Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/bin/env python
00003 #**********************************************************************
00004 # Copyright (c) 2013 InterWorking Labs, All Rights Reserved           *
00005 #                                                                     *
00006 #              RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND                               *
00007 #                                                                     *
00008 # This software is provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS.                   *
00009 #                                                                     *
00010 # Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject   *
00011 # to restrictions set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights  *
00012 # in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS             *
00013 # 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial      *
00014 # Computer Software - Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as       *
00015 # applicable.  The "Manufacturer" for purposes of these regulations   *
00016 # is InterWorking Labs, PO Box 66190, Scotts Valley, California 95060 *
00017 # U.S.A.                                                              *
00018 #**********************************************************************
00020 #**********************************************************************
00021 # $Id: 462 2013-11-17 08:50:51Z karl $
00022 #**********************************************************************
00024 #
00026 import argparse
00027 import datetime
00028 import sys
00029 import syslog
00030 import threading
00031 import time
00032 import traceback
00034 import mm2client
00035 import setfilters
00037 #**********************************************************************
00038 # SetupJobs()
00039 #
00040 # Here is where we set up the jobs to be done and the schedule to
00041 # do them.
00042 #**********************************************************************
00043 def SetupJobs(Jobs, mm_hostname):
00045     #******************************
00046     # Do not change these...
00047     LANA_to_LANB = True
00048     LANB_to_LANA = False
00049     #******************************
00051     BandSettings = mm2client.Bands()
00053     # A Band is for our 100ms/1megabit path
00054     # B band for the 1000ms/1megabit path
00055     A_Band = 1
00056     B_Band = 2
00058     #**************************************************
00059     # Here we set rate limitation value that we will use
00060     #**************************************************
00061     OneMegabit = 1000000        # Some might argue that one megabit is 1048576 (2**20)
00062     OneKilobit = 100000         # Some might argue that one kilobit is 1024000
00064     #**************************************************
00065     # Here we set the two delay values.
00066     # Note: These are round trip times.
00067     #**************************************************
00068     LongRoundtrip = 1000
00069     ShortRoundtrip = 100
00071     # We will divide the round trip into two equal one-way parts.
00072     HalfLongRoundtrip = LongRoundtrip/2
00073     HalfShortRoundtrip = ShortRoundtrip/2
00075     #**************************************************
00076     # Set up our classification filters.
00077     # We will be using these as a two-way switch to
00078     # send selected packets first into the A band and then
00079     # into the B band and then back to the A band etc.
00080     # We will let any other forms of traffic flow via
00081     # Band 5 which will get no impairments.
00082     # There things that don't get picked up by the
00083     # filters below are almost certainly low traffic
00084     # things like OSPF.
00085     #**************************************************
00086     Filt_ToBandA = [setfilters.FiltSetting("arp", A_Band),
00087                     setfilters.FiltSetting("ipv4", A_Band),
00088                     setfilters.FiltSetting("ipv6", A_Band)
00089                     ]
00091     Filt_ToBandB = [setfilters.FiltSetting("arp", B_Band),
00092                     setfilters.FiltSetting("ipv4", B_Band),
00093                     setfilters.FiltSetting("ipv6", B_Band)
00094                     ]
00096     # Define A_Band to have 100ms round trip, 1megabit/second rate limit
00097     BandSettings.SetDelayAmount(A_Band, LANA_to_LANB, HalfShortRoundtrip)
00098     BandSettings.SetDelayAmount(A_Band, LANB_to_LANA, HalfShortRoundtrip)
00099     BandSettings.SetDelayReorder(A_Band, LANA_to_LANB, False)
00100     BandSettings.SetDelayReorder(A_Band, LANB_to_LANA, False)
00101     BandSettings.SetRateLimit(A_Band, LANA_to_LANB, OneMegabit)
00102     BandSettings.SetRateLimit(A_Band, LANB_to_LANA, OneMegabit)
00104     # Define B_Band with 1000ms round trip, 1kilobit/second rate limit
00105     BandSettings.SetDelayAmount(B_Band, LANA_to_LANB, HalfLongRoundtrip)
00106     BandSettings.SetDelayAmount(B_Band, LANB_to_LANA, HalfLongRoundtrip)
00107     BandSettings.SetDelayReorder(B_Band, LANA_to_LANB, False)
00108     BandSettings.SetDelayReorder(B_Band, LANB_to_LANA, False)
00109     BandSettings.SetRateLimit(B_Band, LANA_to_LANB, OneKilobit)
00110     BandSettings.SetRateLimit(B_Band, LANB_to_LANA, OneKilobit)
00112     #**************************************************
00113     # Create an initial job at start-time zero.
