Go to the documentation of this file.00001
00002 import rospy
00003 import sys
00004 from std_msgs.msg import Bool
00005 from rtabmap_ros.msg import Goal
00007 pub = rospy.Publisher('/rtabmap/goal_node', Goal, queue_size=1)
00008 waypoints = []
00009 currentIndex = 0
00011 def callback(data):
00012 global currentIndex
00013 if data.data:
00014 rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_caller_id() + "Goal '%s' reached! Publishing next goal in 1 sec...", waypoints[currentIndex])
00015 else:
00016 rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_caller_id() + "Goal '%s' failed! Publishing next goal in 1 sec...", waypoints[currentIndex])
00018 currentIndex = (currentIndex+1) % len(waypoints)
00020 rospy.sleep(1.)
00022 msg = Goal()
00023 if waypoints[currentIndex].isdigit():
00024 msg.node_id = int(waypoints[currentIndex])
00025 msg.node_label = ""
00026 else:
00027 msg.node_id = 0
00028 msg.node_label = waypoints[currentIndex]
00029 msg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
00030 rospy.loginfo("Publishing goal '%s'! (%d/%d)", waypoints[currentIndex], currentIndex+1, len(waypoints))
00031 pub.publish(msg)
00033 def main():
00034 rospy.init_node('patrol', anonymous=False)
00035 rospy.Subscriber("/rtabmap/goal_reached", Bool, callback)
00036 rospy.sleep(1.)
00039 msg = Goal()
00040 if waypoints[currentIndex].isdigit():
00041 msg.node_id = int(waypoints[currentIndex])
00042 msg.node_label = ""
00043 else:
00044 msg.node_id = 0
00045 msg.node_label = waypoints[currentIndex]
00046 while rospy.Time.now().secs == 0:
00047 rospy.loginfo("Waiting clock...")
00048 rospy.sleep(.1)
00049 msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
00050 rospy.loginfo("Publishing goal '%s'! (%d/%d)", waypoints[currentIndex], currentIndex+1, len(waypoints))
00051 pub.publish(msg)
00052 rospy.spin()
00054 if __name__ == '__main__':
00055 if len(sys.argv) < 3:
00056 print("usage: patrol.py waypointA waypointB waypointC ... (at least 2 waypoints, can be node id or label)")
00057 else:
00058 waypoints = sys.argv[1:]
00059 rospy.loginfo("Waypoints: [%s]", str(waypoints).strip('[]'))
00060 main()