Class MirrorManagerFuture

Class Documentation

class MirrorManagerFuture

Public Functions

void wait() const

Wait for the MirrorManager to finish initializing. This will block until initialization is finished.


The initialization requires some ROS2 service calls, so there needs to be a separate thread running rclcpp::spin(~) while this function blocks. Otherwise it will block forever.

std::future_status wait_for(const rmf_traffic::Duration &timeout) const

Wait for the MirrorManager to finish initializing. This will block until initialization is finished or until the timeout duration has passed.

See also


std::future_status wait_until(const rmf_traffic::Time &time) const

Wait for the MirrorManager to finish initializing. This will block until initialization is finished or until the time has been reached.

See also


bool valid() const

Check if this MirrorManagerFuture is still valid. This means that get() has never been called.

MirrorManager get()

Get the MirrorManager of this future. This will wait until the MirrorManager is initialized before returning it.