Changelog for package m4atx_battery_monitor
0.0.2 (2014-08-05)
- moved .sh to .bash
- permissions script added to install
- Contributors: Russell Toris
- usb dev added
- comments
- moved script
- Merge branch 'cmdunkers-develop' into develop
- merege
- Added a script to make sure the device can be read from
script applies appropriate permissions
- revert to 0.0.0'
- Added a startup script
- Contributors: Chris Dunkers, Russell Toris
0.0.1 (2014-07-23)
- changelog updated
- espeak now used
- node renamed
- cleanup
- Merge pull request #1 from cmdunkers/develop
battery monitor for the car battery
- added header to fix error
- attemp to fix broken pipe by ensuring usb closed after exiting code
- Updated the conversion for the Voltage input to more accurately represent the input voltage
- corrected the include file
- changed the m4api to the newer updated version/ the more accurate one
- added in sound debug
- added a line to print the iginition voltage, should be 0
- Added smicolons
- added usb reset code
- Added a values to the message so the value can be linked to an decription
Also cleaned up the node
- cleared the build folder
- Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
- merged in changes
- reverted to previous ros node
- testing out new node code
- added git ignore
- Deleted the build folder and added a git ignore
- Got the other api to make
- added source code from umd
- minor fixups
- Wrote the code but not yet tested
- Initial commit
- Contributors: Chris Dunkers, Christopher Dunkers, Russell Toris