.gitignore (#1186) * [.gitignore] add qpoases directory
CMakeLists * Update for compile definitions (#1179)
- CMakeLists.txt : add " for string REGREX whoen OPENHRP_DEFINITIONS is not set
CollisionDetector * Update debug message (#1178)
- CollisionDetector.cpp: setupVclipModel() : display size of vclip model verts
rtm.py * Fix (#1183)
- fix classFromString()
SequencePlayer * Update sample checking (#1143)
- [sample/SampleRobot/samplerobot_sequence_player.py] Check return value of checkJointAngles of SequencePlayer sample.
hrpsys_config.py * Update debug message (#1153)
- hrpsys_config.py: display findComps -> (rtcname)
Update documentation (#1135) * [py][doc] Clarify setTargetPoseRelative's wait behavior (addresses #1121).
wait argument is to regulate the commands previously run before setTargetPoseRelative, but there are users who thought it stops subsequent commands. This change hopefully clarifies the difference.
PointCloudViewer * Update checking (#1145)
- [PointCloudViewer] Validity check seems not to be needed when is_dense param is correctly set
- [PointCloudViewer] Use union rgb member in PointXYZRGB
- [PointCloudViewer] Fix point validity check, isnan should take floating value
- [PointCloudViewer] Fix validity check of color points
Beeper (#1143) * [rtc/Beeper/Beeper.cpp] Update sleep time of beep. Do not access beep device during previous beep command is executed.
GraspController (#1160) * [rtc/GraspController] Add [] for grasp controller instance name and add more information about parsing of joint group setting
For fullbody manipulation : AutoBalancer, Stabilizer, ObjectContactTurnaroundDetector, ReferenceForceUpdater * Fix bug of initialization (#1160)
- [rtc/ReferenceForceUpdater] Update to use interpolated results.
- [rtc/ReferenceForceUpdater] Output default value for refFootOriginExtMoment if is_active is false.
- [rtc/Stabilizer] Do not calculate actual foot_origin_ext_moment if in the air, because of invalid act_zmp.
ReferenceForceUpdater : Fix bug of get/set value (#1173) * [rtc/ReferenceForceUpdater/ReferenceForceUpdater.cpp] Fix bug in get value for is_hold_value flag * [sample/SampleRobot/samplerobot_reference_force_updater.py] Add check for value setting and add comments
Stabilizer * Support n-sided polygon (#1189)
- [idl/StabilizerService.idl] add comment about the order of eefm_support_polygon_vertices_sequence
- [Stabilizer.cpp, Stabilizer.cpp] add vertices with margin for fall detection
- [ZMPDistributor.h] remove unused function
- [ZMPDistributor.h] fix bug on calcProjectedPoint
- [Stabilizer.*, ZMPDistributor.h] calculate convex hull from n-sided polygon's vertices
AutoBalancer * Update ref force balancing (#1188)
- [idl/AutoBalancerService.idl,python/hrpsys_config.py,rtc/AutoBalancer,rtc/ReferenceForceUpdater] Support walking while MODE_REF_FORCE_RFU_EXT_MOMENT by using is_hold_value flag and move base offset
- [idl/AutoBalancerService.idl, rtc/AutoBalancer] Add parameters to specify link name and offset point for additional force, such as torso.
Contributors: Fumio KANEHIRO, Iori Kumagai, Isaac I.Y. Saito, Juntaro Tamura, Kei Okada, Nobuhiko Miyamoto, Noriaki Takasugi, Shunichi Nozawa, Yuta Kojio, Yasuhiro Ishiguro, Yisha
Update for beeping of SoftErrorLimiter and CollisionDetector (#1124) * [rtc/SoftErrorLimiter/SoftErrorLimiter.cpp,rtc/CollisionDetector/CollisionDetector.cpp] Call quit_beep when is_beep_port_connected is true, because beeping is not required in these RTCs and deregated to Beeper RTC in this case.
Update documentations of python interfaces for stable rtcs (#1120) * [doc][py] Explain setWrenches method (thanks to https://github.com/fkanehiro/hrpsys-base/issues/1131).
Similar info should be added to IDL level (this Python file is only the end-user API so the number of audience can be minimum).
AFAI understood from looking at [SequencePlayer/SequencePlayer.cpp](https://github.com/fkanehiro/hrpsys-base/blob/350a3bcdeafd39d82a44c2dbde6a279adb6d88eb/rtc/SequencePlayer/SequencePlayer.cpp#L547)'s implementation, time taken for planning and other processes are not considered for "tm" argument.
hrpsys-simulator * set default background color of hrpsys-viewer
Update CMake for VTK (#1123) * Precise the version of VTK
There seems to be an incompatibility between the version 5.8 and the version 7
Update Unstable RTC sample, readme, and images (#1126, #1127) * [sample/SampleRobot/README.md] Fix path of images of README * [sample/SampleRobot/README.md, img] Add image and update link for hrpsys sample README * [sample/SampleRobot/samplerobot_terrain_walk.py] Update terrain walk samples * [sample/SampleRobot/SampleRobot.DRCTestbed.xml] Update DRC testbed xml to add floor. * [sample/README.md, SampleRobot/README.md] Update README to fix indent and alignment.
