.. _program_listing_file_include_rclcpp_publisher.hpp: Program Listing for File publisher.hpp ====================================== |exhale_lsh| :ref:`Return to documentation for file ` (``include/rclcpp/publisher.hpp``) .. |exhale_lsh| unicode:: U+021B0 .. UPWARDS ARROW WITH TIP LEFTWARDS .. code-block:: cpp // Copyright 2014 Open Source Robotics Foundation, Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #ifndef RCLCPP__PUBLISHER_HPP_ #define RCLCPP__PUBLISHER_HPP_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rcl/error_handling.h" #include "rcl/publisher.h" #include "rmw/error_handling.h" #include "rmw/rmw.h" #include "rosidl_runtime_cpp/traits.hpp" #include "rclcpp/allocator/allocator_common.hpp" #include "rclcpp/allocator/allocator_deleter.hpp" #include "rclcpp/detail/resolve_use_intra_process.hpp" #include "rclcpp/experimental/intra_process_manager.hpp" #include "rclcpp/get_message_type_support_handle.hpp" #include "rclcpp/is_ros_compatible_type.hpp" #include "rclcpp/loaned_message.hpp" #include "rclcpp/macros.hpp" #include "rclcpp/node_interfaces/node_base_interface.hpp" #include "rclcpp/publisher_base.hpp" #include "rclcpp/publisher_options.hpp" #include "rclcpp/type_adapter.hpp" #include "rclcpp/type_support_decl.hpp" #include "rclcpp/visibility_control.hpp" #include "tracetools/tracetools.h" namespace rclcpp { template class LoanedMessage; template> class Publisher : public PublisherBase { public: static_assert( rclcpp::is_ros_compatible_type::value, "given message type is not compatible with ROS and cannot be used with a Publisher"); using PublishedType = typename rclcpp::TypeAdapter::custom_type; using ROSMessageType = typename rclcpp::TypeAdapter::ros_message_type; using PublishedTypeAllocatorTraits = allocator::AllocRebind; using PublishedTypeAllocator = typename PublishedTypeAllocatorTraits::allocator_type; using PublishedTypeDeleter = allocator::Deleter; using ROSMessageTypeAllocatorTraits = allocator::AllocRebind; using ROSMessageTypeAllocator = typename ROSMessageTypeAllocatorTraits::allocator_type; using ROSMessageTypeDeleter = allocator::Deleter; using MessageAllocatorTraits [[deprecated("use PublishedTypeAllocatorTraits")]] = PublishedTypeAllocatorTraits; using MessageAllocator [[deprecated("use PublishedTypeAllocator")]] = PublishedTypeAllocator; using MessageDeleter [[deprecated("use PublishedTypeDeleter")]] = PublishedTypeDeleter; using MessageUniquePtr [[deprecated("use std::unique_ptr")]] = std::unique_ptr; using MessageSharedPtr [[deprecated("use std::shared_ptr")]] = std::shared_ptr; RCLCPP_SMART_PTR_DEFINITIONS(Publisher) Publisher( rclcpp::node_interfaces::NodeBaseInterface * node_base, const std::string & topic, const rclcpp::QoS & qos, const rclcpp::PublisherOptionsWithAllocator & options) : PublisherBase( node_base, topic, rclcpp::get_message_type_support_handle(), options.template to_rcl_publisher_options(qos), // NOTE(methylDragon): Passing these args separately is necessary for event binding options.event_callbacks, options.use_default_callbacks), options_(options), published_type_allocator_(*options.get_allocator()), ros_message_type_allocator_(*options.get_allocator()) { allocator::set_allocator_for_deleter(&published_type_deleter_, &published_type_allocator_); allocator::set_allocator_for_deleter(&ros_message_type_deleter_, &ros_message_type_allocator_); // Setup continues in the post construction method, post_init_setup(). } virtual void post_init_setup( rclcpp::node_interfaces::NodeBaseInterface * node_base, const std::string & topic, const rclcpp::QoS & qos, const rclcpp::PublisherOptionsWithAllocator & options) { // Topic is unused for now. (void)topic; (void)options; // If needed, setup intra process communication. if (rclcpp::detail::resolve_use_intra_process(options_, *node_base)) { auto context = node_base->get_context(); // Get the intra process manager instance for this context. auto ipm = context->get_sub_context(); // Register the publisher with the intra process manager. if (qos.history() != rclcpp::HistoryPolicy::KeepLast) { throw std::invalid_argument( "intraprocess communication allowed only with keep last history qos policy"); } if (qos.depth() == 0) { throw std::invalid_argument( "intraprocess communication is not allowed with a zero qos history depth value"); } if (qos.durability() != rclcpp::DurabilityPolicy::Volatile) { throw std::invalid_argument( "intraprocess communication allowed only with volatile durability"); } uint64_t intra_process_publisher_id = ipm->add_publisher(this->shared_from_this()); this->setup_intra_process( intra_process_publisher_id, ipm); } } virtual ~Publisher() {} rclcpp::LoanedMessage borrow_loaned_message() { return