Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00003 from optparse import OptionParser
00004 import os, os.path, sys, string, re
00006 # resolve library path, copied from omniidl (ubuntu 11.10)
00007 # Try a path based on the installation prefix, customised for Debian
00008 sppath = "/usr/lib/omniidl"
00009 if os.path.isdir(sppath):
00010     sys.path.append(sppath)
00012 from omniidl import idlast, idlvisitor, idlutil, idltype
00013 from omniidl_be import cxx
00014 import _omniidl
00016 # TODO
00017 # not generate unused msgs
00018 # how to manipulate namespace -> under score concat
00020 TypeNameMap = { # for ROS msg/srv
00021     idltype.tk_boolean:   'bool',
00022     idltype.tk_char:      'int8',
00023     idltype.tk_octet:     'uint8',
00024     idltype.tk_wchar:     'int16',
00025     idltype.tk_short:     'int16',
00026     idltype.tk_ushort:    'uint16',
00027     idltype.tk_long:      'int32',
00028     idltype.tk_ulong:     'uint32',
00029     idltype.tk_longlong:  'int64',
00030     idltype.tk_ulonglong: 'uint64',
00031     idltype.tk_float:     'float32',
00032     idltype.tk_double:    'float64',
00033     idltype.tk_string:    'string',
00034     idltype.tk_wstring:   'string',
00035     idltype.tk_any:       'string', # ??
00036     idltype.tk_TypeCode:  'uint64', # ??
00037     idltype.tk_enum:      'uint64'}
00039 MultiArrayTypeNameMap = { # for ROS msg/srv
00040     idltype.tk_char:     'std_msgs/Int8MultiArray',
00041     idltype.tk_octet:    'std_msgs/Uint8MultiArray',
00042     idltype.tk_wchar:    'std_msgs/Int16MultiArray',
00043     idltype.tk_short:    'std_msgs/Int16MultiArray',
00044     idltype.tk_ushort:   'std_msgs/Uint16MultiArray',
00045     idltype.tk_long:     'std_msgs/Int32MultiArray',
00046     idltype.tk_ulong:    'std_msgs/Uint32MultiArray',
00047     idltype.tk_longlong: 'std_msgs/Int64MultiArray',
00048     idltype.tk_ulonglong:'std_msgs/Uint64MultiArray',
00049     idltype.tk_float:    'std_msgs/Float32MultiArray',
00050     idltype.tk_double:   'std_msgs/Float64MultiArray',
00051     idltype.tk_string:   'openrtm_ros_bridge/StringMultiArray'}
00053 # convert functions for IDL/ROS
00054 # _CORBA_String_element type is env depend ??
00055 convert_functions = """\n
00056 template<typename T,typename S>
00057 void genseq(S& s, int size, _CORBA_Unbounded_Sequence<T>* p){
00058   s = S(size,size,S::allocbuf(size), 1);}
00059 template<typename T,typename S,int n>
00060 void genseq(S& s, int size, _CORBA_Bounded_Sequence<T,n>* p){
00061   s = S(size,S::allocbuf(size), 1);}
00062 template<class T1, class T2> inline
00063 void convert(T1& in, T2& out){ out = static_cast<T2>(in); }
00064 template<typename T>
00065 void convert(T& in, std::string& out){ out = std::string(in); }
00066 template<typename T>
00067 void convert(std::string& in, T& out){ out = static_cast<T>(in.c_str()); }
00068 void convert(_CORBA_String_element in, std::string& out){ out = std::string(in); }
00069 void convert(std::string& in, _CORBA_String_element out){ out = (const char*)in.c_str(); }
00070 template<class S,class T>
00071 void convert(S& s, std::vector<T>& v){
00072   int size = s.length();
00073   v = std::vector<T>(s.length());
00074   for(int i=0; i<size; i++) convert(s[i],v[i]);}
00075 template<class S,class T>
00076 void convert(std::vector<T>& v, S& s){
00077   int size = v.size();
00078   s = S(size, size, S::allocbuf(size), 1);
00079   for(int i=0; i<size; i++) convert(v[i],s[i]);}
00080 template<class S,class T,std::size_t n>
00081 void convert(S& s, boost::array<T,n>& v){
00082   for(std::size_t i=0; i<n; i++) convert(s[i],v[i]);}
00083 template<class S,class T,std::size_t n>
00084 void convert(boost::array<T,n>& v, S& s){
00085   s = S(n, S::allocbuf(n), 1);
00086   for(std::size_t i=0; i<n; i++) convert(v[i],s[i]);}
00087 template<typename S,class T,std::size_t n>
00088 void convert(boost::array<T,n>& v, S (&s)[n]){
00089   for(std::size_t i=0; i<n; i++) convert(v[i],s[i]);}
00091 // special case for RTC::LightweightRTObject_var
00092 template<class T> void convert(T& in, RTC::LightweightRTObject_var out){ std::cerr << "convert from RTC::LightweightRTObject_var is not supported" << std::endl; }
00093 """
00095 multiarray_conversion = """
00096 template<class S> // convert multi-dimensional array
00097 void convert(S& s, %s& v){
00098   if(v.layout.dim.size()==0 || v.layout.dim[v.layout.dim.size()-1].size==0) {
00099     int level = v.layout.dim.size();
00100     v.layout.dim.push_back(std_msgs::MultiArrayDimension());