Update Stabilizer (#1125, #1128, #1137) * Update Stabilizer-related codes and samples (#1125)
- [sample/SampleRobot/samplerobot_stabilizer.py] Add new sample for st for root rot change and mimic rough terrain.
- [rtc/PDcontroller/PDcontroller.cpp] Print PD gain when loading
- [rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.*] Remove unused parameters.
Add new functionality for walking (#1129, #1134) * Modify footsteps to keep balance (#1129)
- [AutoBalancerService.idl, StabilizerService.idl, hrpsys_config.py, AutoBalancer.*, AutoBalancer.*, Stabilizer.*] modify footsteps based on CP
- [AutoBalancerService.idl, AutoBalancer.cpp, GaitGenerator.*, sample/SampleRobot/samplerobot_auto_balancer.py] use different parameter when generating footsteps with circle type
Update python function to start all default controllers (#1130) * [python/hrpsys_config.py] Support non-legged robot and leg-only robot in startDefaultUnstableControllers and stopDefaultUnstableControllers
Add new functionality to remove force sensor offset (#1132, #1133) * [idl/RemoveForceSensorLinkOffsetService.idl, rtc/RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset, python/hrpsys_config.py, sample/SampleRobot/samplerobot_remove_force_offset.py] Add argument for duration of calibration. Set 8.0[s] as default value in python code * [python/hrpsys_config.py,sample/SampleRobot/samplerobot_remove_force_offset.py] Add sample and python interface for removing force sensor offset. * [idl/RemoveForceSensorLinkOffsetService, rtc/RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset] Add function to remove force sensor offset in RMFO RTC. * [rtc/RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset/RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset.txt] Add documentation abount two types of offsets.
Contributors: Fumio KANEHIRO, Isaac I.Y. Saito, Mehdi Benallegue, Shunichi Nozawa, Tatsuya Ishikawa, YutaKojio
Update for 3rdparty (#1115) * [3rdparty/qpOASES/CMakeLists.txt] trust server of QPOASES
Add ApproximateVoxelGridFilter (#1117) * replace VoxelGridFilter with ApproximateVoxelGridFilter * add a new RT component, ApproximateVoxelGridFilter
Update for ApproximateVoxelGridFilter * copy timestamp from input cloud to output cloud * add debug mode and pass through mode
Add PointCloudViewer (#1116) * add a new RT component, PointCloudViewer
Update for VoxelGridFilter * copy is_dense attribute from input point cloud * add debugLevel property and support pass-through mode
Update Stabilizer in-the-air behavior (#1090) * [Stabilizer] Set default detection time whether robot is in air to zero * [Stabilizer] Set detection time whether robot is in air * [Stabilizer] Rename variables
Rename and separate functions (#1111) * Stabilizer
- [rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.*] Rename contact_states -> ref_contact_states. Rename isContact -> act_contact_states
AutoBalancer update by adding inverse dynamics function (#1110) * refactor IIRFilter::setParameterAsBiquadButterworth -> IIRFilter::setParameterAsBiquad * sqrt -> std::sqrt one more * sqrt -> std::sqrt * seperate InverseDynamics calculation sequence * tan -> std::tan * Revert "remove unused dependency from AutoBalancer/CMakeLists.txt"
This reverts commit 933edb0a1d05b7104e22eccc96f5639cedd607b4.
Contributors: Fumio KANEHIRO, Masaki Murooka, Ryo KOYAMA, Shunichi Nozawa, Tatsuya Ishikawa, Yasuhiro Ishiguro
Do not store history of gh-pages * Do not store history of gh-pages (#1107)
- .travis.yml : do not keep history in gh-pages
Fix bug of cmake for latest catkin (#1103) * fix https://github.com/start-jsk/rtmros_common/pull/998, for latest catkin
Update maintainer and docs (#1100) * Update maintainer * [doc] Clarify workspace for get*Pose methods. [doc] Add missing rtype for setJoint* methods.
CameraImageViewer OpenNIGrabber * Update for depth image(#1106)
- resolve conflicts
- enable output both of image and point cloud
- update document
- add a configuration variable depthBits to CameraImageViewer
- support depth image (not tested yet)
- support CF_DEPTH (not tested yet)
- add CF_RGB to ColorFormat
Stabilizer * Bug fix of transition among stop, start, ground, and air mode (#1104)
- [rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.cpp] Fix bug of st transition related with air and ground (https://github.com/fkanehiro/hrpsys-base/issues/1098, https://github.com/fkanehiro/hrpsys-base/pull/1102)
- [sample/SampleRobot/samplerobot_stabilizer.py] Add test code to check ST transition problem (https://github.com/fkanehiro/hrpsys-base/issues/1098, https://github.com/fkanehiro/hrpsys-base/pull/1102).