00114     # Here is where we establish our baseline.
00115     # Note that this baseline is a different thing than
00116     # the defaults, which are simply the absence of
00117     # filters and impairments.
00118     #**************************************************
00119     Jobs.AddRequest("Establish Baseline - 100ms RT delay, 1,000,000 bit/sec rate limit", mm_hostname, 0,
00120                     BandSettings, Filt_ToBandA, Filt_ToBandA)
00122     #**************************************************
00123     # Set up the repeating schedule of jobs
00124     #**************************************************
00125     interval = 60       # Seconds per item
00126     items_per_group = 2
00127     num_groups = 720    # Number of groups ==> 24 hours
00129     #Remember range() stops at < stop value not <=
00130     for secs in range(interval, items_per_group*num_groups*interval, items_per_group*interval):
00131         Jobs.AddRequest("Job %u: 1000ms RT delay, 100,000 bit/sec rate limit" % \
00132                             secs, mm_hostname, secs, None, Filt_ToBandB, Filt_ToBandB)
00133         nxtsecs = secs + interval
00134         Jobs.AddRequest("Job %u: 100ms RT delay, 1,000,000 bit/sec rate limit" % \
00135                             nxtsecs, mm_hostname, nxtsecs, None, Filt_ToBandA, Filt_ToBandA)
00136     #Jobs.PrintMe()
00138 #**********************************************************************
00139 # ShowMessage()
00140 #**********************************************************************
00141 UseSyslog = False # Set to True to send things to the syslog
00142 TeamName = "TEAM UNKNOWN" # Should be set to the actual team name
00144 def ShowMessage(*args):
00146     msg = \
00147           + ' "' + TeamName + '" ' \
00148           + " ".join(args)
00149     print msg
00150     if UseSyslog:
00151         syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, msg)
00153 #**********************************************************************
00154 # RepeatedTimer
00155 #
00156 # Features:
00157 #  - Standard library only, no external dependencies.
00158 #  - Start() and stop() are safe to call multiple times even if the
00159 #    timer has already started/stopped.
00160 #  - Function to be called can have positional and named arguments.
00161 #  - You can change interval anytime, it will be effective after
00162 #    next run. Same for args, kwargs and even the function.
00163 #**********************************************************************
00164 class RepeatedTimer(object):
00165     def __init__(self, interval, function, *args, **kwargs):
00166         self._timer     = None
00167         self.function   = function
00168         self.interval   = interval
00169         self.args       = args
00170         self.kwargs     = kwargs
00171         self.is_running = False
00172         self.start()
00174     def _run(self):
00175         self.is_running = False
00176         self.start()
00177         self.function(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
00179     def start(self):
00180         if not self.is_running:
00181             self._timer = threading.Timer(self.interval, self._run)
00182             self._timer.start()
00183             self.is_running = True
00185     def stop(self):
00186         self._timer.cancel()
00187         self.is_running = False
00190 #**********************************************************************
00191 # DoRequest
00192 #**********************************************************************
00193 class DoRequest(object):
00194     def __init__(self, reqname, mm2host, dowhen, bands, a2b_filtmap, b2a_filtmap):
00195         """
00196         @param reqname: The name of the request, a single line of text.
00197         @type reqname: String
00198         @param mm2host: The name or IP address of the target host.
00199         @type mm2host: String
00200         @param dowhen: A datetime object indicating when to do perform this request.
00201         @type dowhen: datetime
00202         @param bands: A mm2client.Bands object containing the desired impairment settings.
00203                       May be None.
00204         @type bands: mm2client.Bands
00205         @param a2b_filtmap: A sequence of setfilters.FiltSetting objects containing the desired LanA to LanB filters settings.
00206                             May be an empty sequence.
00207         @type a2b_filtmap: A sequence of setfilters.FiltSetting objects.
00208         @param b2a_filtmap: A sequence of setfilters.FiltSetting objects containing the desired LanB to LanA filters settings.
00209                             May be an empty sequence.
00210         @type b2a_filtmap: A sequence of setfilters.FiltSetting objects.
