Changelog for package webots_ros2_tiago

2023.1.0 (2023-06-29)

  • Added support for Navigation2 in Iron.

  • Clean simulation reset in launch file.

  • Added new world, resources and launch file to start the TIAGo with real robot configuration.

  • Update driver node to new WebotsController node.

2023.0.4 (2023-05-23)

  • Start ros control and navigation nodes when Webots is ready.

2023.0.3 (2023-04-12)

  • Fixed the calibration of the TIAGo.

  • Improved the launch of the nodes when using navigation.

  • Added Cartographer for SLAM.

2023.0.2 (2023-02-07)

  • Updated supervisor launch.

2022.1.3 (2022-11-02)

  • Added macOS support.

  • Added reset handler to support simulation reset from Webots.

2022.1.2 (2022-10-21)

  • Added WSL support.

1.2.0 (2021-12-21)

  • Adapt the worlds to the new R2022a FLU convention.

1.1.2 (2021-11-03)

  • Initial version (package replaced).