ObjectContactTurnaroundDetector (Add new RTC separated from ImpedanceController) (#1101) * [idl/ImpedanceControllerService.idl,rtc/ImpedanceController] Remove ObjectContactTurnaroundDetector from ImpedanceController. * [sample/SampleRobot/samplerobot_carry_object.py, samplerobot_impedancecontroller.py] Use OCTD RTC instead of ImpedanceController * [python/hrpsys_config.py,launch/samplerobot.launch,doc] Update hrpsyspy, launch, and doc for ObjectContactTurnaroundDetector RTC * [rtc/CMakeLists.txt,idl/CMakeLists.txt,rtc/ObjectContactTurnaroundDetector,idl/ObjectContactTurnaroundDetectorService.idl] Add ObjectContactTurnaroundDetector RTC for object manipulation separated from ImpedanceController
TorqueFilter/IIRFilter (#1097) * [rtc/TorqueFilter] Add comments for IIR Filter implementation * [rtc/TorqueFilter] Fix reset function to output initial_value
ImpedanceController (#1099) * [rtc/ImpedanceController/ImpedanceController.cpp,h,ObjectTurnaroundDetector.h] Add port for otd data (mode, wrench values) * [rtc/ImpedanceController/ImpedanceController.cpp] Add calcForwardKinematics for state calculation.
AutoBalancer (#1099) * [rtc/AutoBalancer/AutoBalancer.cpp] Transition m_limbCOPOffset in ABC (in MODE_IDLE, set to 0). * [rtc/AutoBalancer/AutoBalancer.cpp] Use setGoal instead of go for autobalancer transition.
KalmanFilter (#1099) * [rtc/KalmanFilter/CMakeLists.txt, testKFilter.cpp] Add test code for KFilter class. * [rtc/KalmanFilter/KalmanFilter.cpp] Consider sensor offset for gyro value.
Contributors: Fumio KANEHIRO, Isaac I.Y. Saito, Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa, Iori Kumagai
- [IIRFilter] remove warning message
- [IIRFilter] add test code for IIRFilter to testIIRFilter
- [IIRFilter] fix indent on IIRFilter.h IIRFilter.cpp
- [IIRFilter] add new method for using IIRFilter
- [rtc/AutoBalancer/GaitGenerator.h] Define interpolate_antecedent_path functions as const member functions.
Contributors: Fumio Kanehiro, Shunichi Nozawa, Tatsuya Ishikawa, Yohei Kakiuchi
- [idl/StabilizerService.idl, rtc/Stabilizer/] Add new st_algorithm to check multi contact distribution.
- [rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.cpp] Update checking of st_algorithm (TPCC or not). This commit should not change behavior.
- [rtc/SequencePlayer/interpolator.cpp] Add print message for MIN_INTERPOLATION_TIME in interpolator.
OpenNIGrabber (#1021)
Contributors: Fumio Kanehiro, Isaac I.Y. Saito, Jun Inoue, Ryo Koyama, Kei Okada, Masaki Murooka, Noriaki Takasugi, Shunichi Nozawa, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yuta Kojio, Iori Yanokura
fix include directory for iob.h/idl/util (#842) (io/iob.h -> hrpsys/io/iob.h, xxx.hh -> hrpsys/idl/xxx.hh, util/xxx.h -> hrpsys/util/xxx.h)
Update semaphore and EcexutionContext (#970)
Update docs (#975)
Fix include dir for QNX build (#971)
[sample/SampleRobot/samplerobot_emergency_stopper.py,samplerobot_remove_force_offset.py] Use DataLogger instead of readDataPort for sample. (#950)
sample/SampleRobot/samplerobot_sequence_player.py: fix checkArrayBetween function (#919)
- [.travis.sh] Download and overwrite deb installed tests for downstream hrpsys-ros-bridge
- [sample/SampleRobot/samplerobot_carry_object.py] Define object turnaround detection time threshold and use hand fix mode during pushing manipulation.
- [sample/SampleRobot/README.md] Add conf file setting for el sample README.
Fix pkg-config file, includedir should be the include directory, not the compiler flag. (#947)
[.travis.sh] Use --purge option for mongodb apt-get remove in order to remove configuration file. (reported in https://github.com/fkanehiro/hrpsys-base/pull/900#issuecomment-162392884) (#906)
ReferenceForceUpdater Add reference force updater (#974)
Kalman Filter
[rtc/AutoBalancer/GaitGenerator.h] Add boundary conditions of velocity and acceleration to GaitGenerator (#981)
[rtc/AutoBalancer/GaitGenerator.h] Fix zmp weight interpolation and use setGoal instead of go. (#973)
Get foosteps (#939)
[rtc/AutoBalancer/AutoBalancer.cpp] Initialize gait_type as BIPED. (#937)
Update JointPathEx IK (#942)
fix bug when overwriting footstep (#940)
Update gaitgenerator and fix bugs (#918)
Update gopos (#877)
[sample/SampleRobot/samplerobot_impedance_controller.py] Check hrpsys_version for samplerobot impedance test
[rtc/ImpedanceController/JointPathEx.*, AutoBalancer, ImpedanceController, SequencePlayer, Stabilizer] Reduce limit over print message frequence in JointPathEx and add more information for it.
