Changelog for package fanuc_m430ia2p_moveit_config
0.4.2 (2017-05-22)
- push trajectory execution parameters down into namespace (#211).
- switch to Jade+ xacro processing.
- load top-level xacros instead of urdfs (#169).
- add XML schema processing instruction (#200).
- for a complete list of changes see the commit log for 0.4.2.
0.4.1 (2016-06-17)
- make RRTConnect the default planner (#179).
- update package manifests with missing dependencies (found with roslaunch tests).
- add basic roslaunch tests (#104).
- for a complete list of changes see the commit log for 0.4.1.
0.4.0 (2015-10-11)
- first Indigo release.
- upgrade manifests to package format 2 (#115).
- general cleanup of XML files (launch, manifests, roslaunch tests, xacros).
- add ROS Index tags to package manifests (#147).
- document launch file arguments (#165).
- document potential poor planning perf of LBKPIECE1 in MoveIt configuration packages.
- update MoveIt configurations for Indigo release.
- for a complete list of changes see the commit log for 0.4.0.
0.3.0 (2015-01-08)
- first Hydro release of this package.
- promote experimental packages for M-10iA, M-16iB, M-20iA, M-430iA and LR Mate 200iC to main repository.
- for a complete list of changes see the commit log for 0.3.0