rclcpp::LoanedMessage( *this, this->get_ros_message_type_allocator()); } template typename std::enable_if_t< rosidl_generator_traits::is_message::value && std::is_same::value > publish(std::unique_ptr msg) { if (!intra_process_is_enabled_) { this->do_inter_process_publish(*msg); return; } // If an interprocess subscription exist, then the unique_ptr is promoted // to a shared_ptr and published. // This allows doing the intraprocess publish first and then doing the // interprocess publish, resulting in lower publish-to-subscribe latency. // It's not possible to do that with an unique_ptr, // as do_intra_process_publish takes the ownership of the message. bool inter_process_publish_needed = get_subscription_count() > get_intra_process_subscription_count(); if (inter_process_publish_needed) { auto shared_msg = this->do_intra_process_ros_message_publish_and_return_shared(std::move(msg)); this->do_inter_process_publish(*shared_msg); } else { this->do_intra_process_ros_message_publish(std::move(msg)); } } template typename std::enable_if_t< rosidl_generator_traits::is_message::value && std::is_same::value > publish(const T & msg) { // Avoid allocating when not using intra process. if (!intra_process_is_enabled_) { // In this case we're not using intra process. return this->do_inter_process_publish(msg); } // Otherwise we have to allocate memory in a unique_ptr and pass it along. // As the message is not const, a copy should be made. // A shared_ptr could also be constructed here. auto unique_msg = this->duplicate_ros_message_as_unique_ptr(msg); this->publish(std::move(unique_msg)); } template typename std::enable_if_t< rclcpp::TypeAdapter::is_specialized::value && std::is_same::value > publish(std::unique_ptr msg) { // Avoid allocating when not using intra process. if (!intra_process_is_enabled_) { // In this case we're not using intra process. ROSMessageType ros_msg; rclcpp::TypeAdapter::convert_to_ros_message(*msg, ros_msg); return this->do_inter_process_publish(ros_msg); } bool inter_process_publish_needed = get_subscription_count() > get_intra_process_subscription_count(); if (inter_process_publish_needed) { ROSMessageType ros_msg; // TODO(clalancette): This is unnecessarily doing an additional conversion // that may have already been done in do_intra_process_publish_and_return_shared(). // We should just reuse that effort. rclcpp::TypeAdapter::convert_to_ros_message(*msg, ros_msg); this->do_intra_process_publish(std::move(msg)); this->do_inter_process_publish(ros_msg); } else { this->do_intra_process_publish(std::move(msg)); } } template typename std::enable_if_t< rclcpp::TypeAdapter::is_specialized::value && std::is_same::value > publish(const T & msg) { // Avoid double allocating when not using intra process. if (!intra_process_is_enabled_) { // Convert to the ROS message equivalent and publish it. ROSMessageType ros_msg; rclcpp::TypeAdapter::convert_to_ros_message(msg, ros_msg); // In this case we're not using intra process. return this->do_inter_process_publish(ros_msg); } // Otherwise we have to allocate memory in a unique_ptr and pass it along. // As the message is not const, a copy should be made. // A shared_ptr could also be constructed here. auto unique_msg = this->duplicate_type_adapt_message_as_unique_ptr(msg); this->publish(std::move(unique_msg)); } void publish(const rcl_serialized_message_t & serialized_msg) { return this->do_serialized_publish(&serialized_msg); } void publish(const SerializedMessage & serialized_msg) { return this->do_serialized_publish(&serialized_msg.get_rcl_serialized_message()); } void publish(rclcpp::LoanedMessage && loaned_msg) { if (!loaned_msg.is_valid()) { throw std::runtime_error("loaned message is not valid"); } // verify that publisher supports loaned messages // TODO(Karsten1987): This case separation has to be done in rclcpp // otherwise we have to ensure that every middleware implements // `rmw_publish_loaned_message` explicitly the same way as `rmw_publish` // by taking a copy of the ros message. if (this->can_loan_messages()) { // we release the ownership from the rclpp::LoanedMessage instance // and let the middleware clean up the memory. this->do_loaned_message_publish(std::move(loaned_msg.release())); } else { // we don't release the ownership, let the middleware copy the ros message // and thus the destructor of rclcpp::LoanedMessage cleans up the memory. this->publish(loaned_msg.get()); } } [[deprecated("use get_published_type_allocator() or get_ros_message_type_allocator() instead")]] std::shared_ptr get_allocator() const { return std::make_shared(published_type_allocator_); } PublishedTypeAllocator get_published_type_allocator() const { return