[sample/SampleRobot/samplerobot_impedance_controller.py, test/test-samplerobot-impedance.py] Test samplerobot_impedance_controller python example
[rtc/*] Update print message from RTCs like [el]
[rtc/AutoBalancer/GaitGenerator.*] Update appending of footstep function. Define both const and non-const member function.
[rtc/AutoBalancer/GaitGenerator.*, AutoBalancer.cpp] Enable to overwrite goPos target goal.
[sample/SampleRobot/samplerobot_auto_balancer.py] Add check test for goPos final dst_foot_midcoords and add example for goPos overwrite.
[rtc/AutoBalancer/GaitGenerator.h] Set is_initialize for gopos true by default to pass tests with default argument.
[rtc/AutoBalancer/GaitGenerator.*] Use const member function for getter and printing functions.
Overwrite current footstep (#916)
Fix fixed coords again (#917)
Modify swing leg end coords (#934)
Return total force or moment from getObjectForcesMoments and consider moment_center as foot mid frame. (#932)
[rtc/ImpedanceController/ImpedanceController.cpp] Check for legged robot.
[rtc/ImpedanceController/ObjectTurnaroundDetector.h] Reset current filtered param when detect mode switched.
[idl/ImpedanceControllerService.idl, rtc/ImpedanceController/*] Return total force or moment from getObjectForcesMoments and consider moment_center as foot mid frame.
Enable total moment detection by object turnaround detection. (#930)
[Stabilizer.cpp] enable to change compensation limit : omission of https://github.com/fkanehiro/hrpsys-base/pull/852 (#929)
[Stabilizer.cpp] fix com height of LIPM in Capture Point calculation (#924)
[hrpsys_config.py] start stabilizer after auto-balancer in startDefaultUnstableControllers (#928)
[Stabilizer.cpp] fix typo of https://github.com/fkanehiro/hrpsys-base/pull/895 (#922)
Update graspless manip mode (#921)
Add rostest for stabilizer. (#910)
get all q log (#915)
Contributors: Benjamin Chrétien, Eisoku Kuroiwa, Fumio Kanehiro, Iori Kumagai, Kei Okada, Kohei Kimura, Masaki Murooka, Mehdi Benallegue, Ryo Koyama, Shunichi Nozawa, Takasugi Noriaki, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yuta Kojio, Iori Yanokura
Add name for interpolator and set name for RTCs using interpolator (#848 )
[sample/SampleSpecialJointRobot/SampleSpecialJointRobot.conf.in] Add interlocking joint setting
[sample/environments/Dumbbell.wrl, sample/SampleRobot/samplerobot_carry_object.py] Update Dumbbell handle and add auto detection sample
[README.md, sample/SampleRobot/README.md] Add new sample explanation to SampleRobot README and add link to top page
[sample/environments/Dumbbell.wrl, sample/SampleRobot/samplerobot_carry_object.py] Update Dumbbell handle and add auto detection sample
[sample/SampleRobot/ForceSensorOffset_SampleRobot.txt, samplerobot_carry_object.py, CMakeLists.txt] Add force sensor offset for rmfo and update controller initialization in carry sample
[sample/SampleRobot/carry, sample/environments/PushBox.wrl] Add push box and push manipulation demo
[sample/SampleRobot/SampleRobot.carryobject.xml.in,samplerobot_carry_object.py] Add ABS_TRANSFORM for each object and add walking example
sample/environments/Dumbbell.wrl, sample/SampleRobot/*] Add Dumbbell model and add carry up example.
[sample/SampleSpecialJointRobot/, rtc/AutoBalancer/] Enable toe joint example and support robots witch leg joints >= 7
[launch/samplespecialjointrobot.launch, sample/SampleSpecialJointRobot/, sample/CMakeLists.txt] Add files for SampleSpecialJointRobot
[sample/Sample4LegRobot] Add kinematics simulation xml and call set parameter func in demo program
[sample/Sample4LegRobot/sample4legrobot_stabilizer.py] Update st params
[sample/Sample4LegRobot/Sample4LegRobot.xml.in] Use non-bush model for non-torquecontrol simulation
[sample/Sample*Robot/Sample*Robot.conf.in] Add optionalData setting
[sample/Sample*Robot/Sample*Robot.conf.in] Add parameters for ThermoLimter and CollisionDetector and hide print messages on simulation
[sample/Sample4LegRobot/sample4legrobot_stabilizer.py] Add st and abc setting
[launch/sample4legrobot.launch, sample/Sample4LegRobot, sample/CMakeLists.txt] Add files for Sample4LegRobot
[sample/SampleRobot/SampleRobot.conf.in, rtc/PDcontroller/PDcontroller.cpp] Enable to set gain file from bindParameter (https://github.com/fkanehiro/hrpsys-base/pull/789) and rename pdgains_sim.file_name => pdgains_sim_file_name
[sample/SampleRobot/samplerobot_auto_balancer.py] add a sample program of setFootSteps with arms
[sample/SampleRobot/samplerobot_auto_balancer.py] add a sample program of four leg auto-balancer
[sample/SampleRobot/samplerobot_auto_balancer.py] add four legs mode pose
[sample/SampleRobot/samplerobot_auto_balancer.py] apply numpy.allclose to list of list
[sample/SampleRobot/samplerobot_auto_balancer.py] set acceptable error between reference and actual default_zmp_offsets
[sample/SampleRobot/samplerobot_auto_balancer.py] add debug message to demoAutoBalancerSetParam
[sample/SampleRobot/samplerobot_stabilizer.py] Tune stabilizer eefm parameter using rubber bush and torque control mode
[sample/SampleRobot/samplerobot_soft_error_limiter.py] Remove unnecessary mdlldr and fix newline
[sample/SampleRobot/samplerobot_soft_error_limiter.py] Update limit table check and add error and vel limit check
[launch/samplerobot.launch,sample/SampleRobot/SampleRobot.PDgain.dat,SampleRobot.torque.xml.in] Update torquecontrol to use sample1_bush
[sample/SampleRobot/samplerobot_auto_balancer.py] add assert to check success of setting default_zmp_offsets
[sample/SampleRobot/samplerobot_stabilizer.py] Fix samplerobot st sample parameter
AutoBalancer (support 4 legs)
* [rtc/Autobalancer/Autobalancer.cpp] Disable to change double support time for swing leg * [rtc/AutoBalancer/AutoBalancer.cpp] Add double support time before and after swing to AutoBalancer
- [rtc/AutoBalancer/GaitGenerator.cpp] Do not reuse vector for swing foot zmp offsets.
