
Node to publish ignition ground truth TF tree


Gazebo TF Publisher

The Gazebo TF Publisher searches for the frame id of the robot and publishes it to the global ROS tf topic if it is started without a namespace. The output Frame id has the following syntax: robot_name_base_link_gt. It is expected that the the frames from the gazebo topic are in the following order: map --> robot_name --> base_link. Per default base_frame_id:=base_link. To start the gazebo ground truth publisher run the following code with the appropriate gazebo pose topic:

ros2 launch gazebo_tf_publisher gz_pose_topic:=/world/name/dynamic_pose/info

To view the gazebo topic list run the following command:

ign topic -l

The previous command prints all the gazebo topics and among them the right pose topic and also the name of the robots present in the simulation.

To start the node in a specified ROS namespace, use use_namespace:=True namespace:=desired_namespace.