Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 from Tkinter import *
00002 from tkMessageBox import *
00003 import datetime
00004 import __builtin__
00005 import threading
00007 def waitInputConfirm(msg):
00008     root = None
00009     try:
00010         root = Tk()
00011         root.withdraw()
00012         ret = askokcancel("waitInputConfirm", msg)
00013         return ret == True
00014     except Exception:
00015         _, e, _ = sys.exc_info()
00016         if "couldn't connect to display" in str(e):
00017             c = raw_input(msg+' (Enter [Y/y] to proceed) ').lower()
00018             return c == 'y' or c == ''
00019         raise
00020     finally:
00021         if root:
00022             root.destroy()
00023     return True
00025 def waitInputSelect(msg):
00026     root = Tk()
00027     root.withdraw()
00028     ret = askyesno("waitInputSelect", msg)
00029     root.destroy()
00030     return ret
00032 class commandPanel:
00033     def __init__(self, frame, wimf, label, cmd, isFirst):
00034         self.wimf = wimf
00035         self.panel = Frame(frame)
00036         self.panel.pack()
00037         self.cmd = cmd
00038         self.isFirst = isFirst
00039         self.bCmd = Button(self.panel, text=label, command=self.processEvent)
00040         self.bCmd.pack(side=LEFT)
00041         self.args = []
00042         self.nstr = cmd.count("#T")
00043         self.nint = cmd.count("#I")
00044         self.ndbl = cmd.count("#D")
00045         if self.nstr:
00046             for i in range(self.nstr):
00047                 tf = Text(self.panel, height=1, width=10)
00048                 tf.pack(side=LEFT)
00049                 self.args.append(tf)
00050                 bc = Button(self.panel, text="select", command=self.selectFile)
00051                 bc.pack(side=LEFT)
00052         elif self.nint:
00053             for i in range(self.nint):
00054                 tf = Text(self.panel, height=1, width=10)
00055                 tf.pack(side=LEFT)
00056                 self.args.append(tf)
00057         elif self.ndbl:
00058             for i in range(self.ndbl):
00059                 tf = Text(self.panel, height=1, width=10)
00060                 tf.pack(side=LEFT)
00061                 self.args.append(tf)
00062         self.continuous = BooleanVar()
00063         if cmd.count("#continuous"):
00064             #self.continuous.set(True)
00065             self.cbContinuous = CheckButton(self.panel, text="continuous", command=self.toggleContinuous, variable=self.continuous)
00066             self.cbContinuous.setSelected(True)
00067         else:
00068             self.cbContinuous = None
00069             self.continuous.set(False)
00070         return
00071     def toggleContinuous(self):
00072         if self.continuous.get() == True:
00073             self.continuous.set(False)
00074         else:
00075             #self.continuous.set(True)
00076             None
00077         return
00078     def selectFile(self):
00079         jfc = JFileChooser(".")
00080         pf = posFilter()
00081         jfc.addChoosableFileFilter(pf)
00082         ret = jfc.showOpenDialog(None)
00083         if ret == 0:
00084             path = jfc.getSelectedFile().toString()
00085             a = path.split("/")
00086             file = a[len(a)-1]
00087             base = file.split(".")[0]
00088             self.args[0].setText(base)
00089     def processEvent(self):
00090         cmd = self.cmd
00091         if self.nstr:
00092             for i in range(self.nstr):
00093                 str = self.args[i].get("1.0",END)
00094                 cmd = cmd.replace("#T", str[0:len(str)-1], 1)
00095         elif self.nint:
00096             for i in range(self.nint):
00097                 str = self.args[i].get("1.0",END)
00098                 cmd = cmd.replace("#I", str[0:len(str)-1], 1)
00099         elif self.ndbl:
00100             for i in range(self.ndbl):
00101                 str = self.args[i].get("1.0",END)
00102                 cmd = cmd.replace("#D", str[0:len(str)-1], 1)
00103         self.wimf.addHistory(cmd)
00104         #print "cmd=",cmd
00105         exec(cmd)
00106         if self.isFirst and self.wimf.isSequential():
00107             self.wimf.advancePage()
00108         return
00110 class waitInputMenuFrame(Frame):
00111     def __init__(self, menu, master=None):
00112         Frame.__init__(self, master, width=400, height=600)
00113         self.master.title('waitInputMenu')
00115         self.lmenu = menu[1:]
00116         self.page = 0
00117         self.pageExec = 0
00118         # panel for tab buttons
00119         panel1 = LabelFrame(self, relief=GROOVE)
00120         panel1.pack()
00121         la = Button(panel1, text='Local', command = self.showLocalFrame)
00122         la.pack(padx = 5, pady = 5, side = LEFT)
00123         lb = Button(panel1, text='Global', command = self.showGlobalFrame)
00124         lb.pack(padx = 5, pady = 5, side = LEFT)
00125         lc = Button(panel1, text='History', command = self.showHistoryFrame)
00126         lc.pack(padx = 5, pady = 5, side = LEFT)
00127         # 
00128         panel2 = Frame(self)
00129         panel2.pack()
00130         # history panel
00131         self.HistoryPanel = Frame(panel2)
