Program Listing for File InterpolationDemo.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/grid_map_demos/InterpolationDemo.hpp)

 * InterpolationDemo.hpp
 *  Created on: Mar 16, 2020
 *      Author: Edo Jelavic
 *      Institute: ETH Zurich, Robotic Systems Lab


#include <grid_map_core/GridMap.hpp>
#include <grid_map_core/TypeDefs.hpp>
#include <grid_map_msgs/msg/grid_map.hpp>
#include <rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp>

#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <chrono>
#include <utility>

namespace grid_map_demos

 * This demo visualizes the quality of function approximation
 * using different interpolation algorithms. It creates an analytical function,
 * which is sampled at discrete points. These discrete
 * values are then used for interpolation in order to recover
 * an approximation of the original function. The interpolation
 * result is visualized and error measures are computed and
 * printed in the console.
 * The parameters are located in the "grid_map_demos/config/interpolation_demo.yaml"
 * file.
 * For more info refer to in the grid_map folder.
 * For more details on the algorithms used,
 * refer to file: CubicInterpolation.hpp in the grid_map_core
 * package.
 * Options for which interpolation algorithm to use are defined in
 * grid_map_core/include/grid_map_core/TypeDefs.hpp file.
 * Interpolation is meant to be used with method "atPosition" defined in GridMap.hpp file.
 * To see how to use different interpolation methods in your own code,
 * take a look at definition of method "interpolateInputMap" in InterpolationDemo.cpp file.

 * Different analytical functions used
 * to evaluate the quality of interpolation approximation.
enum class Worlds : int

static const std::string demoLayer = "demo";  // NOLINT

struct AnalyticalFunctions
  std::function<double(double, double)> f_;

struct Error
  double meanSquare_ = 0.0;
  double meanAbs_ = 0.0;
  double max_ = 0.0;

 * Create map geometry and allocate memory
grid_map::GridMap createMap(
  const grid_map::Length & length, double resolution,
  const grid_map::Position & pos);

 * Fill grid map with values computed from analytical function
void fillGridMap(grid_map::GridMap * map, const AnalyticalFunctions & functions);

 * Create various analytical functions
AnalyticalFunctions createPolyWorld(grid_map::GridMap * map);
AnalyticalFunctions createSineWorld(grid_map::GridMap * map);
AnalyticalFunctions createTanhWorld(grid_map::GridMap * map);
AnalyticalFunctions createGaussianWorld(grid_map::GridMap * map);

 * Create high resolution grid map, used for visualizing the ground truth,
 * and create sparse grid map with data points that are used for the
 * interpolation.
AnalyticalFunctions createWorld(
  Worlds world, double highResolution, double lowResolution,
  double length, double width,
  grid_map::GridMap * groundTruthHighRes,
  grid_map::GridMap * groundTruthLowRes);

 * Allocate memory and set geometry for the interpolated grid map
grid_map::GridMap createInterpolatedMapFromDataMap(
  const grid_map::GridMap & dataMap,
  double desiredResolution);

 * Compute the interpolated values
void interpolateInputMap(
  const grid_map::GridMap & dataMap,
  grid_map::InterpolationMethods interpolationMethod, grid_map::GridMap * inteprolatedMap);

 * Compute error measures between the ground truth and the interpolated map
Error computeInterpolationError(
  const AnalyticalFunctions & groundTruth,
  const grid_map::GridMap & map);

static const std::map<std::string, Worlds> worlds = {
  {"Sine", Worlds::Sine},
  {"Poly", Worlds::Poly},
  {"Gauss", Worlds::GaussMixture},
  {"Tanh", Worlds::Tanh}};

static const std::map<std::string, grid_map::InterpolationMethods> interpolationMethods = {
  {"Nearest", grid_map::InterpolationMethods::INTER_NEAREST},
  {"Linear", grid_map::InterpolationMethods::INTER_LINEAR},
  {"Cubic_convolution", grid_map::InterpolationMethods::INTER_CUBIC_CONVOLUTION},
  {"Cubic", grid_map::InterpolationMethods::INTER_CUBIC}};

 * Class that actually runs the demo
 * publishes maps for visualization
 * computes errors
 * measures times required for computation
class InterpolationDemo : public rclcpp::Node

  using clk = std::chrono::steady_clock;
  using ErrorAndDuration = std::pair<Error, double>;
  struct Statistic
    Error error_;
    std::string world_;
    std::string interpolationMethod_;
    double duration_ = 0.0;
  using Statistics = std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, Statistic>>;

  void runDemo();
  ErrorAndDuration interpolateAndComputeError(
    const std::string world,
    const std::string & method) const;
  Statistics computeStatistics() const;
  void printStatistics(const Statistics & stats) const;
  void publishGridMaps() const;

  rclcpp::Publisher<grid_map_msgs::msg::GridMap>::SharedPtr groundTruthMapPub_;
  rclcpp::Publisher<grid_map_msgs::msg::GridMap>::SharedPtr dataSparseMapPub_;
  rclcpp::Publisher<grid_map_msgs::msg::GridMap>::SharedPtr interpolatedMapPub_;

  grid_map::GridMap dataSparseMap_;
  grid_map::GridMap groundTruthMap_;
  grid_map::GridMap interpolatedMap_;

  std::string world_;
  std::string interpolationMethod_;
  double groundTruthResolution_ = 0.02;  // resolution in which ground truth is displayed in rviz
  double dataResolution_ = 0.1;  // resolution of the data points for the interpolating algorithm
  double interpolatedResolution_ = 0.02;  // resolution requested for the interpolated map
  AnalyticalFunctions groundTruth_;
  double worldWidth_ = 4.0;
  double worldLength_ = 4.0;

}  // namespace grid_map_demos