This describe how to setup pycharm to work on your ROS workspace(s)
The environment for your project is not a specific environment per Project/Repository/Package, but rather one environment per Workspace. => The project for Pycharm is at the workspace level.
BEWARE : PyCharm (and Python imports ?) have some issues with symlinks, so you should avoid them if possible when setting up your workspace.
This assumes you are developing ROS packages at the same time as Python packages, in the same workspace. Both workflow need to be combined in order to develop and test with ROS and simultaneously develop and test with Python.
TODO : check pip requirements to retrieve git clones. TODO : check working on ROS workspace + independent python projects in same Pycharm window.
You can work as usual with Python. Pyros_setup will use the configuration provided to setup your ROS environment and be able to import it.