00132         self.taHistory = Text(self.HistoryPanel, height=5)
00133         self.taHistory.pack()
00134         # local menu panel
00135         self.localMenuPanel2 = Frame(panel2)
00136         self.localMenuPanel2.pack()
00137         self.localMenuPanel = Frame(self.localMenuPanel2)
00138         self.localMenuPanel.pack()
00139         p = LabelFrame(self.localMenuPanel2)
00140         p.pack()
00141         self.lPage = Label(p)
00142         self.bPrev = Button(p, text="Prev", command=self.prevPage)
00143         self.bPrev.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=LEFT)
00144         self.bNext = Button(p, text="Next", command=self.nextPage)
00145         self.bNext.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=LEFT)
00146         self.bSkip = Button(p, text="Skip", command=self.advancePage)
00147         self.bSkip.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=LEFT)
00148         self.cbSequential = BooleanVar()
00149         cb = Checkbutton(p, text="sequential", command=self.setupPage, variable=self.cbSequential)
00150         cb.pack(padx=5, pady=5, side=LEFT)
00151         self.cbSequential.set(True)
00152         self.setupPage()
00153         # global menu panel
00154         gmenu = menu[0]
00155         self.GlobalMenuPanel = Frame(panel2)
00156         bQuit = Button(self.GlobalMenuPanel, text="Quit", command = exit)
00157         bQuit.pack(padx = 5, pady = 5)
00158         bRestart = Button(self.GlobalMenuPanel, text="Restart", command = self.restart)
00159         bRestart.pack(padx = 5, pady = 5)
00160         for i in range(len(gmenu)/2):
00161             label = gmenu[i*2]
00162             content = gmenu[i*2+1]
00163             if content == "#label":
00164                 p = Label(self.GlobalMenuPanel, text=label, bd=0)
00165             else:
00166                 cp = commandPanel(self.GlobalMenuPanel, self, label, content, False)
00167                 p = cp.panel
00168             p.pack()
00169     def restart(self):
00170         self.pageExec = 0
00171         self.page = 0
00172         self.setupPage()
00173         self.showLocalFrame()
00174         return
00175     def isSequential(self):
00176         return self.cbSequential.get()
00177     def setupPage(self):
00178         for k,v in self.localMenuPanel.children.iteritems():
00179             v.pack_forget()
00180         pmenu = self.lmenu[self.page]
00181         for i in range(len(pmenu)/2):
00182             cp = commandPanel(self.localMenuPanel, self, pmenu[i*2], pmenu[i*2+1], i==0)
00183             if self.page != self.pageExec and self.isSequential():
00184                 cp.bCmd.configure(state='disabled')
00185             else:
00186                 cp.bCmd.configure(state='active')
00187             if cp.continuous.get() and self.page == self.pageExec:
00188                 cp.processEvent()
00189         self.lPage.configure(text=str(self.page+1)+"/"+str(len(self.lmenu)))
00190         if self.page == 0:
00191             self.bPrev.configure(state='disabled')
00192         else:
00193             self.bPrev.configure(state='active')
00194         if self.page == len(self.lmenu)-1:
00195             self.bNext.configure(state='disabled')
00196             self.bSkip.configure(state='disabled')
00197         else:
00198             self.bNext.configure(state='active')
00199             self.bSkip.configure(state='active')
00200         return
00201     def advancePage(self):
00202         if self.pageExec < len(self.lmenu)-1:
00203             self.pageExec += 1
00204             self.page += 1
00205             self.setupPage()
00206         elif self.pageExec == len(self.lmenu)-1:
00207             self.showGlobalFrame()
00208         return
00209     def nextPage(self):
00210         self.page += 1
00211         self.setupPage()
00212         return
00213     def prevPage(self):
00214         self.page -= 1
00215         self.setupPage()
00216         return
00217     def addHistory(self,msg):
00218         dstr = datetime.datetime.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
00219         str = dstr+":"+msg+"\n"
00220         self.taHistory.insert("1.0", str)
00221         return
00222     def showLocalFrame(self):
00223         self.HistoryPanel.pack_forget()
00224         self.GlobalMenuPanel.pack_forget()
00225         self.localMenuPanel2.pack()
00226         return True
00227     def showGlobalFrame(self):
00228         self.localMenuPanel2.pack_forget()
00229         self.HistoryPanel.pack_forget()
00230         self.GlobalMenuPanel.pack()
00231         return True
00232     def showHistoryFrame(self):
00233         self.localMenuPanel2.pack_forget()
00234         self.GlobalMenuPanel.pack_forget()
00235         self.HistoryPanel.pack()
00236         return True
00238 def waitInputMenuMain(menu):
00239     f = waitInputMenuFrame(menu)
00240     f.pack()
00241     f.mainloop()
00243 def waitInputMenu(menu):
00244     thr = threading.Thread(target=waitInputMenuMain, args=(menu,))
00245     thr.start()
00246     return thr
00248 __builtin__.waitInputConfirm = waitInputConfirm
00249 __builtin__.waitInputSelect  = waitInputSelect
00250 __builtin__.waitInputMenu    = waitInputMenu

Author(s): AIST, Fumio Kanehiro
autogenerated on Wed Sep 6 2017 02:35:56