.. _program_listing_file_include_rclcpp_event_handler.hpp: Program Listing for File event_handler.hpp ========================================== |exhale_lsh| :ref:`Return to documentation for file ` (``include/rclcpp/event_handler.hpp``) .. |exhale_lsh| unicode:: U+021B0 .. UPWARDS ARROW WITH TIP LEFTWARDS .. code-block:: cpp // Copyright 2019 Open Source Robotics Foundation, Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #ifndef RCLCPP__EVENT_HANDLER_HPP_ #define RCLCPP__EVENT_HANDLER_HPP_ #include #include #include #include #include #include "rcl/error_handling.h" #include "rcl/event_callback.h" #include "rmw/impl/cpp/demangle.hpp" #include "rmw/incompatible_qos_events_statuses.h" #include "rmw/events_statuses/incompatible_type.h" #include "rcutils/logging_macros.h" #include "rclcpp/detail/cpp_callback_trampoline.hpp" #include "rclcpp/exceptions.hpp" #include "rclcpp/function_traits.hpp" #include "rclcpp/logging.hpp" #include "rclcpp/waitable.hpp" namespace rclcpp { using QOSDeadlineRequestedInfo = rmw_requested_deadline_missed_status_t; using QOSDeadlineOfferedInfo = rmw_offered_deadline_missed_status_t; using QOSLivelinessChangedInfo = rmw_liveliness_changed_status_t; using QOSLivelinessLostInfo = rmw_liveliness_lost_status_t; using QOSMessageLostInfo = rmw_message_lost_status_t; using QOSOfferedIncompatibleQoSInfo = rmw_offered_qos_incompatible_event_status_t; using QOSRequestedIncompatibleQoSInfo = rmw_requested_qos_incompatible_event_status_t; using IncompatibleTypeInfo = rmw_incompatible_type_status_t; using MatchedInfo = rmw_matched_status_t; using QOSDeadlineRequestedCallbackType = std::function; using QOSDeadlineOfferedCallbackType = std::function; using QOSLivelinessChangedCallbackType = std::function; using QOSLivelinessLostCallbackType = std::function; using QOSMessageLostCallbackType = std::function; using QOSOfferedIncompatibleQoSCallbackType = std::function; using QOSRequestedIncompatibleQoSCallbackType = std::function; using IncompatibleTypeCallbackType = std::function; using PublisherMatchedCallbackType = std::function; using SubscriptionMatchedCallbackType = std::function; struct PublisherEventCallbacks { QOSDeadlineOfferedCallbackType deadline_callback; QOSLivelinessLostCallbackType liveliness_callback; QOSOfferedIncompatibleQoSCallbackType incompatible_qos_callback; IncompatibleTypeCallbackType incompatible_type_callback; PublisherMatchedCallbackType matched_callback; }; struct SubscriptionEventCallbacks { QOSDeadlineRequestedCallbackType deadline_callback; QOSLivelinessChangedCallbackType liveliness_callback; QOSRequestedIncompatibleQoSCallbackType incompatible_qos_callback; QOSMessageLostCallbackType message_lost_callback; IncompatibleTypeCallbackType incompatible_type_callback; SubscriptionMatchedCallbackType matched_callback; }; class UnsupportedEventTypeException : public exceptions::RCLErrorBase, public std::runtime_error { public: RCLCPP_PUBLIC UnsupportedEventTypeException( rcl_ret_t ret, const rcl_error_state_t * error_state, const std::string & prefix); RCLCPP_PUBLIC UnsupportedEventTypeException( const exceptions::RCLErrorBase & base_exc, const std::string & prefix); }; class EventHandlerBase : public Waitable { public: enum class EntityType : std::size_t { Event, }; RCLCPP_PUBLIC virtual ~EventHandlerBase(); RCLCPP_PUBLIC size_t get_number_of_ready_events() override; RCLCPP_PUBLIC void add_to_wait_set(rcl_wait_set_t * wait_set) override; RCLCPP_PUBLIC bool is_ready(rcl_wait_set_t * wait_set) override; void set_on_ready_callback(std::function callback) override { if (!callback) { throw std::invalid_argument( "The callback passed to set_on_ready_callback " "is not callable."); } // Note: we bind the int identifier argument to this waitable's entity types auto new_callback = [callback, this](size_t number_of_events) { try { callback(number_of_events, static_cast(EntityType::Event)); } catch (const std::exception & exception) { RCLCPP_ERROR_STREAM( // TODO(wjwwood): get this class access to the node logger it is associated with rclcpp::get_logger("rclcpp"), "rclcpp::EventHandlerBase@" << this << " caught " << rmw::impl::cpp::demangle(exception) << " exception in user-provided callback for the 'on ready' callback: " << exception.what()); } catch (...) { RCLCPP_ERROR_STREAM( rclcpp::get_logger("rclcpp"), "rclcpp::EventHandlerBase@" << this << " caught unhandled exception in user-provided callback " << "for the 'on ready' callback"); } }; std::lock_guard lock(callback_mutex_); // Set it temporarily to the new callback, while we replace the old one. // This two-step setting, prevents a gap where the old std::function has // been replaced but the middleware hasn't been told about the new one yet. set_on_new_event_callback( rclcpp::detail::cpp_callback_trampoline, static_cast(&new_callback)); // Store the std::function to keep it in scope, also overwrites the existing one. on_new_event_callback_ = new_callback; // Set it again, now using the permanent storage. set_on_new_event_callback( rclcpp::detail::cpp_callback_trampoline< decltype(on_new_event_callback_), const void *, size_t>, static_cast(&on_new_event_callback_)); } void clear_on_ready_callback() override { std::lock_guard lock(callback_mutex_); if (on_new_event_callback_) { set_on_new_event_callback(nullptr, nullptr); on_new_event_callback_ = nullptr; } } protected: RCLCPP_PUBLIC void set_on_new_event_callback(rcl_event_callback_t callback, const void * user_data); std::recursive_mutex callback_mutex_; std::function on_new_event_callback_{nullptr}; rcl_event_t event_handle_; size_t wait_set_event_index_; }; using QOSEventHandlerBase [[deprecated("Use rclcpp::EventHandlerBase")]] = EventHandlerBase; template class EventHandler : public EventHandlerBase { public: template EventHandler( const EventCallbackT & callback, InitFuncT init_func, ParentHandleT parent_handle, EventTypeEnum event_type) : parent_handle_(parent_handle), event_callback_(callback) { event_handle_ = rcl_get_zero_initialized_event(); rcl_ret_t ret = init_func(&event_handle_, parent_handle.get(), event_type); if (ret != RCL_RET_OK) { if (ret == RCL_RET_UNSUPPORTED) { UnsupportedEventTypeException exc(ret, rcl_get_error_state(), "Failed to initialize event"); rcl_reset_error(); throw exc; } else { rclcpp::exceptions::throw_from_rcl_error(ret, "Failed to initialize event"); } } } ~EventHandler() { // Since the rmw event listener holds a reference to the // "on ready" callback, we need to clear it on destruction of this class. // This clearing is not needed for other rclcpp entities like pub/subs, since // they do own the underlying rmw entities, which are destroyed // on their rclcpp destructors, thus no risk of dangling pointers. clear_on_ready_callback(); } std::shared_ptr take_data() override { EventCallbackInfoT callback_info; rcl_ret_t ret = rcl_take_event(&event_handle_, &callback_info); if (ret != RCL_RET_OK) { RCUTILS_LOG_ERROR_NAMED( "rclcpp", "Couldn't take event info: %s", rcl_get_error_string().str); return nullptr; } return std::static_pointer_cast(std::make_shared(callback_info)); } std::shared_ptr take_data_by_entity_id(size_t id) override { (void)id; return take_data(); } void execute(std::shared_ptr & data) override { if (!data) { throw std::runtime_error("'data' is empty"); } auto callback_ptr = std::static_pointer_cast(data); event_callback_(*callback_ptr); callback_ptr.reset(); } private: using EventCallbackInfoT = typename std::remove_reference::template argument_type<0>>::type; ParentHandleT parent_handle_; EventCallbackT event_callback_; }; template using QOSEventHandler [[deprecated("Use rclcpp::EventHandler")]] = EventHandler; } // namespace rclcpp #endif // RCLCPP__EVENT_HANDLER_HPP_