Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #
00002 # test script for Simulator and Viewer components
00003 # 
00004 # start SimulatorComp and ViewerComp before running this script
00005 #
00006 import rtm
00007 import commands
00009 openhrp_dir = commands.getoutput("pkg-config --variable=prefix openhrp3.1")
00010 project = "file://"+openhrp_dir+"/share/OpenHRP-3.1/sample/project/SamplePD.xml"
00011 sim = rtm.findRTC("Simulator0")
00012 print "sim:",sim
00013 sim.setProperty("project", project)
00014 vwr = rtm.findRTC("Viewer0")
00015 print "vwr:",vwr
00016 vwr.setProperty("project", project)
00017 rtm.connectPorts(sim.port("state"), vwr.port("state"))
00018 vwr.start()
00019 sim.start()

Author(s): AIST, Fumio Kanehiro
autogenerated on Wed Sep 6 2017 02:35:56