00211         """
00212         self.__Name = reqname
00213         self.__MM2HostName = mm2host
00214         self.__DoWhen = dowhen
00215         self.__Bands = bands
00216         self.__A2BFiltmap = a2b_filtmap
00217         self.__B2AFiltmap = b2a_filtmap
00218         self.__Done = False
00220     def __lt__(self, other):
00221         return self.__DoWhen < other.__DoWhen
00223     def __le__(self, other):
00224         return self.__DoWhen <= other.__DoWhen
00226     def __eq__(self, other):
00227         return self.__DoWhen == other.__DoWhen
00229     def __ne__(self, other):
00230         return self.__DoWhen != other.__DoWhen
00232     def __gt__(self, other):
00233         return self.__DoWhen > other.__DoWhen
00235     def __ge__(self, other):
00236         return self.__DoWhen <= other.__DoWhen
00238     def __repr__(self):
00239         return repr({
00240                 "Name": self.__Name,
00241                 "MM2HostName": self.__MM2HostName,
00242                 "DoWhen": self.__DoWhen,
00243                 "Bands": repr(self.__Bands),
00244                 "A2BFiltMap": repr(self.__A2BFiltmap),
00245                 "B2AFiltMap": repr(self.__B2AFiltmap),
00246                 "Done": self.__Done
00247                 })
00249     def __str__(self):
00250         return self.__repr__()
00252     @property
00253     def Name(self):
00254         return self.__Name
00256     @property
00257     def MM2HostName(self):
00258         return self.__MM2HostName
00260     @property
00261     def DoWhen(self):
00262         return self.__DoWhen
00264     @property
00265     def Bands(self):
00266         return self.__Bands
00268     @property
00269     def A2BFiltmap(self):
00270         return self.__A2BFiltmap
00272     @property
00273     def B2AFiltmap(self):
00274         return self.__B2AFiltmap
00276     @property
00277     def IsDone(self):
00278         return self.__Done
00280     def IsReadyToGo(self, now):
00281         return (not self.__Done) and (self.__DoWhen <= now)
00283     def Run(self, now):
00284         global AllFilterNames
00285         assert self.IsReadyToGo(now)
00286         self.__Done = True
00287         SetMM(self.__MM2HostName, self.__Bands, 
00288               self.__A2BFiltmap, self.__B2AFiltmap, AllFilterNames)
00290 #**********************************************************************
00291 # RunList
00292 #**********************************************************************
00293 class RunList(object):
00294     def __init__(self, now, skipsecs):
00295         self.__WorkList = []
00296         self.__StartTime = now
00297         if (skipsecs is not None) and (skipsecs > 0):
00298             self.__StartTime = self.__StartTime - datetime.timedelta(0, skipsecs)
00300     def AddRequest(self, reqname, mm2host, startsec, bands,
00301                    a2b_filtmap, b2a_filtmap):
00302         dowhen = self.__StartTime + datetime.timedelta(0, startsec)
00303         self.__WorkList.append(DoRequest(reqname, mm2host, dowhen, bands,
00304                                          a2b_filtmap, b2a_filtmap))
00305         self.__WorkList.sort()
00307     def RunNextRequest(self, nowtime):
00308         # timedelta = nowtime - self.__StartTime
00309         # We are going to do a sequential scan of the work list to
00310         # find the first one that has not already been done and
00311         # that has reached its start time.
00312         # This check happens about once a second.
00313         for ndx in range(len(self.__WorkList)):
00314             req = self.__WorkList[ndx]
00315             if req.IsReadyToGo(nowtime):
00316                 ShowMessage("Starting task \"%s\"" % req.Name)
00317                 try:
00318                     req.Run(nowtime)
00319                 except Exception, err:
00320                     ShowMessage("Exception in Task \"%s\" - %s" % (req.Name, str(err)))
00321                 del self.__WorkList[ndx]
00322                 return True
00323         return False
00325     @property
00326     def LastRequestStartTime(self):
00327         if len(self.__WorkList) == 0:
00328                return
00329         return self.__WorkList[-1].DoWhen
00331     def PrintMe(self):
00332         for d in self.__WorkList:
00333             ShowMessage("RunRequest", str(d))
00335 #**********************************************************************
00336 # SetMM()
00337 #**********************************************************************
00338 def SetMM(mm_hostname, bands, a2bfilt_vals, b2afilt_vals, all_filter_names):
00340     if bands is not None:
00341         mm2client.ChangeBandsOnMM(bands, mm_hostname)
00342     if (a2bfilt_vals is not None) or (b2afilt_vals is not None):
00343         setfilters.SetFiltMap(mm_hostname, a2bfilt_vals, b2afilt_vals,
00344                               all_filter_names)
00346 #**********************************************************************
00347 # We will try to avoid redundant queries to fetch filter names by
00348 # caching it.
00349 # It is simply a list of strings.
00350 # A value of None means that it will be fetched each time rather than
00351 # cached.