00101     v.layout.dim[level].stride = 1;
00102     for(uint i=0; i<s.length(); i++){
00103       convert(s[i], v);
00104       if(i==0) v.layout.dim[level].size = s.length(); // initialized flag
00105     }
00106     for(uint i=level; i<v.layout.dim.size(); i++)
00107       v.layout.dim[level].stride *= v.layout.dim[level].size;
00108   } else {
00109     for(uint i=0; i<s.length(); i++){ convert(s[i], v); }
00110   }
00111 }
00112 template<>
00113 void convert(%s& s, %s& v){; }
00114 template<class S>
00115 void convert(%s& v, S& s){
00116   int level, size;
00117   for(level=0; (size=v.layout.dim[level].size)==0; level++);
00118   genseq(s, size, &s);
00119   v.layout.dim[level].size = 0;
00120   for(uint i=0; i<s.length(); i++)
00121     convert(v, s[i]);
00122   v.layout.dim[level].size = size;
00123 }
00124 template<>
00125 void convert(%s& v, %s& s){ convert([v.layout.data_offset++], s); }
00126 """ # % (std_msgs::Float64MultiArray, double, std_msgs::Float64MultiArray) + (std_msgs::Float64MultiArray, std_msgs::Float64MultiArray, double)
00128 # symbol type constant
00129 NOT_FULL = 0
00130 ROS_FULL = 1
00131 CPP_FULL = 2
00133 # visitor for generate msg/srv/cpp/h for bridge compornents
00134 class ServiceVisitor (idlvisitor.AstVisitor):
00136     def __init__(self):
00137         self.generated_msgs = [] # type objects
00139     def visitAST(self, node):
00140         for n in node.declarations():
00141             n.accept(self)
00142     def visitModule(self, node):
00143         for n in node.definitions():
00144             n.accept(self)
00145     def visitInterface(self, node):
00146         self.outputMsg(node)
00147         for c in node.contents():
00148             c.accept(self)
00149         if node.mainFile():
00150             self.genBridgeComponent(node)
00152     def visitOperation(self, node):
00153         if node.mainFile():
00154             self.outputSrv(node)
00155             for n in node.parameters():
00156                 self.outputMsg(n.paramType())
00157                 n.accept(self)
00158             self.outputMsg(node.returnType())
00159 ##
00160 ##
00161 ##
00162     def getCppTypeText(self, typ, out=False, full=NOT_FULL):
00163         if isinstance(typ, idltype.Base):
00164             return cxx.types.basic_map[typ.kind()]
00165         if isinstance(typ, idltype.String):
00166             return ('char*' if out else 'const char*') # ??
00167         if isinstance(typ, idltype.Declared):
00168             postfix = ('*' if out and cxx.types.variableDecl(typ.decl()) else '')
00169             return self.getCppTypeText(typ.decl(), False, full) + postfix
00171         if isinstance(typ, idlast.Struct):
00172             if full == CPP_FULL:
00173                 name = idlutil.ccolonName(typ.scopedName())
00174             elif full == ROS_FULL:
00175                 return '_'.join(typ.scopedName()) # return
00176             else:
00177                 name = typ.identifier()
00178             return name + ('*' if out and cxx.types.variableDecl(typ) else '')
00179         if isinstance(typ, idlast.Enum) or \
00180            isinstance(typ, idlast.Interface) or \
00181            isinstance(typ, idlast.Operation):
00182             if full == CPP_FULL:
00183                 if ( idlutil.ccolonName(typ.scopedName()) == "RTC::LightweightRTObject") :
00184                     return idlutil.ccolonName(typ.scopedName())+"_var"
00185                 else:
00186                     return idlutil.ccolonName(typ.scopedName())
00187             elif full == ROS_FULL:
00188                 return '_'.join(typ.scopedName())
00189             else:
00190                 return typ.identifier()
00191         if isinstance(typ, idlast.Typedef):
00192             if full == CPP_FULL:
00193                 return idlutil.ccolonName(typ.declarators()[0].scopedName())
00194             elif full == ROS_FULL:
00195                 return '_'.join(typ.declarators()[0].scopedName())
00196             else:
00197                 return typ.declarators()[0].identifier()
00198         if isinstance(typ, idlast.Declarator):
00199             return self.getCppTypeText(typ.alias(), out, full)
00201         return 'undefined'
00204     def getROSTypeText(self, typ):
00205         if isinstance(typ, idltype.Base):
00206             return TypeNameMap[typ.kind()]
00207         if isinstance(typ, idltype.String) or isinstance(typ, idltype.WString):
00208             return 'string' # ??
