Class DomainBridgeOptions

Class Documentation

class DomainBridgeOptions

Options for domain bridge.

Public Types

enum class Mode


enumerator Normal
enumerator Compress
enumerator Decompress

Public Functions

DomainBridgeOptions() = default


Default values:

virtual ~DomainBridgeOptions() = default


DomainBridgeOptions(const DomainBridgeOptions &other) = default

Copy constructor.

DomainBridgeOptions &operator=(const DomainBridgeOptions &other) = default

Assignment operator.

const std::string &name() const

Get the name of the domain bridge.

DomainBridgeOptions &name(std::string name)

Set the name of the domain bridge.

The name is used to prefix names of nodes created by the domain bridge.

Mode mode() const

Get the domain bridge mode.

DomainBridgeOptions &mode(Mode mode)

Set the domain bridge mode.

DomainBridgeOptions &on_new_domain_callback(std::function<void(size_t)> callback)

Callback which is called before creating a new context/node for a new domain.

The only argument passed to the callback is the domain id. This is an horrible hack that allows you to configure vendor specific qos settings just before a new domain participant is going to be created.