00352 #**********************************************************************
00353 AllFilterNames = None
00355 #**********************************************************************
00356 # main()
00357 #**********************************************************************
00358 def main():
00359     global UseSyslog
00360     global AllFilterNames
00361     global TeamName
00363     #******************************
00364     # jobtick() - Where we run the job
00365     #******************************
00366     def jobtick():
00367         Jobs.RunNextRequest(
00369     #******************************
00370     # Deal with the arguments
00371     #******************************
00372     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Start impairment pattern.")
00374     parser.add_argument("-s", "--skip", type=int,
00375                         help="Skip ahead: start at N seconds.")
00377     parser.add_argument("-C", "--do_not_use_initial_defaults", action="store_true",
00378                         dest="no_initial_defaults",
00379                         help="Do not establish defaults before running scheduled tasks.")
00381     parser.add_argument("-D", "--initial_defaults_then_exit", action="store_true",
00382                         dest="initial_defaults_only",
00383                         help="Establish defaults and then exit, supersedes -C.")
00385     parser.add_argument("-l", "--loop", action="store_true",
00386                         help="Loop/Cycle forever.")
00388     parser.add_argument("-S", "--syslog", action="store_true",
00389                         help="Send reports to the system defined syslog server (level LOG_INFO).")
00391     parser.add_argument("-T", "--team", required=True, metavar="<team name>",
00392                         help="Team name.")
00394     parser.add_argument("mm_hostname",  metavar="<Mini Maxwell host name or IP address>",
00395                         help='The host name or IP address of the Mini Maxwell/Maxwell G.')
00397     pargs = parser.parse_args()
00399     TeamName =
00400     if pargs.syslog:
00401         UseSyslog = True
00403     mm_hostname = pargs.mm_hostname
00405     if AllFilterNames is None:
00406         AllFilterNames = setfilters.GetAllFilterNames(mm_hostname)
00408     #**************************************************
00409     # Do we just set the defaults and then exit?
00410     #**************************************************
00411     if pargs.initial_defaults_only:
00412         # Coerce default filter settings and impairments to a known (default) state
00413         ShowMessage("Coercing filters and impairments to default state, then exiting")
00414         SetMM(mm_hostname, mm2client.Bands(), [], [], AllFilterNames)
00415         ShowMessage("Stopping - Complete")
00416         sys.exit()
00418     #**************************************************
00419     # Set default values (unless suppressed)
00420     #**************************************************
00421     if pargs.no_initial_defaults:
00422         ShowMessage("Not setting initial defaults")
00423     else:
00424         # Coerce default filter settings and impairments to a known (default) state
00425         ShowMessage("Coercing filters and impairments to default state")
00426         SetMM(mm_hostname, mm2client.Bands(), [], [], AllFilterNames)
00428     skipsecs = pargs.skip
00430     #**************************************************
00431     # Main scheduling loop
00432     # Note: This loop does not repeat setting of the
00433     # default values.  But it does repeat the initial
00434     # (time zero) job.
00435     # Also note that any skipping of initial time is
00436     # done only on the first iteration of this loop.
00437     # When looping the first job of the new iteration
00438     # will start immediately.
00439     #**************************************************
00440     while True:
00441         StartTime =
00443         Jobs = RunList(StartTime, skipsecs)
00444         skipsecs = 0 # We only do the skip on the first cycle
00446         SetupJobs(Jobs, mm_hostname)
00448         # Come up to date with initial and skipped tasks.
00449         ShowMessage("Running initial and skipped tasks to establish state.")
00450         while Jobs.RunNextRequest(StartTime):
00451             pass # Yes, we want to pass, all the work is done in the RunNextRequest()
00453         ShowMessage("Beginning scheduled events")
00455         # Give ourselves a lifetime.
00456         # Add a few seconds to let the last job complete.
00457         sleepsecs = (Jobs.LastRequestStartTime - + 5
00459         # Begin the timer system with a one second interval
00460         rt = RepeatedTimer(1, jobtick)
00461         try:
00462             ShowMessage("Start running for %u seconds." % sleepsecs)
00463             time.sleep(sleepsecs)
00464         finally:
00465             rt.stop() # better in a try/finally block to make sure the program ends!
00467         if not pargs.loop:
00468             break
00470         ShowMessage("Beginning again")
00472     ShowMessage("Stopping - Finished")
00474 #**********************************************************************
00475 # Entry
00476 #**********************************************************************
00477 if __name__ == "__main__":
00479     try:
00480         main()
00481     except Exception, err:
00482         ShowMessage("Unhandled exception:", str(err))
00483         traceback.print_exc()
00485     except KeyboardInterrupt:
00486         ShowMessage("Keyboard Interruptception")

Author(s): Yusuke Furuta
autogenerated on Sat Sep 9 2017 02:33:35