published_type_allocator_; } ROSMessageTypeAllocator get_ros_message_type_allocator() const { return ros_message_type_allocator_; } protected: void do_inter_process_publish(const ROSMessageType & msg) { TRACEPOINT(rclcpp_publish, nullptr, static_cast(&msg)); auto status = rcl_publish(publisher_handle_.get(), &msg, nullptr); if (RCL_RET_PUBLISHER_INVALID == status) { rcl_reset_error(); // next call will reset error message if not context if (rcl_publisher_is_valid_except_context(publisher_handle_.get())) { rcl_context_t * context = rcl_publisher_get_context(publisher_handle_.get()); if (nullptr != context && !rcl_context_is_valid(context)) { // publisher is invalid due to context being shutdown return; } } } if (RCL_RET_OK != status) { rclcpp::exceptions::throw_from_rcl_error(status, "failed to publish message"); } } void do_serialized_publish(const rcl_serialized_message_t * serialized_msg) { if (intra_process_is_enabled_) { // TODO(Karsten1987): support serialized message passed by intraprocess throw std::runtime_error("storing serialized messages in intra process is not supported yet"); } auto status = rcl_publish_serialized_message(publisher_handle_.get(), serialized_msg, nullptr); if (RCL_RET_OK != status) { rclcpp::exceptions::throw_from_rcl_error(status, "failed to publish serialized message"); } } void do_loaned_message_publish( std::unique_ptr> msg) { auto status = rcl_publish_loaned_message(publisher_handle_.get(), msg.get(), nullptr); if (RCL_RET_PUBLISHER_INVALID == status) { rcl_reset_error(); // next call will reset error message if not context if (rcl_publisher_is_valid_except_context(publisher_handle_.get())) { rcl_context_t * context = rcl_publisher_get_context(publisher_handle_.get()); if (nullptr != context && !rcl_context_is_valid(context)) { // publisher is invalid due to context being shutdown return; } } } if (RCL_RET_OK != status) { rclcpp::exceptions::throw_from_rcl_error(status, "failed to publish message"); } } void do_intra_process_publish(std::unique_ptr msg) { auto ipm = weak_ipm_.lock(); if (!ipm) { throw std::runtime_error( "intra process publish called after destruction of intra process manager"); } if (!msg) { throw std::runtime_error("cannot publish msg which is a null pointer"); } TRACEPOINT( rclcpp_intra_publish, static_cast(publisher_handle_.get()), msg.get()); ipm->template do_intra_process_publish( intra_process_publisher_id_, std::move(msg), published_type_allocator_); } void do_intra_process_ros_message_publish(std::unique_ptr msg) { auto ipm = weak_ipm_.lock(); if (!ipm) { throw std::runtime_error( "intra process publish called after destruction of intra process manager"); } if (!msg) { throw std::runtime_error("cannot publish msg which is a null pointer"); } TRACEPOINT( rclcpp_intra_publish, static_cast(publisher_handle_.get()), msg.get()); ipm->template do_intra_process_publish( intra_process_publisher_id_, std::move(msg), ros_message_type_allocator_); } std::shared_ptr do_intra_process_ros_message_publish_and_return_shared( std::unique_ptr msg) { auto ipm = weak_ipm_.lock(); if (!ipm) { throw std::runtime_error( "intra process publish called after destruction of intra process manager"); } if (!msg) { throw std::runtime_error("cannot publish msg which is a null pointer"); } TRACEPOINT( rclcpp_intra_publish, static_cast(publisher_handle_.get()), msg.get()); return ipm->template do_intra_process_publish_and_return_shared( intra_process_publisher_id_, std::move(msg), ros_message_type_allocator_); } std::unique_ptr create_ros_message_unique_ptr() { auto ptr = ROSMessageTypeAllocatorTraits::allocate(ros_message_type_allocator_, 1); ROSMessageTypeAllocatorTraits::construct(ros_message_type_allocator_, ptr); return std::unique_ptr(ptr, ros_message_type_deleter_); } std::unique_ptr duplicate_ros_message_as_unique_ptr(const ROSMessageType & msg) { auto ptr = ROSMessageTypeAllocatorTraits::allocate(ros_message_type_allocator_, 1); ROSMessageTypeAllocatorTraits::construct(ros_message_type_allocator_, ptr, msg); return std::unique_ptr(ptr, ros_message_type_deleter_); } std::unique_ptr duplicate_type_adapt_message_as_unique_ptr(const PublishedType & msg) { auto ptr = PublishedTypeAllocatorTraits::allocate(published_type_allocator_, 1); PublishedTypeAllocatorTraits::construct(published_type_allocator_, ptr, msg); return std::unique_ptr(ptr, published_type_deleter_); } const rclcpp::PublisherOptionsWithAllocator options_; PublishedTypeAllocator published_type_allocator_; PublishedTypeDeleter published_type_deleter_; ROSMessageTypeAllocator ros_message_type_allocator_; ROSMessageTypeDeleter ros_message_type_deleter_; }; } // namespace rclcpp #endif // RCLCPP__PUBLISHER_HPP_