QwtPlot Member List
This is the complete list of members for QwtPlot, including all inherited members.
applyProperties(const QString &)QwtPlot
attachItem(QwtPlotItem *, bool)QwtPlot [private]
autoDelete() const QwtPlotDict
autoRefresh()QwtPlot [slot]
autoReplot() const QwtPlot
Axis enum nameQwtPlot
axisAutoScale(int axisId) const QwtPlot
axisCnt enum valueQwtPlot
axisEnabled(int axisId) const QwtPlot
axisFont(int axisId) const QwtPlot
axisInterval(int axisId) const QwtPlot
axisMaxMajor(int axisId) const QwtPlot
axisMaxMinor(int axisId) const QwtPlot
axisScaleDiv(int axisId) const QwtPlot
axisScaleDraw(int axisId) const QwtPlot
axisScaleDraw(int axisId)QwtPlot
axisScaleEngine(int axisId)QwtPlot
axisScaleEngine(int axisId) const QwtPlot
axisStepSize(int axisId) const QwtPlot
axisTitle(int axisId) const QwtPlot
axisValid(int axisId)QwtPlot [protected, static]
axisWidget(int axisId) const QwtPlot
axisWidget(int axisId)QwtPlot
BottomLegend enum valueQwtPlot
canvas() const QwtPlot
canvasBackground() const QwtPlot
canvasMap(int axisId) const QwtPlot [virtual]
d_axisDataQwtPlot [private]
d_dataQwtPlot [private]
deleteAxesData()QwtPlot [private]
detachItems(int rtti=QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotItem, bool autoDelete=true)QwtPlotDict
drawCanvas(QPainter *)QwtPlot [virtual]
drawItems(QPainter *, const QRectF &, const QwtScaleMap maps[axisCnt]) const QwtPlot [virtual]
enableAxis(int axisId, bool tf=true)QwtPlot
event(QEvent *)QwtPlot [virtual]
eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *)QwtPlot [virtual]
footer() const QwtPlot
footerLabel() const QwtPlot
getCanvasMarginsHint(const QwtScaleMap maps[], const QRectF &canvasRect, double &left, double &top, double &right, double &bottom) const QwtPlot [virtual]
grabProperties() const QwtPlot
infoToItem(const QVariant &) const QwtPlot [virtual]
initAxesData()QwtPlot [private]
initPlot(const QwtText &title)QwtPlot [private]
insertItem(QwtPlotItem *)QwtPlotDict [protected]
insertLegend(QwtAbstractLegend *, LegendPosition=QwtPlot::RightLegend, double ratio=-1.0)QwtPlot
invTransform(int axisId, int pos) const QwtPlot
itemAttached(QwtPlotItem *plotItem, bool on)QwtPlot [signal]
itemList() const QwtPlotDict
itemList(int rtti) const QwtPlotDict
itemToInfo(QwtPlotItem *) const QwtPlot [virtual]
LeftLegend enum valueQwtPlot
legend() const QwtPlot
legendDataChanged(const QVariant &itemInfo, const QList< QwtLegendData > &data)QwtPlot [signal]
LegendPosition enum nameQwtPlot
minimumSizeHint() const QwtPlot [virtual]
plotLayout() const QwtPlot
QwtPlot(QWidget *=NULL)QwtPlot [explicit]
QwtPlot(const QwtText &title, QWidget *=NULL)QwtPlot [explicit]
QwtPlotDict()QwtPlotDict [explicit]
QwtPlotItem classQwtPlot [friend]
removeItem(QwtPlotItem *)QwtPlotDict [protected]
replot()QwtPlot [virtual, slot]
resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e)QwtPlot [protected, virtual]
RightLegend enum valueQwtPlot
setAxisAutoScale(int axisId, bool on=true)QwtPlot
setAxisFont(int axisId, const QFont &f)QwtPlot
setAxisLabelAlignment(int axisId, Qt::Alignment)QwtPlot
setAxisLabelRotation(int axisId, double rotation)QwtPlot
setAxisMaxMajor(int axisId, int maxMajor)QwtPlot
setAxisMaxMinor(int axisId, int maxMinor)QwtPlot
setAxisScale(int axisId, double min, double max, double step=0)QwtPlot
setAxisScaleDiv(int axisId, const QwtScaleDiv &)QwtPlot
setAxisScaleDraw(int axisId, QwtScaleDraw *)QwtPlot
setAxisScaleEngine(int axisId, QwtScaleEngine *)QwtPlot
setAxisTitle(int axisId, const QString &)QwtPlot
setAxisTitle(int axisId, const QwtText &)QwtPlot
setCanvas(QWidget *)QwtPlot
setCanvasBackground(const QBrush &)QwtPlot
setFooter(const QString &)QwtPlot
setFooter(const QwtText &t)QwtPlot
setPlotLayout(QwtPlotLayout *)QwtPlot
setTitle(const QString &)QwtPlot
setTitle(const QwtText &t)QwtPlot
sizeHint() const QwtPlot [virtual]
title() const QwtPlot
titleLabel() const QwtPlot
TopLegend enum valueQwtPlot
transform(int axisId, double value) const QwtPlot
updateLayout()QwtPlot [virtual]
updateLegend(const QwtPlotItem *)QwtPlot
updateLegendItems(const QVariant &itemInfo, const QList< QwtLegendData > &data)QwtPlot [private, slot]
updateScaleDiv()QwtPlot [private]
xBottom enum valueQwtPlot
xTop enum valueQwtPlot
yLeft enum valueQwtPlot
yRight enum valueQwtPlot
~QwtPlot()QwtPlot [virtual]
~QwtPlotDict()QwtPlotDict [virtual]

Author(s): Davide Faconti
autogenerated on Fri Sep 1 2017 02:41:57