Changelog for package hokuyo3d
0.1.1 (2016-09-15)
- updates e-mail address of the author
- adds error-message packet handling
- Merge branch 'lgerardSRI-master'
- Install the hokuyo3d executable
- Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe, Leonard Gerard
0.1.0 (2015-04-24)
- direct PointCloud2 message encoding
- adds list of contributors
- adds feature to publish PointCloud2 message
"~/hokuyo_cloud" and "~/hokuyo_cloud2" are published on demand.
Added pursuant to yukkysaito's request.
- adds parameter to set data output cycle
~output_cycle (string, default: field)
Sets output timing to end of frame, field or line.
Added pursuant to yukkysaito's request.
- Add invalid range parameter
This commit is modified for merging by at-wat.
Parameter name invalid_range was changed to range_min.
- fixes a bug in which output data doesn't have all points
Fixed pursuant to yukkysaito's report.
- code refactoring
- skips invalid data without 'VSSP' mark
- stops data stream correctly before exit
- scales aux data
- estimates real measurement time from timestamp
- receives aux data and publishes Imu and MagneticField message
- add
- Initial commit
- Contributors: Atsushi Watanabe, yukihiro saito