00209         if isinstance(typ, idltype.Sequence):
00210             etype = typ.seqType() # n-dimensional array -> 1-dimensional
00211             size = typ.bound()
00212             dim = 1
00213             while not (isinstance(etype, idltype.Base) or isinstance(etype, idltype.String) or isinstance(etype, idltype.WString) or isinstance(etype, idlast.Struct) or isinstance(etype, idlast.Interface) or isinstance(etype, idlast.Enum) or isinstance(etype, idlast.Forward)):
00214                 if isinstance(etype, idltype.Declared):
00215                     etype = etype.decl()
00216                 elif isinstance(etype, idltype.Sequence):
00217                     dim += 1
00218                     size *= etype.bound()
00219                     etype = etype.seqType()
00220                 elif isinstance(etype, idlast.Typedef):
00221                     arrsize = [size] + etype.declarators()[0].sizes()
00222                     if(len(arrsize) != 1): dim += 1
00223                     size = reduce(lambda a,b: a*b, arrsize)
00224                     etype = etype.aliasType()
00225                 elif isinstance(etype, idlast.Declarator):
00226                     etype = etype.alias()
00227 #                elif isinstance(etype, idlast.Forward):
00228 #                    etype = etype.fullDecl()
00229                 else:
00230                     return 'undefined'
00231             if( 1 < dim ):
00232                 return MultiArrayTypeNameMap[etype.kind()]
00233             return self.getROSTypeText(etype) + ('[]' if size==0 else '[%d]' % size)
00234         if isinstance(typ, idltype.Declared):
00235             return self.getROSTypeText(typ.decl())
00237         if isinstance(typ, idlast.Interface):
00238             return '_'.join(typ.scopedName())
00239         if isinstance(typ, idlast.Struct):
00240             return '_'.join(typ.scopedName())
00241         if isinstance(typ, idlast.Const):
00242             return TypeNameMap[typ.constKind()]
00243         if isinstance(typ, idlast.Enum):
00244             return TypeNameMap[idltype.tk_longlong] # enum is int64 ??
00245         if isinstance(typ, idlast.Union):
00246             return TypeNameMap[idltype.tk_double] # union is not in ROS
00247         if isinstance(typ, idlast.Typedef):
00248             arraysize = typ.declarators()[0].sizes()
00249             if 0 < len(arraysize):
00250                 return self.getROSTypeText(typ.aliasType()) + ('[%d]' % reduce(lambda a,b: a*b, arraysize))
00251             return self.getROSTypeText(typ.aliasType())
00252         if isinstance(typ, idlast.Declarator):
00253             return self.getROSTypeText(typ.alias())
00254         if isinstance(typ, idlast.Forward):
00255             return self.getROSTypeText(typ.fullDecl())
00257         return 'undefined'
00259     # output .msg file defined in .idl
00260     def outputMsg(self, typ):
00261         if typ in self.generated_msgs:
00262             return
00263         elif isinstance(typ, idlast.Struct):
00264             for mem in typ.members():
00265                 self.outputMsg(mem.memberType())
00266             self.generated_msgs += [typ]
00267         elif isinstance(typ, idlast.Enum) or \
00268            isinstance(typ, idlast.Interface):
00269             self.generated_msgs += [typ]
00270         elif isinstance(typ, idltype.Sequence):
00271             return self.outputMsg(typ.seqType())
00272         elif isinstance(typ, idltype.Declared):
00273             return self.outputMsg(typ.decl())
00274         elif isinstance(typ, idlast.Typedef):
00275             return self.outputMsg(typ.aliasType())
00276         elif isinstance(typ, idlast.Declarator):
00277             return self.outputMsg(typ.alias())
00278         elif isinstance(typ, idlast.Forward):
00279             return self.outputMsg(typ.fullDecl())
00280         else:
00281             return
00283         msgfile = basedir + "/msg/" + self.getCppTypeText(typ,full=ROS_FULL) + ".msg"
00284         if not os.path.exists(basedir):
00285             return
00286         print msgfile
00287         if options.filenames:
00288             return
00290         if os.path.exists(msgfile) and (os.stat(msgfile).st_mtime > os.stat(idlfile).st_mtime) and not options.overwrite:
00291             return # do not overwrite
00293         os.system('mkdir -p %s/msg' % basedir)
00294         print >>sys.stderr,"[idl2srv] writing "+msgfile+"...."