- [rtc/AutoBalancer/GaitGenerator.h] Fix printing of footsteps.
- [rtc/AutoBalancer/AutoBalancer.cpp] Substitute ref_forces calculated from ZMP for ref_force's outport at ABC
- [rtc/AutoBalancer/AutoBalancer.cpp] Add Outport of ref_forces to AutoBalancer
- [rtc/AutoBalancer/AutoBalancer.cpp] Set Contact States for ee not included in leg_names to false
- [rtc/AutoBalancer/AutoBalancer.*] Enable to output contact and swing support time
- [AutoBalancer.*] add leg_names_interpolator in order to change leg_names during MODE_ABC
- [AutoBalancer.cpp] add Guard at the top of setAutoBalancerParam
- [rtc/AutoBalancer/testGaitGenerator.cpp,GaitGenerator.cpp] Fix double support phase count and contact state change.
- [rtc/AutoBalancer/GaitGenerator.*] Add is_swing_phase member
- [rtc/AutoBalancer/testGaitGenerator.cpp] Display contact states on swing support time plotting
- [AutoBalancer.cpp, GaitGenerator.*] extend contactStates, controlSwingSupportTime and limbCOPOffset for arms
- [AutoBalancer.cpp] fix typo of index
- [rtc/AutoBalancer/AutoBalancer.*] Reduce debug pring for ik error
- [GaitGenerator.cpp] fix the order of passing arguments
- [AutoBalancer.cpp] use target_p0/r0 instead of target_link->p/R to calculate ref_cog in order to avoid discontinuity of ref_cog
- [AutoBalancer.cpp, GaitGenerator.h] add zmp_weight_interpolator
- [AutoBalancer.*] rename zmp_interpolator to zmp_offset_interpolator for zmp_weight_interpolator
- [idl/AutoBalancerService.idl, AutoBalancer.cpp, AutoBalancerService_impl.cpp] set the number of default_zmp_offsets according to the number of end-effectors
- [AutoBalancer/AutoBalancer.cpp] fix typo : get_default_step_height -> get_toe_angle / get_heel_angle
- [AutoBalancer.cpp] move some code blocks in onInitialize to use end-effector information
- [rtc/AutoBalancer/AutoBalancer.cpp] Fix abc ik error bug. Calculate difference from current->target and update threshold
- [testGaitGenerator.cpp] cannot use comparison operator between const std::vector<std::string> and boost::assign::list_of(std::string) in HRP2 inside PC
- [idl/AutoBalancerService.idl, AutoBalancer.cpp, AutoBalancerService_impl.cpp] add zmp_weight_map to GaitGeneratorParams
- [AutoBalancer.cpp, GaitGenerator.*] add zmp weight map which is used in target zmp calculation
- [rtc/AutoBalancer/AutoBalancer.cpp] Do not check ik error during start and stop auto balancer
- [idl/AutoBalancerService.idl, AutoBalancer.*, AutoBalancerService_impl.*, GaitGenerator.h] add setFootStepNodes for multiple legs
- [GaitGenerator.h] use weight factor in get_swing_support_mid_coords for crawl walking
- [GaitGenerator.h] print index of foot steps
- [AutoBalancer.cpp] do not print unless DEBUG mode
- [GaitGenerator.h] add default constructor of step_node
- add outport for ref-capture-point
- [idl/AutoBalancerService.idl, rtc/AutoBalancer/AutoBalancer.*] Enable to check ik error.
Stabilizer (capture points)
[rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.cpp] Fix bug of st compensation frame.
[rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.cpp] fix calculation of cp for visualization
[idl/StabilizerService.idl, rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.*] check whether capture point is inside support polygon
[rtc/Stabilizer/ZMPDistributor.h] add function to check whether point is inside support polygon
[rtc/Stabilizer/ZMPDistributor.h] add function to calculate ConvexHull
[idl/StabilizerService.idl, rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.*] disable emergency stop while walking by default
[idl/StabilizerService.idl, rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.cpp] add end_effector_list to set/getParameter
[Stabilizer/Stabilizer.cpp] add mutex guards
[Stabilizer/Stabilizer.cpp] add tm info to out ports
[rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.cpp] fix bug about checking cp error
[rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.cpp] fix typo : Reduce frequency of cp error print message
[Stabilizer/Stabilizer.cpp] set contact states for all the limbs
[idl/AutoBalancerService.idl] Change idl's description
[rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.cpp, rtc/Stabilizer/ZMPDistributor.h] change detection of falling with cp
[idl/StabilizerService.idl, rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.*] enable to set compensation limit
[rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.cpp] Enable to set emergency_check_mode always.
[rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.*] Reduce frequency of cp error print message
[rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.cpp] Use inport ref-force moment for initial values.
[rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.cpp] Fix wait for stop stabilizer.
[rtc/Stabilizer/ZMPDistributor.h, Stabilizer.cpp] Use pinv version for multileg debug and add print messages
[rtc/Stabilizer/ZMPDistributor.h] Use limb_gain for feedforward force calculation
[rtc/Stabilizer/] Use limb gain for swing support transition
[rtc/Stabilizer/ZMPDistributor.h] Add non inequality distribution
[idl/StabilizerService.idl] convert CapturePoint from foot-origin relative to root-link relative
[rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.cpp] Fix st sensor name check for robots with toe joints
[rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.*] Enable swing->support gain transition
[rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.cpp, rtc/AutoBalancer/GaitGenerator.*] Print swing support time and consider swing phase for swing suport time calculation
[rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.*] Calc swing support gain from remain time
[rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.cpp, ZMPDistributor.h] Use cop distance and add d_foot_pos print message
[rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.cpp] Add independent limb ik
[rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.cpp] Reduce redundant calculation of pos_ctrl
[idl/StabilizerService.idl, rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.cpp] Remove deprecated parameters for old st mode
[idl/StabilizerService.idl, rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.*] Add argument to select force difference control mode
[python/hrpsys_config.py, rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.*] Update st debug reference and compensation port for multi legged robots
[idl/StabilizerService.idl, rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.cpp, sample/Sample*/*_stabilizer.py] Enable to set all vertices of support polygon
[rtc/Stabilizer/testZMPDistributor.cpp] Initialize ref force moment for test
[idl/StabilizerService.idl, rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.*] Enable to set eefmqpcop algorithm
[rtc/Stabilizer/ZMPDistributor.h] Update for multi leg force moment distribution
[rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.*] Rename ref force moment variable
[rtc/Stabilizer/*] Enable to set limb ref force and moment
[rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.*] Fix for prev act force z
[rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.cpp] Use zmp calc and feedback checking
[rtc/Stabilizer/ZMPDistributor.h] Fix for compile not USE_QPOASES
[idl/StabilizerService.idl, rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.*] Add parameter for end effector feedback and zmp calc params
[rtc/Stabilizer/ZMPDistributor.h, rtc/Stabilizer/testZMPDistributor.cpp] Add force moment distribution by cop distance
[rtc/Stabilizer/testZMPDistributor.cpp] Fix plotting of test zmp distributor
[rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.*, rtc/EmergencyStopper/EmergencyStopper.cpp] Reset emergency flag when st mode is moved to idle or air.
[rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.cpp, rtc/AutoBalancer/AutoBalancer.cpp, rtc/ImpedanceController/ImpedanceController.cpp, JointPathEx.*] Enable interlocking joints setting for AutoBalancer, ImpedanceController, Stabilizer
[idl/StabilizerService.idl] Update comments of types
[rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.cpp] Update print message and add setter check
[idl/StabilizerService.idl, rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.*] Enable to set all end effector damping param.
[rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.*] Add d_foot_xx to st ik param
[rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.*] Use LPF for target ee diff p
[rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.*] Enable to use body attitude control for both tpcc and eefm
[rtc/Stabilizer/*] Use LPF in IIRFilter.h
[rtc/Stabilizer/ZMPDistributor.h] Fix argument for USE_QPOASES OFF
[rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.*] Remove deprecated leg variables and force sensor checking in every loop
[python/hrpsys_config.py, rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.*] Connect all force sensors and do not check whether leg or not in python and connection phase
[rtc/Stabilizer/testZMPDistributor.cpp, Stabilizer.cpp, ZMPDistributor.h] Fix immediate value for rleg lleg index.
[rtc/Stabilizer/ZMPDistributor.h] Fix const addition
[rtc/Stabilizer/ZMPDistributor.h] Fix rleg and lleg usage
[rtc/Stabilizer/ZMPDistributor.h,rtc/Stabilizer/testZMPDistributor.cpp] Update test moment plot range and extract calc alpha function
ImpedanceController (estimated force and external objects)
[idl/ImpedanceControllerService.idl,rtc/ImpedanceController/ImpedanceController.cpp,rtc/ImpedanceController/ObjectTurnaroundDetector.h] Add tuning parameter for time count after object turnaround detection.
