Class EasyFullControl::RobotCallbacks

Nested Relationships

This class is a nested type of Class EasyFullControl.

Class Documentation

class RobotCallbacks

Public Functions

RobotCallbacks(NavigationRequest navigate, StopRequest stop, ActionExecutor action_executor)


  • navigate[in] A function that can be used to request the robot to navigate to a location. The function returns a handle which can be used to track the progress of the navigation.

  • stop[in] A function to stop the robot.

  • action_executor[in] The ActionExecutor callback to request the robot to perform an action.

NavigationRequest navigate() const

Get the callback for navigation.

StopRequest stop() const

Get the callback for stopping.

ActionExecutor action_executor() const

Get the action executor.

RobotCallbacks &with_localization(LocalizationRequest localization)

Give the robot a localization callback. Unlike the callbacks used by the constructor, this callback is optional.

LocalizationRequest localize() const

Get the callback for localizing if available.