00295         fd = open(msgfile, 'w')
00296         if isinstance(typ, idlast.Enum):
00297             for val in typ.enumerators():
00298                 fd.write("%s %s=%d\n" % (self.getROSTypeText(typ), val.identifier(), val.value()))
00299         elif isinstance(typ, idlast.Struct):
00300             for mem in typ.members():
00301                 fd.write(self.getROSTypeText(mem.memberType()) + " " + mem.declarators()[0].identifier() + "\n")
00302         elif isinstance(typ, idlast.Interface):
00303             for mem in typ.contents():
00304                 if isinstance(mem, idlast.Const):
00305                     fd.write("%s %s=%s\n" % (self.getROSTypeText(mem), mem.identifier(), mem.value()))
00306         fd.close()
00308     # output .srv file defined in .idl
00309     def outputSrv(self, op):
00311         srvfile = basedir + "/srv/" + self.getCppTypeText(op,full=ROS_FULL) + ".srv"
00312         if not os.path.exists(basedir):
00313             return
00314         print srvfile
00315         if options.filenames:
00316             return
00318         if os.path.exists(srvfile) and (os.stat(srvfile).st_mtime > os.stat(idlfile).st_mtime) and not options.overwrite:
00319             return # do not overwrite
00320         os.system('mkdir -p %s/srv' % basedir)
00321         args = op.parameters()
00323         print >>sys.stderr, "[idl2srv] writing "+srvfile+"...."
00324         fd = open(srvfile, 'w')
00325         for arg in [arg for arg in args if arg.is_in()]:
00326             fd.write("%s %s\n" % (self.getROSTypeText(arg.paramType()), arg.identifier()))
00327         fd.write("---\n")
00328         if not op.oneway() and op.returnType().kind() != idltype.tk_void:
00329             fd.write("%s operation_return\n" % self.getROSTypeText(op.returnType()))
00330         for arg in [arg for arg in args if arg.is_out()]:
00331             fd.write("%s %s\n" % (self.getROSTypeText(arg.paramType()), arg.identifier()))
00332         fd.close()
00334     def convertFunctionCode(self, interface):
00335         visitor = DependencyVisitor()
00336         interface.accept(visitor)
00337         code = ''
00339         for typ in visitor.multiarray:
00340             msg = MultiArrayTypeNameMap[typ.kind()].replace('/','::')
00341             cpp = cxx.types.basic_map[typ.kind()]
00342             code += multiarray_conversion % (msg,cpp,msg,msg,msg,cpp)
00344         for typ in visitor.allmsg:
00345             if not isinstance(typ, idlast.Struct):
00346                 continue
00348             code += 'template<> void convert(%s& in, %s::%s& out){\n' % (self.getCppTypeText(typ, full=CPP_FULL), pkgname, self.getCppTypeText(typ,full=ROS_FULL))
00349             for mem in typ.members():
00350                 var = mem.declarators()[0].identifier()
00351                 code += '  convert(in.%s, out.%s);\n' % (var, var)
00352             code += '}\n'
00354             code += 'template<> void convert(%s::%s& in, %s& out){\n' % (pkgname, self.getCppTypeText(typ,full=ROS_FULL), self.getCppTypeText(typ, full=CPP_FULL))
00355             for mem in typ.members():
00356                 var = mem.declarators()[0].identifier()
00357                 code += '  convert(in.%s, out.%s);\n' % (var, var)
00358             code += '}\n'
00360         return code
00362     def ServiceBridgeFunction(self, op, ifname, pkgname):
00363         code = req_code = res_code = ''
00364         params = []
00365         for par in op.parameters():
00366             is_out = par.is_out()
00367             ptype = par.paramType()
00368             var = par.identifier()
00369             # temporary variables
00370             if isinstance(ptype.unalias(), idltype.Base) or \
00371                isinstance(ptype.unalias(), idltype.String) or \
00372                isinstance(ptype.unalias(), idltype.Sequence) or \
00373                isinstance(ptype.unalias(), idltype.Declared):
00374                 code += '  %s %s;\n' % (self.getCppTypeText(ptype, out=is_out, full=CPP_FULL), var)
00375                 params += [var]
00376             if isinstance(ptype.unalias(), idltype.Base) or \
00377                isinstance(ptype.unalias(), idltype.String):
00378                 if is_out:
00379                     res_code += '  convert(%s, res.%s);\n' % (var, var)
00380                 else:
00381                     req_code += '  convert(req.%s, %s);\n' % (var, var)
00382             if isinstance(ptype.unalias(), idltype.Sequence):
00383                 if is_out:
00384                     res_code += '  convert(*%s, res.%s);\n' % (var, var)
00385                 else:
