Class AccelerationAngular2DStamped

Inheritance Relationships

Base Types

Class Documentation

class AccelerationAngular2DStamped : public fuse_variables::FixedSizeVariable<1>, public fuse_variables::Stamped

Variable representing a 2D angular acceleration at a specific time, with a specific piece of hardware.

This is commonly used to represent a robot’s acceleration. The UUID of this class is constant after construction. As such, the timestamp and device id cannot be modified. The value of the acceleration can be modified.

Public Types

enum [anonymous]

Can be used to directly index variables in the data array.


enumerator YAW

Public Functions

AccelerationAngular2DStamped() = default

Default constructor.

explicit AccelerationAngular2DStamped(const rclcpp::Time &stamp, const fuse_core::UUID &device_id = fuse_core::uuid::NIL)

Construct a 2D acceleration at a specific point in time.

  • stamp[in] The timestamp attached to this velocity.

  • device_id[in] An optional device id, for use when variables originate from multiple robots or devices

inline double &yaw()

Read-write access to the angular acceleration.

inline const double &yaw() const

Read-only access to the angular acceleration.

void print(std::ostream &stream = std::cout) const override

Print a human-readable description of the variable to the provided stream.


stream[out] The stream to write to. Defaults to stdout.


friend class boost::serialization::access