Template Function pinocchio::getFrameJacobian
Defined in File frames.hxx
Function Documentation
template<typename Scalar, int Options, template<typename, int> class JointCollectionTpl, typename Matrix6xLike>
inline void pinocchio::getFrameJacobian(const ModelTpl<Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl> &model, DataTpl<Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl> &data, const FrameIndex frame_id, const ReferenceFrame rf, const Eigen::MatrixBase<Matrix6xLike> &J) Returns the jacobian of the frame expressed either expressed in the LOCAL frame coordinate system or in the WORLD coordinate system, depending on the value of rf. You must first call pinocchio::computeJointJacobians followed by pinocchio::framesForwardKinematics to update placement values in data structure.
Similarly to pinocchio::getJointJacobian with LOCAL or WORLD parameters, if rf == LOCAL, this function returns the Jacobian of the frame expressed in the local coordinates of the frame, or if rl == WORLD, it returns the Jacobian expressed of the point coincident with the origin and expressed in a coordinate system aligned with the WORLD.
The function pinocchio::computeJointJacobians should have been called first.
- Template Parameters:
JointCollection – Collection of Joint types.
Matrix6xLike – Type of the matrix containing the joint Jacobian.
- Parameters:
model – [in] The kinematic model
data – [in] Data associated to model
frame_id – [in] Id of the operational Frame
rf – [in] Reference frame in which the Jacobian is expressed.
J – [out] The Jacobian of the Frame expressed in the coordinates Frame.