00386                     req_code += '  convert(req.%s, %s);\n' % (var, var)
00387             if isinstance(ptype.unalias(), idltype.Declared):
00388                 if is_out:
00389                     ptr = ('*' if cxx.types.variableDecl(ptype.decl()) else '')
00390                     res_code += '  convert(%s%s, res.%s);\n' % (ptr, var, var)
00391                     if cxx.types.variableDecl(ptype.decl()):
00392                         res_code += '  delete %s;\n' % (var)
00394                 else:
00395                     req_code += '  convert(req.%s, %s);\n' % (var, var)
00397         code += '\n'
00398         code += '  ROS_INFO_STREAM("%s::%s() called");\n' % (ifname, op.identifier())
00400         code += '\n' + req_code + '\n'
00402         code += '  try {\n'
00404         params = ', '.join(params)
00406         if op.oneway() or op.returnType().kind() == idltype.tk_void:
00407             code += '    m_service0->%s(%s);\n' % (op.identifier(), params)
00408         elif isinstance(op.returnType().unalias(), idltype.Base):
00409             code += '    res.operation_return = m_service0->%s(%s);\n' % (op.identifier(), params)
00410         else:
00411             rtype = op.returnType()
00412             if isinstance(rtype.unalias(), idltype.String):
00413                 ptr = ''
00414             elif isinstance(rtype.unalias(), idltype.Sequence):
00415                 ptr = '*'
00416             elif isinstance(rtype.unalias(), idltype.Declared):
00417                 ptr = ('*' if cxx.types.variableDecl(rtype.decl()) else '')
00418             else: ptr = ''
00419             code += '  %s operation_return;\n' % self.getCppTypeText(rtype, out=True, full=CPP_FULL)
00420             code += '    operation_return = m_service0->%s(%s);\n' % (op.identifier(), params)
00421             code += '    convert(%soperation_return, res.operation_return);\n' % ptr
00422         connected_RTC_name = ifname[0:ifname.rindex("ServiceROSBridge")]
00423         code += '  } catch(CORBA::COMM_FAILURE& ex) {\n'
00424         code += '      ROS_ERROR_STREAM("%s::%s : Caught system exception COMM_FAILURE -- unable to contact the object [minor code = " << ex.minor() << "]. One possibility is IDL version mismatch between %s and %s. So please check IDL versions are consistent. Another possibility is that Service-Port function, %s of %s, called but %s died becase of it. So please check %s is still alive.");\n' % (ifname, op.identifier(), ifname, connected_RTC_name, op.identifier(), connected_RTC_name, connected_RTC_name, connected_RTC_name)
00425         code += '      return false;\n'
00426         code += '  } catch(CORBA::MARSHAL& ex) {\n'
00427         code += '      ROS_ERROR_STREAM("%s::%s : Caught CORBA::SystemException::MARSHAL [minor code = " << ex.minor() << "]. One possibility is IDL version mismatch between %s and %s. So please check IDL versions are consistent.");\n' % (ifname, op.identifier(), ifname, connected_RTC_name)
00428         code += '      return false;\n'
00429         code += '  } catch(CORBA::BAD_PARAM& ex) {\n'
00430         code += '      ROS_ERROR_STREAM("%s::%s : Caught CORBA::SystemException::BAD_PARAM [minor code = " << ex.minor() << "]. One possibility is that Service-Port function, %s of %s, called and some problem has occurred within it and %s keeps alive. So please check %s of %s is correctly finished.");\n' % (ifname, op.identifier(), op.identifier(), connected_RTC_name, connected_RTC_name, op.identifier(), connected_RTC_name)
00431         code += '      return false;\n'
00432         code += '  } catch(CORBA::OBJECT_NOT_EXIST& ex) {\n'
00433         code += '      ROS_ERROR_STREAM("%s::%s : Caught CORBA::SystemException::OBJECT_NOT_EXIST [minor code = " << ex.minor() << "]. One possibility is that %s RTC is not found. So please check %s is still alive.");\n' % (ifname, op.identifier(), connected_RTC_name, connected_RTC_name)
00434         code += '      return false;\n'
00435         code += '  } catch(CORBA::SystemException& ex) {\n'
00436         code += '      ROS_ERROR_STREAM("%s::%s : Caught CORBA::SystemException [minor code = " << ex.minor() << "].");\n' % (ifname, op.identifier())
00437         code += '      return false;\n'
00438         code += '  } catch(CORBA::Exception&) {\n'
00439         code += '      ROS_ERROR_STREAM("%s::%s : Caught CORBA::Exception.");\n' % (ifname, op.identifier())
00440         code += '      return false;\n'
00441         code += '  } catch(omniORB::fatalException& fe) {\n'
00442         code += '      ROS_ERROR_STREAM("%s::%s : Caught omniORB::fatalException:");\n' % (ifname, op.identifier())
00443         code += '      ROS_ERROR_STREAM("  file: " << fe.file());\n'
00444         code += '      ROS_ERROR_STREAM("  line: " << fe.line());\n'
00445         code += '      ROS_ERROR_STREAM("  mesg: " << fe.errmsg());\n'
00446         code += '      return false;\n'
00447         code += '  }\n'
00448         code += '  catch(...) {\n'
00449         code += '      ROS_ERROR_STREAM("%s::%s : Caught unknown exception.");\n' % (ifname, op.identifier())
00450         code += '      return false;\n'
00451         code += '  }\n'
00453         code += res_code
00455         code += '  ROS_INFO_STREAM("%s::%s() succeeded");\n' % (ifname, op.identifier())
00457         return """bool %s::%s(%s::%s::Request &req, %s::%s::Response &res){\n%s\n  return true;\n};\n\n""" % (ifname, op.identifier(), pkgname, self.getCppTypeText(op,full=ROS_FULL), pkgname, self.getCppTypeText(op,full=ROS_FULL), code)
00459     # generate cpp source to bridge RTM/ROS
00460     def genBridgeComponent(self, interface):
00461         idlfile = interface.file()
00462         module_name = '%sROSBridge' % interface.identifier()
00463         #service_name = idlutil.ccolonName(interface.scopedName())
00464         service_name = interface.identifier()
00465         idl_name = os.path.split(idlfile)[1]
00466         wd = basedir + '/src_gen'
00468         Comp_cpp = wd + '/' + module_name + 'Comp.cpp'
00469         mod_cpp = wd + '/' + module_name + '.cpp'
00470         mod_h = wd + '/' + module_name + '.h'
00471         print Comp_cpp
00472         print mod_cpp
00473         print mod_h
00474         if options.filenames:
00475             return
00477         if all([ os.path.exists(x) and os.stat(x).st_mtime > os.stat(idlfile).st_mtime for x in [Comp_cpp, mod_cpp, mod_h]]) and not options.overwrite:
00478             return # do not overwrite
00480         # check if rtc-template exists under `rospack find openrtm_aist`/bin, otherwise use openrtm_aist_PREFIX/lib/openrtm_aist/bin
00481         from subprocess import check_output, Popen, PIPE
00482         openrtm_path = Popen(['rospack','find','openrtm_aist'], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].rstrip() # use Popen, not check_output, since catkin_make can not found rospack find
00483         if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(openrtm_path, "bin")) :
00484             openrtm_path = os.path.join(check_output(['pkg-config','openrtm-aist','--variable=prefix']).rstrip(),"lib/openrtm_aist")
00485         command = "PATH=%s/bin:$PATH rtc-template -bcxx --module-name=%s --consumer=%s:service0:'%s' --consumer-idl=%s --idl-include=%s" % (openrtm_path, module_name, service_name, service_name, idlfile, idldir)
00486         #command = "rosrun openrtm_aist rtc-template -bcxx --module-name=%s --consumer=%s:service0:'%s' --consumer-idl=%s --idl-include=%s" % (module_name, service_name, service_name, idlfile, idldir)
00487         os.system("mkdir -p %s" % tmpdir)
00488         os.system("mkdir -p %s" % wd)
00489         os.system("cd %s; yes 2> /dev/null | %s > /dev/null" % (tmpdir, command))
00491         # TODO: ignore attribute read/write operators
00492         operations = [o for o in interface.callables() if isinstance(o, idlast.Operation)]
00494         def addline(src, dest, ref):
00495             idx = dest.find(ref)
00496             idx = dest.find('\n',idx)
00497             return dest[0:idx] + '\n' + src + dest[idx:]
00499         def replaceline(src, dest, ref):
00500             idx1 = dest.find(ref)
00501             idx2 = dest.find('\n',idx1)
00502             return dest[0:idx1] + src + dest[idx2:]
00504         # Comp.cpp
00505         #  use ros node name as rtm component name
00506         #  call ros::init in Comp.cpp
00507         compsrc = open(tmpdir + '/' + module_name + 'Comp.cpp').read()
00508         compsrc = addline('  ros::init(argc, argv, "' + module_name + '", ros::init_options::NoSigintHandler);', compsrc, 'RTC::Manager::init(argc, argv);')
00509         compsrc = replaceline('  comp = manager->createComponent(std::string("'+module_name+'?instance_name="+ros::this_node::getName().substr(1)).c_str()); // skip root name space for OpenRTM instance name', compsrc, '  comp = manager->createComponent("'+module_name+'");')
00510         open(wd + '/' + module_name + 'Comp.cpp', 'w').write(compsrc)
00512         #.cpp
00513         #  make ROS service in onInitialize
00514         #  make ROS bridge functions in .cpp
00515         compsrc = open(tmpdir + '/' + module_name + '.cpp').read()
00517         port_name_src = """  nh = ros::NodeHandle("~");
