Changelog for package mrpt_apps
2.14.7 (2024-12-09)
rosbag2rawlog (ROS1): Implement conversion of NavSatFix -> mrpt::obs::CObservationGPS
2.14.5 (2024-11-05)
GridmapNavSimul: Loading a different gridmap won’t update the map visualization.
2.14.4 (2024-10-19)
package.xml and cmake: Fix generation of rosbag2rawlog for ROS 1 version of package mrpt_apps
rosbag2rawlog: Fix detection of mrpt-ros1bridge when built within mrpt_ros ROS packaging.
Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
2.14.3 (2024-10-12)
2.14.2 (2024-10-05)
Add support for override_mrpt_version for local builds
Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
2.14.1 (2024-09-24)
SceneViewer3D: New button to enable shadow casting.
2.13.7 (2024-08-23)
2.13.6 (2024-08-14)
Add lib suffix to package names
Disable ROS detection to save cmake configure time
more packages
Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco