Changelog for package rviz
1.11.18 (2017-08-21)
- Replaced Arial font with Liberation Sans (#1141) (#1143)
- Contributors: William Woodall
1.11.17 (2017-08-04)
- Add dhood as maintainer (#1133)
- Fixed rendering of markers as reported in #1120 (#1132)
- Contributors: William Woodall
1.11.16 (2017-06-05)
- indigo-devel backports from kinetic-devel (1.12.9) (#1110)
* Add fullscreen option (#1017)
* Added compatibility with newer urdfdom versions (#1064)
* Display is now updated if an empty pointcloud2 is published (#1073)
* The render panel is now scaled correctly on high resolution displays (#1078)
* Now supports multiple materials per link in robot display (urdf) (fixed) (#1079)
* Fixed duplicate property name for Path colors which prevent saving correctly to the config file (#1089)
- Now supports multiple materials for one link in robot display (urdf) (#1080)
- Fixed visualization of collada textures in markers (#1084)
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Marieke Copejans, William Woodall
1.11.15 (2016-10-18)
- Pose arrays can now be rendered as 3D arrows or pose markers (#1016)
- Allow float edits to work with different Locales
* (#1043)
* (#1058)
- Fix double free in display dialog.
* (#1053)
* (#1057)
- Now check for a valid root link before walking the robot model (#1039)
- Fixed two valgrind-reported issues (#1001)
* in ~RenderPanel()
* in VisualizationManager(): initialization order
- Updated the marker display and tf plugins to save the enabled namespaces and frames when changed.
* Also updated the plugins so that is saved whenever the plugin is reset.
* This also allows the currently selected namespaces/frames to remain selected after the "Reset" button is pressed.
* (#988)
* (#989)
- Generalized the WrenchVisual class (#982)
* generalized WrenchStampedVisual::setMessage()
* alternative API: WrenchStampedVisual::setWrench(OgreVector3 force, OgreVector3 torque)
* expose SceneNode::setVisible()
* separate scene nodes for force and torque marker
* retain API compatibility
* retain ABI compatibility
- Contributors: Maarten de Vries, Michael Görner, Robert Haschke, Ron Tajima, William Woodall
1.11.14 (2016-04-03)
- Added the rviz_QT_VERSION cmake variable that exports the Qt version used by rviz.
- Changed the way rviz_DEFAULT_PLUGIN_LIBRARIES is set so it works with catkin_make too.
- Contributors: William Woodall
1.11.13 (2016-03-23)
- Changed the way the rviz_DEFAULT_PLUGIN_LIBRARIES are generated to support cmake < 2.8.12.
See pull request: #981
- Contributors: William Woodall
1.11.12 (2016-03-22)
- Relaxed the required CMake version to in order to support Ubuntu Saucy.
- Contributors: William Woodall
1.11.11 (2016-03-22)
- Added Qt version to rosout and help->about.
- Added optional support for Qt5 with continued support for Qt4.
- Fixed a C++11 warning about literals needing a space after them.
- Added a "duplicate" button for duplicating displays.
- Fixed remove display so that it selects another display after removing one (if one is available).
- Fix for #959: jumping marker in MOVE_3D mode
See pull request: #961
- Added a raw mode for map vizualization.
See pull request: #972
- Added an option in many of the topic based Displays to prefer UDP/unreliable transport.
See pull request: #976
- Fixed the marker display to allow namespaces to be enabled/disabled based on the loaded config.
Also enabled state is stored for each namespace in a map, which is used to lookup the state whenever a namespace is added to the display.
See pull request: #962
- Fixed crash in Display::deleteStatus() when no statuses where created beforehand.
See pull request: #960
- Read-only properties are now no longer editable.
See pull request: #958
- The binary STL loading logic has been relaxed to support files that contain more data than expected.
A warning is printed instead of failing with an error now.
See pull request: #951
- Fixed an issue where tf configurations were not saved and reloaded from the rviz config file.
See pull request: #946
- Anti-Aliasing (AA) is now enabled by default, but it can be disabled with --disable-anti-aliasing.
See pull request: #931
See pull request: #950
- The default plugin shared library is no longer exported via rviz_LIBRARIES, but in stead is now
in a cmake variable called rviz_DEFAULT_PLUGIN_LIBRARIES.
See pull request: #948
See pull request: #979
- Fixed a bug in billboard line generation where a zero point line caused a crash.
See pull request: #942
- Downsampled maps will now result in a Warning status, previously it was OK.
See pull request: #934
- The map display will no longer try to transform a map until one has been received.
See pull request: #932
- Enable antialiasing
- Contributors: Aaron Hoy, Benjamin Chrétien, Chris Mansley, Dave Coleman, David V. Lu!!, Joao Avelino, Jochen Sprickerhof, Kentaro Wada, Martin Pecka, Mike O'Driscoll, Nikolaus Demmel, Robert Haschke, Simon Schmeisser (isys vision), Stephan, Tobias Berling, William Woodall, bponsler, caguero, frosthand
1.11.10 (2015-10-13)
- Fixed Qt assertions triggered in debug build of Qt.
Instead of using a hard-coded pkg-config to make cross-compiling
possible where the pkg-config binary is host-prefixed (e.g.
armv7-unknown-linux-pkg-config when cross-compiling for armv7)
- Fix #911 #616 : TF Segfaults on reset/update
Do not needlessly delete tree_property_ elements, update them instead.
Most likely fixes #808 too.
- python_bindings: sip: Use CATKIN_PACKAGE_LIB_DESTINATION instead of hardcoded lib.
Fixes build with libdir != lib.
- Contributors: Alexis Ballier, Arnaud TANGUY, Dave Hershberger, Marvin Schmidt, William Woodall
1.11.9 (2015-09-21)
- Updated warning message to indicate triangle count is a 32bit integer, and not 16bit.
- Fixed the error checking of large STL files.
- Smoothed updates for map display plugin.
Map displays previously only updated when receiving a message. This means that
if your fixed frame was base_link, the costmaps would not move appropriately
around the robot unless a message was received in order to update the transform
that should be applied to the scene. For global costmaps, this is a slow
update and for static maps, this never happened.
This fixes that by hooking into rviz' periodic call to continuously update the
transform to be applied to the scene.
- Displays are not disabled if associated Panel becomes invisible.
Otherwise the state between Panel & Display becomes inconsistent.
Fixed symptom:
When loading a configuration that contains a disabled CameraDisplay,
during the configuration of the panel(the camera render widget),
the panel is set visible for a very short period of time.
Because of the missing logic, the CameraDisplay is enabled
together with the panel, but the Display remains enabled
after the Panel is set invisible. One ends up with an enabled
(and subscribed) CameraDisplay without the corresponding RenderWidget,
even so the configuration specified that the Display is not enabled.
- Removed shortkeys from shortkey_to_tool_map_
this should fix #880
- Contributors: Daniel Stonier, Henning Deeken, Jonathan Meyer, Michael Görner, William Woodall
1.11.8 (2015-08-05)
- Force and Torque can now be scaled separately in the Wrench display: #862
- Fixed a bug in the Wrench display: #883
- Improved error checking when loading ascii stl files.
- Suppressing some new CMake warnings by setting cmake policies.
- Re-enable most all of the tests.
- Added option to start rviz with the ROS logger level set to Debug
- Fixed setting of status bar from python by checking if the original status bar is being used or not.
- Added a third person follower view controller.
- Fix decaying of tf2 static transforms in the TF display.
- Correctly display color and alpha in pointclouds.
- Restored functionality to force opacity and color for meshes that have null rgba values.
- Use the find_package'ed python version detected by catkin.
Otherwise it might happen that catkin (and the rest of the workspace)
uses 2.x and rviz detects & tries to use 3.x. This can produce some nasty
See rospack, roslz4, qt_gui_cpp and others for similar invokation.
- Fix processing empty of pointclouds.
Otherwise, given a stream of clouds with some of them empty, the last non-empty message will still be displayed until a the next non-empty cloud comes in.
- Check if position and orientation of links of robots contain NaNs when updating pose of robot links.
- Fixed DELETEALL marker action, by not iterating on the marker list.
- Contributors: Carlos Agüero, Gustavo N Goretkin, Jonathan Bohren, Kei Okada, Michael Ferguson, Ryohei Ueda, Thomas Moinel, William Woodall, loganE, louise, otim, v4hn, 寺田 耕志
1.11.7 (2015-03-02)
- Fixed a bug where the timestamp was not set for the /initialpose message published by the 2D Pose Estimate tool.