[idl/StabilizerService.idl, rtc/Stabilizer/ZMPDistributor.h, rtc/Stabilizer/Stabilizer.*] change variable type of cp_check_margin
[rtc/ImpedanceController/JointPathEx.cpp] Fix bug of interlocking joint. Initialize matrix by zero setting.
[rtc/ImpedanceController/ImpedanceController.cpp] Print impedance control parameter when DEBUGP controlled by debugLevel.
[idl/ImpedanceControllerService.idl,rtc/ImpedanceController/ImpedanceController*, ObjectTurnaroundDetector.h] Return object turnaround detector mode while checking.
[idl/ImpedanceControllerService.idl, rtc/ImpedanceController/Impedance*] Add get function for estimated force and moment
[idl/ImpedanceControllerService.idl, rtc/ImpedanceController/*] Add idl service functions for object turnaround detector.
[rtc/ImpedanceController/ObjectTurnaroundDetector.h] Add axis and update params
[rtc/ImpedanceController/ObjectTurnaroundDetector.h] Add counter and fix checking
[rtc/ImpedanceController/*] Add ObjectTurnaroundDetector and tests
[idl/ImpedanceControllerService.idl, rtc/ImpedanceController/Impedance*] Add get function for estimated force and moment
[idl/ImpedanceControllerService.idl, rtc/ImpedanceController/*] Add idl service functions for object turnaround detector.
[rtc/ImpedanceController/ObjectTurnaroundDetector.h] Add axis and update params
[rtc/ImpedanceController/ObjectTurnaroundDetector.h] Add counter and fix checking
[rtc/ImpedanceController/*] Add ObjectTurnaroundDetector and tests
[rtc/ImpedanceController/JointPathEx.*] Add interlocking joint usage. Add interlocking joint component to jacobian and workspace velocity.
Contributors: Eisoku Kuroiwa, Fumio KANEHIRO, Hervé Audren, Isaac IY Saito, Kei Okada, Shunichi Nozawa, Takasugi Noriaki, Yohei Kakiuchi, Yosuke Matsusaka, Yuta Kojio, Masaki Murooka, jenkinshrg
[python/hrpsys_config.py] Enable thermolimiter and thermoestimator (in Unstable RTC)
[test/test-samplerobot.test, test-samplerobot-*.py] Add rostests for unstable rtcs.
[test/test-samplerobot.test] Add data logger and collision detector tests to samplerobot rostest.
[CMakeLists.txt, rtc/[AutoBalancer, ImpedanceController, Stabilizer]/CMakeLists.txt] Add enable_testing to toplevel cmake and add add_test for impedance, autobalnacer, and stabilizer examples
AutoBalancer (Support 4/multi leg mode)
Contributors: Fumio KANEHIRO, Isaac IY Saito, Kei Okada, Masaki Murooka, Shunichi Nozawa, Yuta Kojio, Eisoku Kuroiwa, Iori Kumagai
[idl/SequencePlayerService.idl, SequencePlayer.{h,cpp}, SequencePlayerService_impl.{h,cpp}, seqplay.{h,cpp}] add clearJointAngles and clearJointAnglesOfGroup()
[seqplay.cpp] push current data to the queue
[idl/SequencePlayerService.idl, SequencePlayer.{h,cpp}, SequencePlayerService_impl{h,cpp}, seqplay.{h,cpp}] add setJointAnglesSequenceFull()
[interpolator.h] add dimension() returns dim
[interpolator.{cpp,h}] add setGoal(double *, double, bool = true)
[python/hrpsys_config.py, SequencePlayer.{h,cpp}, SequencePlayerService_impl.cpp, seqplay.{h,cpp}] add setJointAnglesSequenceOfGroup
[SequencePlayer.cpp] use setJointAnglesSequence for setJointAngles
[idl/SequencePlayerService.idl, python/hrpsys_config.py, SequencePlayer.{h,cpp}, SequencePlayerService_impl.{h,cpp}, seqplay.{h,cpp}] add setJointAnglesSequence wcich takes Sequence of JointAngles and overwrite current motion
[package.xml] add deped to graphviz for dot program fix #629
RobotHardware (lib/io/iob.cpp) API Updated
(OpenHRP3 installed directory)/share/OpenHRP-3.1/sample/project * [hrpsys_config.py] #567 is wrong, do not need to decode * [hrpsys_config.py] fix code to work on python2.5 * [hrpsys_config.py] Import check_output near the line which check_output is used * [hrpsys_config.py] add verbose option to findCOmps()
- [hrpsys_config.py] add max_timeout_count to findComps()
- [hrpsys_config.py] fix print message
- [hrpsys_config.py] add verbose option to getRTCInstanceList()
Remove name from impedanceParam fucntion **** This fill change IDL ****. (https://github.com/fkanehiro/hrpsys-base/pull/388 )
Add rtc instance name in debug message (https://github.com/fkanehiro/hrpsys-base/pull/380 )
remove unused include (boost/interprocess/sync/interprocess_semaphore.hpp) (https://github.com/fkanehiro/hrpsys-base/pull/365 )
[util/monitor, utils/simulator] (https://github.com/fkanehiro/hrpsys-base/pull/407 )
New Features
- (AutoBalancer, ImpedanceController) : Enable onDeactivated function for ImpedanceController and AutoBalancer
- Added getControllerParams method and modified type of Param (struct -> class)
- Added type check before use conf params
- fix for old pcl
- (ImpedanceController, AutoBalancer, Stabilizer) : Move to idling mode if stop() and start() are called. This is discussed in https://github.com/fkanehiro/hrpsys-base/issues/215
- print exception when plugin is not found
- add document to change timestep
- (AutoBalancer) : Add time stamp to abc walking data ports and initialize contactStates
- (GaitGenerator, Ratsmatrix) : Remove unused print functions and update print functions to use Eigen IOFormat
- (AutoBalancer, ImpedanceController, RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset, Stabilizer) : Update unstable RTCs documentation
- (hrpsys_config, DataLogger) : Enable to log contactStates as TimedBooleanSeq
- set compile flag -ffloat-store to 32bit system add message for setting collision_loop
- removes input dataport "sensorPose" and uses pose in RangeData
- Connect q and qRef to ThermoEstimator to estimate joint torque from error
- modify OpenHRP-3.1 path due to ROS-fhs layout, see #128
- Adds PointCloudLogViewer, encords the number of points in point cloud. compiles PointCloudLogViewer only with PCL >= 1.7.