00518   std::string port_name = "service0";
00519   nh.getParam("service_port", port_name);"""
00520         compsrc = addline(port_name_src, compsrc, 'Set service consumers to Ports')
00521         compsrc = compsrc.replace('registerConsumer("service0"','registerConsumer(port_name.c_str()')
00523         compsrc += """
00524 RTC::ReturnCode_t %s::onExecute(RTC::UniqueId ec_id) {
00525   ros::spinOnce();
00526   return RTC::RTC_OK;
00527 }\n\n""" % module_name
00529         compsrc += "RTC::ReturnCode_t %s::onActivated(RTC::UniqueId ec_id) {\n" % module_name
00530         for i in range(len(operations)):
00531             name = operations[i].identifier()
00532             compsrc += '  _srv%d = nh.advertiseService("%s", &%s::%s, this);\n' % (i, name, module_name, name)
00533         compsrc +="  return RTC::RTC_OK;\n}\n\n"""
00535         compsrc += "RTC::ReturnCode_t %s::onDeactivated(RTC::UniqueId ec_id) {\n" % module_name
00536         for i in range(len(operations)):
00537             name = operations[i].identifier()
00538             srvinst = '  _srv%d.shutdown();' % i
00539             compsrc = addline(srvinst, compsrc, 'Unadvertise service')
00540         compsrc +="  return RTC::RTC_OK;\n}\n\n"""
00542         compsrc += convert_functions + self.convertFunctionCode(interface)
00544         for op in operations:
00545             compsrc += self.ServiceBridgeFunction(op, module_name, pkgname)
00546         open(wd + '/' + module_name + '.cpp', 'w').write(compsrc)
00548         #.h
00549         #  add ros headers, service server functions, uncomment onExecute
00550         compsrc = open(tmpdir + '/' + module_name + '.h').read()
00551         compsrc = re.sub(basedir+"/idl/(.+).h", pkgname+r'/idl/\1.h', compsrc)
00553         compsrc = compsrc.replace('<%s>'%service_name, '<%s>'%idlutil.ccolonName(interface.scopedName()))
00555         incs = ['', '// ROS', '#include <ros/ros.h>']
00556         incs += ['#include <%s/%s.h>' % (pkgname, self.getCppTypeText(op,full=ROS_FULL)) for op in operations]
00557         incs = '\n'.join(incs)
00558         compsrc = addline(incs, compsrc, '#define')
00560         compsrc = '\n'.join([ (a.replace('//','') if ('RTC::ReturnCode_t onExecute' in a) else a) for a in compsrc.split('\n')])
00561         compsrc = '\n'.join([ (a.replace('//','') if ('RTC::ReturnCode_t onActivated' in a) else a) for a in compsrc.split('\n')])
00562         compsrc = '\n'.join([ (a.replace('//','') if ('RTC::ReturnCode_t onDeactivated' in a) else a) for a in compsrc.split('\n')])
00564         srvfunc = ['  bool %s(%s::%s::Request &req, %s::%s::Response &res);' % (op.identifier(), pkgname, self.getCppTypeText(op,full=ROS_FULL), pkgname, self.getCppTypeText(op,full=ROS_FULL)) for op in operations]
00565         srvfunc = '\n'.join(srvfunc)
00566         compsrc = addline(srvfunc, compsrc, 'public:')
00568         defsrv = "  ros::NodeHandle nh;\n";
00569         defsrv += "  ros::ServiceServer " + ', '.join(['_srv%d' % i for i in range(len(operations))]) + ';'
00570         compsrc = addline(defsrv, compsrc, 'private:')
00572         open(wd + '/' + module_name + '.h', 'w').write(compsrc)
00574         # finialize
00575         ## os.system("rm -f %s" % tmpdir) remove tmpdir in rtmbuild.cmake
00576         return
00578 # all types depended by a interface
00579 class DependencyVisitor (idlvisitor.AstVisitor):
00580     def __init__(self):
00581         self.allmsg = []
00582         self.multiarray = []
00583         self.checked = []
00585     def visitInterface(self, node):
00586         if node.mainFile():
00587             for n in node.callables():
00588                 n.accept(self)
00590     def checkBasicType(self, node):
00591         classes = [idltype.Base, idltype.String, idltype.WString]
00592         classes += [idlast.Const, idlast.Enum, idlast.Union]
00593         if not (any([isinstance(node, cls) for cls in classes]) or node in self.checked):
00594             self.checked += [node]
00595             node.accept(self)
00597     def visitOperation(self, node):
00598         types = [p.paramType() for p in node.parameters()]
00599         types += [node.returnType()]
00600         for n in types:
00601             self.checkBasicType(n)
00603     def visitStruct(self, node):
00604         for mem in node.members():
00605             self.checkBasicType(mem.memberType())
00606         if not node in self.allmsg: # add self after all members
00607             self.allmsg += [node]
00609     def visitSequenceType(self, node):
00610         etype = node.seqType()
00611         dim = 1
