
Driver for the Phidgets high speed encoder devices


Phidgets high speed encoder ROS 2 driver

This is the ROS 2 driver for Phidgets high speed encoder.


To run this driver standalone, do the following:

ros2 launch phidgets_high_speed_encoder

Published Topics

  • /joint_states (sensor_msgs/JointState) - A joint state message containing the current state of all encoders.

  • /joint_states_chXX_decim_speed (phidgets_msgs/EncoderDecimatedSpeed) - One topic per encoder of the decimated (average) speed reading from the encoder.


  • serial (int) - The serial number of the phidgets high speed encoder to connect to. If -1 (the default), connects to any high speed encoder phidget that can be found.

  • hub_port (int) - The phidgets VINT hub port to connect to. Only used if the high speed encoder phidget is connected to a VINT hub. Defaults to 0.

  • frame_id (string) - The header frame ID to use when publishing the message. Defaults to encoder_link.

  • speed_filter_samples_len (int) - The number of data points over which to average the speed. Defaults to 10.

  • speed_filter_idle_iter_loops_before_reset (int) - The number of idle loops (loops with no data) before the average speed will be reset to 0. Defaults to 1.

  • publish_rate (double) - How often the driver will publish data on the ROS topic. If 0 (the default), it will publish every time there is an update from the device (so at the data_interval_ms). If positive, it will publish the data at that rate regardless of the acquisition interval.