haloc::Utils Member List
This is the complete list of members for haloc::Utils, including all inherited members.
buildTransformation(Mat rvec, Mat tvec)haloc::Utils [inline, static]
calculate3DPoint(const image_geometry::StereoCameraModel stereo_camera_model, const Point2d &left_point, const Point2d &right_point, double max_proj_err, Point3d &world_point)haloc::Utils [inline, static]
crossCheckFilter(const vector< DMatch > &matches1to2, const vector< DMatch > &matches2to1, vector< DMatch > &checked_matches)haloc::Utils [inline, static]
crossCheckThresholdMatching(const Mat &descriptors1, const Mat &descriptors2, double threshold, const Mat &match_mask, vector< DMatch > &matches)haloc::Utils [inline, static]
descriptorExtraction(const Mat &image, vector< KeyPoint > &key_points, Mat &descriptors, string type)haloc::Utils [inline, static]
keypointDetector(const Mat &image, vector< KeyPoint > &key_points, string type)haloc::Utils [inline, static]
ratioMatching(const Mat &descriptors1, const Mat &descriptors2, double ratio, const Mat &match_mask, vector< DMatch > &matches)haloc::Utils [inline, static]
sortByLikelihood(const pair< int, float > p1, const pair< int, float > p2)haloc::Utils [inline, static]
sortByMatching(const pair< int, float > d1, const pair< int, float > d2)haloc::Utils [inline, static]
sortByResponse(const KeyPoint kp1, const KeyPoint kp2)haloc::Utils [inline, static]
sortDescByDistance(const DMatch &d1, const DMatch &d2)haloc::Utils [inline, static]
thresholdMatching(const Mat &descriptors1, const Mat &descriptors2, double threshold, const Mat &match_mask, vector< DMatch > &matches)haloc::Utils [inline, static]

Author(s): Pep Lluis Negre
autogenerated on Thu Feb 11 2016 23:22:48