00612         while not (isinstance(etype, idltype.Base) or isinstance(etype, idltype.String) or isinstance(etype, idltype.WString) or isinstance(etype, idlast.Struct) or isinstance(etype, idlast.Interface) or isinstance(etype, idlast.Enum) or isinstance(etype, idlast.Forward)):
00613             if isinstance(etype, idltype.Sequence):
00614                 dim += 1
00615                 etype = etype.seqType()
00616             elif isinstance(etype, idltype.Declared):
00617                 etype = etype.decl()
00618             elif isinstance(etype, idlast.Typedef):
00619                 if len(etype.declarators()[0].sizes()) != 0 : dim += 1
00620                 etype = etype.aliasType()
00621             elif isinstance(etype, idlast.Declarator):
00622                 etype = etype.alias()
00623 #            elif isinstance(etype, idlast.Forward):
00624 #                etype = etype.fullDecl()
00625         if 1 < dim and isinstance(etype, idltype.Base) and (not etype in self.multiarray) :
00626             self.multiarray += [etype]
00627         self.checkBasicType(etype)
00628     def visitDeclaredType(self, node):
00629         self.checkBasicType(node.decl())
00630     def visitTypedef(self, node):
00631         self.checkBasicType(node.aliasType())
00632     def visitDeclarator(self, node):
00633         self.checkBasicType(node.alias())
00634     def visitForward(self, node):
00635         self.checkBasicType(node.fullDecl())
00638 # visitor only prints interface names
00639 class InterfaceNameVisitor (idlvisitor.AstVisitor):
00640     def visitAST(self, node):
00641         for n in node.declarations():
00642             n.accept(self)
00643     def visitModule(self, node):
00644         for n in node.definitions():
00645             n.accept(self)
00646     def visitInterface(self, node):
00647         if node.mainFile():
00648             print node.identifier()
00649             if options.interfaces:
00650                 pass
00653 if __name__ == '__main__':
00654     global options, basedir, pkgname, tmpdir
00656     parser = OptionParser()
00657     parser.add_option("-i", "--idl", dest="idlfile",
00658                       help="target idl file", metavar="FILE")
00659     parser.add_option("-I", "--include-dirs", dest="idlpath", metavar="PATHLIST",
00660                       help="list of directories to check idl include")
00661     parser.add_option("-o", "--overwrite", action="store_true",
00662                       dest="overwrite", default=False,
00663                       help="overwrite all generate files")
00664     parser.add_option("--filenames", action="store_true",
00665                       dest="filenames", default=False,
00666                       help="print filenames to generate")
00667     parser.add_option("--interfaces", action="store_true",
00668                       dest="interfaces", default=False,
00669                       help="print interface names")
00670     parser.add_option("--package-name", action="store", type="string",
00671                       dest="package_name", default=False,
00672                       help="overwrite package name")
00673     parser.add_option("--tmpdir", action="store", type="string",
00674                       dest="tmpdir", default="/tmp/idl2srv",
00675                       help="tmporary directory")
00676     (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
00678     idlfile = options.idlfile
00679     if not os.path.exists(idlfile):
00680         exit
00681     tmpdir = options.tmpdir
00682     idlfile = os.path.abspath(idlfile)
00683     idldir = os.path.split(idlfile)[0]
00684     basedir = os.path.split(idldir)[0]
00685     if options.package_name:
00686         pkgname = options.package_name
00687     else:
00688         pkgname = os.path.split(basedir)[1] # global var
00690     # preproccess and compile idl
00691     if options.idlpath:
00692         pathlist = options.idlpath.strip('"')
00693         option = ' '.join(['-I'+d for d in filter(None, pathlist.split(' '))])
00694     else:
00695         option = ''
00697     fd = os.popen('/usr/bin/omnicpp %s "%s"' % (option, idlfile), 'r')
00698     try:
00699         tree = _omniidl.compile(fd, idlfile) # newer version API
00700     except:
00701         tree = _omniidl.compile(fd)          # old version API
00703     # output msg/srv and bridge component src
00704     if options.interfaces:
00705         tree.accept(InterfaceNameVisitor())
00706     else:
00707         tree.accept(ServiceVisitor())
00708         tree.accept(InterfaceNameVisitor())

Author(s): Kei Okada , Manabu Saito
autogenerated on Thu Sep 21 2017 03:17:23