<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package format="3">
<description>A package that contains ROS message corresponding to microstrain message types.</description>
<author>Dr. Kristopher Krasnosky</author>
<author>Parker Hannifin Corp</author>
<!-- One maintainer tag required, multiple allowed, one person per tag -->
<maintainer email="rob.fisher@parker.com">Rob Fisher</maintainer>
<maintainer email="melissa.gill@parker.com">Melissa Gill</maintainer>
<!-- One license tag required, multiple allowed, one license per tag -->
<!-- Commonly used license strings: -->
<!-- BSD, MIT, Boost Software License, GPLv2, GPLv3, LGPLv2.1, LGPLv3 -->
<url type="website">https://github.com/LORD-MicroStrain/microstrain_inertial</url>