i.")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(Jcom,"Jacobian of center of mass.")

        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(dtau_dq,"Partial derivative of the joint torque vector with respect to the joint configuration.")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(dtau_dv,"Partial derivative of the joint torque vector with respect to the joint velocity.")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(ddq_dq,"Partial derivative of the joint acceleration vector with respect to the joint configuration.")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(ddq_dv,"Partial derivative of the joint acceleration vector with respect to the joint velocity.")

        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(kinetic_energy,"Kinetic energy in [J] computed by computeKineticEnergy")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(potential_energy,"Potential energy in [J] computed by computePotentialEnergy")

        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(lambda_c,"Lagrange Multipliers linked to contact forces")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(impulse_c,"Lagrange Multipliers linked to contact impulses")

        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(dq_after,"Generalized velocity after the impact.")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(staticRegressor,"Static regressor.")
        .ADD_DATA_PROPERTY(jointTorqueRegressor,"Joint torque regressor.")

        .def(bp::self == bp::self)
        .def(bp::self != bp::self)

      /* --- Expose --------------------------------------------------------- */
      static void expose()
                         "Articulated rigid body data related to a Model.\n"
                         "It contains all the data that can be modified by the Pinocchio algorithms.",

        typedef PINOCCHIO_ALIGNED_STD_VECTOR(Vector3) StdVec_Vector3;
        typedef PINOCCHIO_ALIGNED_STD_VECTOR(Matrix6x) StdVec_Matrix6x;





  }} // namespace pinocchio::python

#endif // ifndef __pinocchio_python_multibody_data_hpp__