- (Stabilizer) : Add leg inside margin to IDL
- (KalmanFilter) : Add KalmanFilterParam as struct
- Better error handling
- fixes linker error on 12.04amd
- Partially reverted to handle Python version < 2.6
- Add DataLogger logging for servoState port.
- Add playPattern* methods.
- (hrpsys_config.py, SequencePlayer, StateHolder) : Add optional data for seq in https://github.com/fkanehiro/hrpsys-base/issues/190
- Add and connect logger ports for offset force moment and ref force moment
- Added old style parameter functions to TwoDofController for Stabilizer
- Modified controller arguments from double valiables to struct parameter.
- Apply doxygen style, somehow needs exclamation mark (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7690220/how-to-document-python-function-parameter-types)
- Doc improved for many components: AverageFilter, ExtractCameraImage, SequencePlayer, HGcontroller, CaptureController, VideoCapture, PCDLoader, SORFilter, RangeNoiseMixer, CaptureController, JpegEncoder, RGB2Gray, PlaneRemover, AverageFilter. AutoBalancer, Stabilizer, KalmanFilter, RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset, ImpedanceController
- Use force difference control
- Add data port for Stabilizer root pos and rot debugging
- (Stabilizer, hrpsys_config.py) Add debug port for Stabilizer compensation
- Add both foot contact checker and update force z control
- Add data port for swing and support period remain times and connect it between abc and st
- Fix end effector name, e.g., :rarm => rarm. This change is based on JointGroup name discussed in https://github.com/fkanehiro/hrpsys-base/issues/232
- Inhibit debug print in KalmanFilter.h
- Add DEBUG to control printing of KalmanFilter
- KF -> EKF and RPY -> Quaternion
- Add wrapper for sample6dofrobot examples added in https://github.com/fkanehiro/hrpsys-base/pull/281
- Add set ref force and moment example for impedance controller
- (terrain-walk) : Add wrapper of example in hrpsys-base samplerobot_terrain_walk.py
- add graphbiz to install
- add automatic push to gh-pages
- Enable to use RMFO on robots without imu. Connect RPY port only if it exists.
- move api doc for some methods from downstream.
- enable to set reference frame in get{Reference,Current}{Pose,Position,Rotation,RPY}, see #297
- use CPython as default python and add hrpsys_config.py
- Add data port for acceleration reference which can be used in KalmanFilter.cpp
- Use function and variable names. Use TargetParameter and CurrentParmeter
- Remove duplicate codes for transition_smooth_gain
- Remove unused codes and use is_legged_robot flag
- Connect accRef from abc instead of seq. Note that connection from seq at previous r
- Use contactStates in Stabilizer to specify single support ph
- Add out data ports for Stabilizer debug
- Add print message and comments to samples, remove direct writing of getRTCList, and
- Use .in file to specify openhrp3 directory for sample1.wrl model
- Add conf_file setting to samplerobot.launch by copying hrpsys_tools/hrpsys/hrpsys.launch setting
- Add impedancecontroller example
- Fix transition between MODE_AIR, MODE_IDLE, and MODE_ST. Set MODE_AIR if startStabilizer
- Fix USE_IMU_STATEFEEDBACK to USE_EEFM_STABILIZER for switching stabilizer algorithm and f
- Add LPF for ground contact checking
- Fix transition between st ON mode and st OFF mode
- Rotate robot around COG in rpy control
- Support rotational walking by fixing ref force and ref moment coordinates
- Update calculation of actual and reference values for Stabilizer
- Check legged robot or not
- Add getActualParameters and update to use it
- Update member variables (rename and remove)
- Fix idl to specify zmp delay time constant and auxiliary zmp inp