Class RMWImplementationSpecificPayload

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Types

Class Documentation

class RMWImplementationSpecificPayload

Mechanism for passing rmw implementation specific settings through the ROS interfaces.

Subclassed by rclcpp::detail::RMWImplementationSpecificPublisherPayload, rclcpp::detail::RMWImplementationSpecificSubscriptionPayload

Public Functions

virtual ~RMWImplementationSpecificPayload() = default
bool has_been_customized() const

Return false if this class has not been customized, otherwise true.

It does this based on the value of the rmw implementation identifier that this class reports, and so it is important for a specialization of this class to override the get_rmw_implementation_identifier() method to return something other than nullptr.

virtual const char *get_implementation_identifier() const

Derrived classes should override this and return the identifier of its rmw implementation.