Template Function pinocchio::buildModels::humanoid

Function Documentation

template<typename Scalar, int Options, template<typename, int> class JointCollectionTpl>
void pinocchio::buildModels::humanoid(ModelTpl<Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl> &model, bool usingFF = true)

Create a 28-DOF kinematic chain of a floating humanoid robot.

The kinematic chain has four 6-DOF limbs shoulder-elbow-wrist, one 2-DOF torso, one 2-DOF neck. The float joint is either a JointModelFreeFloating (with nq=7 and nv=6), or a composite joint with a JointModelTranslation and a roll-pitch-yaw joint JointModelSphericalZYX (with total nq=nv=6). Using a free-floating or a composite joint is decided by the boolean usingFF.

  • model – model, typically given empty, where the kinematic chain is added.

  • usingFF – if True, implement the chain with a plain JointModelFreeFloating; if False, uses a composite joint. This changes the size of the configuration space (35 vs 34).