Template Class MessageEvent
Defined in File message_event.h
Class Documentation
template<typename M>
class MessageEvent Event type for subscriptions, const message_filters::MessageEvent<M const>& can be used in your callback instead of const std::shared_ptr<M const>&.
Useful if you need to retrieve meta-data about the message, such as the full connection header, or the publisher’s node name
Public Types
typedef std::shared_ptr<ConstMessage> ConstMessagePtr
typedef std::function<MessagePtr()> CreateFunction
Public Functions
inline MessageEvent()
inline MessageEvent(const MessageEvent<Message> &rhs)
inline MessageEvent(const MessageEvent<ConstMessage> &rhs)
inline MessageEvent(const MessageEvent<Message> &rhs, bool nonconst_need_copy)
inline MessageEvent(const MessageEvent<ConstMessage> &rhs, bool nonconst_need_copy)
inline MessageEvent(const MessageEvent<void const> &rhs, const CreateFunction &create)
inline MessageEvent(const ConstMessagePtr &message)
- Todo:
Make this explicit in ROS 2.0. Keep as auto-converting for now to maintain backwards compatibility in some places (message_filters)
inline MessageEvent(const ConstMessagePtr &message, rclcpp::Time receipt_time)
inline MessageEvent(const ConstMessagePtr &message, rclcpp::Time receipt_time, bool nonconst_need_copy, const CreateFunction &create)
inline void init(const ConstMessagePtr &message, rclcpp::Time receipt_time, bool nonconst_need_copy, const CreateFunction &create)
inline void operator=(const MessageEvent<Message> &rhs)
inline void operator=(const MessageEvent<ConstMessage> &rhs)
inline std::shared_ptr<M> getMessage() const
Retrieve the message. If M is const, this returns a reference to it. If M is non const and this event requires it, returns a copy. Note that it caches this copy for later use, so it will only every make the copy once.
inline const std::shared_ptr<ConstMessage> &getConstMessage() const
Retrieve a const version of the message.
inline rclcpp::Time getReceiptTime() const
Returns the time at which this message was received.
inline bool nonConstWillCopy() const
inline bool getMessageWillCopy() const
inline bool operator<(const MessageEvent<M> &rhs)
inline bool operator==(const MessageEvent<M> &rhs)
inline bool operator!=(const MessageEvent<M> &rhs)
inline const CreateFunction &getMessageFactory() const
typedef std::shared_ptr<ConstMessage> ConstMessagePtr