Struct TestCaseInfo

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Struct Documentation

struct TestCaseInfo : public Catch::Detail::NonCopyable

Various metadata about the test case.

A test case is uniquely identified by its (class)name and tags combination, with source location being ignored, and other properties being determined from tags.

Tags are kept sorted.

Public Functions

TestCaseInfo(StringRef _className, NameAndTags const &_nameAndTags, SourceLineInfo const &_lineInfo)
bool isHidden() const
bool throws() const
bool okToFail() const
bool expectedToFail() const
void addFilenameTag()
std::string tagsAsString() const

Public Members

std::string name
StringRef className
std::vector<Tag> tags
SourceLineInfo lineInfo
TestCaseProperties properties = TestCaseProperties::None


friend bool operator<(TestCaseInfo const &lhs, TestCaseInfo const &rhs)

Orders by name, classname and tags.