Nodes and Components


Component to publish sensor_msgs/Image, requires filename argument. Also avialable as a ROS 2 node named image_publisher.

Published Topics

  • image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image): ROS Image message of your input file.

  • camera_info (sensor_msgs/CameraInfo): CameraInfo published along with Image.


  • filename (string, default: “”): Name of image file to be published.

  • field_of_view (double, default: 0): Camera field of view (deg) used to calculate focal length for camera info topic.

  • flip_horizontal (bool, default: false): Flip output image horizontally.

  • flip_vertical (bool, default: false): Flip output image vertically.

  • frame_id (string, default: “camera”) Frame id inserted in published image and camera_info.

  • publish_rate (double, default: 10): Rate to publish image (hz).

  • camera_info_uri (string, default: “”): Path to camera info.