- Added a method/Qt Signal for refreshing tools called refreshTool().
Calling this method updates the name and icon of a tool in the toolbar.
- Fixed a bug with setCurrentTool.
This fixes a rare gui bug: if an incoming tool directly calls another tool during it's activate() function the tool gets changed accordingly but the toolbar gui becomes inconsistent because Tool* tool pointer is outdated in this case. using Tool* current_tool fixes this.
- Fixed initialization of Tool's shortcut_key_ and fixed a bug in toKeys().
* Initialized the shortcut_key_ param with '/0' to be able to check whether a tool has a shortkey assigned or not.
* Made the tool manager check if a tool has a shortkey before converting the char to a key code.
* Fixed the toKeys() method by removing the assertions, making at a boolean returning function and allowing a single key only, as this is what is to be expected from the shortcut_key_ param this should fix #851
- Contributors: Henning Deeken, William Woodall, lsouchet
1.11.6 (2015-02-13)
- Fixed a mesh memory leak in ogre_helpers/mesh_shape.h/.cpp
This fixes a memory leak which is caused due to no meshes ever being
destroyed without removing the mesh from the mesh manager.
This gets really bad when drawing meshes with 50K triangles at 10Hz,
resulting in a leak rate @ ~60MB/sec.
- Add a simple 'About' dialog to the help menu.
- Contributors: Jonathan Bohren, William Woodall, gavanderhoorn
1.11.5 (2015-02-11)
- Tools (on the toolbar) can now indicate if they need access to keypresses by setting the access_all_keys_ attribute.
The handling of keypresses in tools has also been refactored. See: pull request #838
- Path display now has an additional display style called "Billboards" which allows to set the line width of the paths.
It also now has an offset property to shift the path with regard to the fixed frame origin.
See: pull request #842
- Meshes now have their ambient values scaled by 0.5 which gives a softer look, which is more in line with Gazebo's look and feel.
See: pull request #841
- The default ambient color for meshes is now 0,0,0, down from 0.5,0.5,0.5.
See: pull request #837
- Triangle-list markers are now shaded like other objects.
See: pull request #833
- Color is now applied to all visuals of the line class, closes #820.
See: pull request #827
- The find_package logic for assimp/yamlcpp has been moved to before add_library for librviz to fix building on OS X.
See: pull request #825
- Fixed moc generation errors with boost >= 1.57.
See: pull request #826
- Contributors: Daniel Stonier, Dave Hershberger, Henning Deeken, Michael Ferguson, Timm Linder, William Woodall, v4hn
1.11.4 (2014-10-30)
- Fixed stereo support for custom projection matrices
- Fixed read off end of array in triangle_list_marker
- Add dependency on opengl
rviz calls find_package(OpenGL), so it should have a direct dependency
on OpenGL. This matters on ARM, where the other packages that rviz
depends on use OpenGL.ES, and don't provide a transitive dependency on
- Update map via QT signal instead of in ros thread
Resolved issues when running RViz in rqt where the incomingMap callback
is not issued from RViz's main QThread causing a crash in Ogre. Map
updates are now handled by emitting a signal to update the map from the
callback thread.
- fix rainbow color, see #813
- Added TF listener as parameter to constructors of VisualizationManager and FrameManager
- Fix add by topic for Marker and MarkerArray
- Fixed map plugin to only show when active
- stereo: restore camera after rendering (Avoids a segfault)
- fix stereo eye separation
- fix ogre includes
- Contributors: Acorn Pooley, Alex Bencz, Austin, Austin Hendrix, Ben Charrow, Dave Hershberger, Jonathan Bohren, Kei Okada, William Woodall, ZdenekM, v4hn
1.11.3 (2014-06-26)
- remove explicit dependency on urdfdom
urdfdom is provided via urdf and catkin_* CMake variables.
The current setup was unbalanced anyways because along with urdfdom, urdfdom_headers should have been being depended on and used.
This precipitated from urdfdom's rosdep key changing as it became a system dependency in Indigo.
- Add ability to delete all markers in Marker plugin
- fix hidden cursor bug
On some systems loading a pixmap from an svg file can fail. On these machines
an empty cursor results, meaning the cursor is invisible inside Rviz. This
works around the problem by using an arrow cursor when the desired cursor
pixmap canot be loaded.
- Install rviz to the global bin
- Added display for sensor_msgs/RelativeHumidity
- Contributors: Acorn Pooley, Adam Leeper, Chad Rockey, Dave Coleman, William Woodall, hersh, trainman419
1.11.2 (2014-05-13)
- Fix an issue with rendering laser scans: #762
- Fix an issue with using boost::signal instead of boost::signal2 with tf
tf recently moved to boost::signal2, so the effort display needed to be updated too
I made it so that it would conditionally use boost::signal2 if the tf version is greater than or equal to 1.11.3
I also fixed some compiler warnings in this code
closes #700
- Contributors: Vincent Rabaud, William Woodall
1.11.1 (2014-05-01)
- fix fragment reference in point_cloud_box.material
Closes #759
- upgrade ogre model meshs with the OgreMeshUpgrader from ogre 1.9
- Changed TF listener to use a dedicated thread.
- Speed up point cloud rendering by caching some computations and using proper loop iterations
- Fixed rendering of mesh resource type markers with respect to texture rendering and color tinting
- Fix segfault on exit for OSX
- Fix memory leak in BillboardLine destructor (material not being destroyed correctly)
- Fix disabling of groups (#709)
This was broken with commit 5897285, which reverted the changes in
commit c6dacb1, but rather than only removing the change concerning
the read-only attribute, commented out the entire check, including
the parent_->getDisableChildren() call (which existed prior to
commit 5897285).
- Add missing libraries to rviz link step, fixes OS X build.
- fix failing sip bindings when path contains spaces
- EffortDisplay: Added a check to avoid segfaults when receiving a joint state without efforts
- Contributors: Dirk Thomas, Hans Gaiser, Jordan Brindza, Mike Purvis, Mirko, Siegfried-A. Gevatter Pujals, Timm Linder, Vincent Rabaud, William Woodall
1.11.0 (2014-03-04)
- fixing problems with urdfdom_headers 0.3.0
- Contributors: William Woodall
1.10.14 (2014-03-04)
- Fixed a bug in tutorials caused by uninitialized ros::Time here.
- Contributors: Dave Hershberger, William Woodall
1.10.13 (2014-02-26)
- Use assimp-dev as a build_depend and leave assimp as the run_depend
- Contributors: Scott K Logan, William Woodall
1.10.12 (2014-02-25)
- Shiboken is now disabled when a version which would segfault is detected (fix #728)
- Eigen is now found using the FindEigen.cmake from the cmake_modules package.
- Added support for rendering rviz in stereo.
For more information see this commit:
- Added a "Queue Size" option for the Range display type.
- Added Ogre-1.10 compatibility
This allows rviz to compile (and work) against Ogre 1.10 (currently
the latest version of ogre).
It also still works with earlier versions of Ogre (tested with Ogre
1.7.4 as installed via debs on Ubuntu 12.04).
- Now includes ogre without OGRE prefix
This is necessary to find Ogre files in the right place with
compatibility between Ogre < 1.9 and Ogre >= 1.9.
This is also necessary when 2 versions of Ogre are installed on the
build machine.
- RVIZ doesn't use __connection_header from incoming messages, but only uses ros::MessageEvent's
- Better feature detection for assimp version
The unified headers were introduced in Assimp 2.0.1150, so checking for Assimp 3.0.0 is not quite the best solution.
- Contributors: Acorn Pooley, Benjamin Chrétien, Dave Hershberger, Kevin Watts, Scott K Logan, Siegfried-A. Gevatter Pujals, Tully Foote, William Woodall, hersh
1.10.11 (2014-01-26)
- Fixed in selection_manager which allows interactive markers to work with orthographic cameras views
- Add support for yamlcpp 0.5 with backwards compatibility with yamlcpp 0.3
- Fixed message type for Polygon display. The polygon display type actually subscribes to PolygonStamped.
- Contributors: Austin, Ken Tossell, Max Schwarz, William Woodall
1.10.10 (2013-12-22)
- Fixed a severe memory leak with markers and marker arrays: #704 and #695
- Contributors: David Gossow, Vincent Rabaud
1.10.6 (2013-09-03)
- Added a new method for adding displays, by topic as opposed to by type.
- Added new exception handling for loading mesh files which have no content.
1.10.5 (2013-08-28 03:50)
- Removed run_dep on the media_export package
- All previous history is not curated, see the commit history <>.